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Meenakshi-Sundaram et al.                                                                                                                                    Stroke thrombolysis in a patient on prasugrel

           INTRODUCTION                                       the onset of stroke, revealed a moderate sized infarct
                                                              involving the left middle cerebral artery territory
           Intravenous thrombolysis is the standard of care in   [Figure 1A and B]. MR angiogram revealed diffuse
           acute ischemic stroke, and is associated with significant   pruning of M1 and significant reduction of signals in
           improvement  in  outcome  measures .  Intracerebral   M2 and M3 segments [Figure 1C]. Echocardiogram
           hemorrhage is an absolute contraindication for     revealed no intracardiac clot.
           thrombolysis. While due diligence must be exercised,
           strict interpretations of relative contraindications   The  risks  and  benefits  of  intravenous  thrombolysis
           might prove a barrier to potentially life changing   were discussed with the family.  After obtaining
           thrombolysis in stroke [2,3] . Hence decisions regarding   informed consent alteplase was administered. Stroke-
           thrombolysis  are  made  on  a  case-by-case  basis .   onset to needle-time was 55 min. Following the bolus
           We  report  a  patient  who,  whilst  on  prasugrel  and   of 5.5 mg, a mild improvement in motor power was
           aspirin for post-myocardial infarction (MI), made a   noted when he could minimally move the right lower
           dramatic recovery from acute ischemic stroke after   limb. There was a gradual improvement of limb power
           thrombolysis.                                      during the infusion of alteplase. He developed an
                                                              oral bleed after 29 mg of the drug had been infused.
           CASE REPORT                                        Further infusion was discontinued. Limb power
                                                              improved to grade 3/5 over the upper and lower limbs,
           A 55-year-old gentleman was referred to our hospital   and verbal comprehension was normal. However, he
           two days following the development of inferior wall   continued to have Broca’s aphasia. CT scan of the
           myocardial infarction (IWMI) diagnosed as ST-      brain, done immediately, did not reveal intracerebral
           elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) that had   hemorrhage.  No  further  administration  of  alteplase
           been treated with antiplatelets and statin.  The last   was done. Fifteen minutes post thrombolysis Broca’s
           ECG at the time of discharge after the IWMI revealed   aphasia  also  significantly  improved  and  he  could
           evolved infarction. Three days after the onset of IWMI   speak several words fluently. NIHSS was 5. Twelve
           he underwent percutaneous angioplasty of the right   hours post thrombolysis, NIHSS was zero. Repeat CT
           coronary artery. Three days following this procedure,   scan did not reveal any hemorrhagic complications.
           he was discharged on the following medications:    Aspirin, 150 mg/day, was started after 24 h and
           aspirin 150 mg/day, prasugrel 10 mg/day, and       clopidogrel, 75 mg/day, after 48 h. He maintained
           atorvastatin  40  mg/day.  While  being  discharged  he   improvement and was  discharged  4  days  after  the
           developed weakness of right sided limbs, inability to   onset of stroke.
           comprehend or talk, and became drowsy. There was
           no history of headache, vomiting, or convulsions. At   DISCUSSION
           the emergency room, his vital parameters were: BP
           110/60 mmHg, pulse 64/min. He had global aphasia,   Alteplase  is  the  only  approved  intravenous
           right gaze palsy, right hemiplegia, hemianopia,    thrombolytic therapy for stroke and is recommended
           hemihypoaesthesia, and sensory inattention. National   in the first 4.5 h following the onset of acute ischemic
           Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) was 28.   stroke .  Contraindications  to  its  use  were  derived
           Blood sugar was 160 mg%. CT scan of the brain was   from the exclusion criteria utilized in major stroke
           unremarkable. MRI of the brain, done 30 min after   trials, and violation of protocols have been shown

           Figure 1: (A) is a diffusion weighted image showing diffusion restriction involving left gangliocapsular and perisylvian regions (shown
           by arrows) corresponding to left middle cerebral artery territory; (B) is the corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient map showing low
           signals in the left gangliocapsular region; (C) shows diffuse pruning of M1 and significant reduction of signals in M2 and M3 segments of
           the left middle cerebral artery (shown by arrows)
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ October 19, 2017             217
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