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Infante et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                     PML after rituximab

                                                              dose administered two  years  before PML  onset)
                                                              without signs of hematological abnormalities; and (3)
                                                              rapid neurological deterioration (day-by-day worsening
                                                              with “sudden”  onset of the symptoms) made  PML
                                                              diagnosis particularly tricky.  Despite single atypical
                                                              characteristics  have already been  reported  in the
                                                              literature,  association  of  such  findings  have  never
                                                              been reported so far.

                                                              As shown by MRI and CT scan, absence of a distinctive
                                                              vascular territory lesion distribution, despite the acute
                                                              clinical  course and the posterior fossa localization
                                                              could have been an early clue to a correct diagnosis.

                                                              In  this  case,  diagnosis of  PML  has been delayed
                                                              because of  the clinical presentation (acute onset of
                                                              cerebellar symptoms), initial lack of anamnestic data

           Figure 5:  Sagittal  brain  magnetic  resonance  imaging,  T2   (i.e. previous chemotherapies  that have been told
           sequences: presence of an asymmetric T2 hyperintensity of white   later) and the presence of hypodense lesion in the first
           matter in bilateral cerebellar, middle cerebellar peduncles, upper   cerebral CT scan, which had been interpreted as acute
           pons and mesenchephalum without oedema
                                                              ischemic lesion, reason why cerebral  MRI was not
           lymphoproliferative disorders. Rituximab is a chimeric   performed in the acute phase.
           human/mouse IgG1 monoclonal antibody that targets
           CD20 antigen expressed on the surface of both      DECLARATIONS
           normal  and  malignant  B lymphocytes; rituximab
           was approved for the treatment of CD20 positive    Acknowledgments
           hematological malignancies, and for non-malignant   The authors thank Dr. Fernando Fronda and Dr. Matteo
           autoimmune disorders, as rheumatoid arthritis and   Pardini for language revision of the manuscript.
           systemic  lupus  erythematosus;  it  can  also  be  used
           with an “off-label” indication in multiple sclerosis and   Authors’ contributions
                                                              Drafted  the  manuscript:  M.T.  Infante,  G.  Novi,  L.
           neuromyelitis optica [7-9] .
           In general population, the risk of PML is 1 in 200,000   Contributed to the analysis and interpretation of data:
           people . However, even if the use of rituximab may   L. Malfatto, R. Gentile, L. Castellan, C. Serrati, M.T.
           increase  the risk of developing  PML, the absolute   Infante, G. Novi, L. Barletta
           risk of PML is probably  low and does not overcome   Revised  the  manuscript,  gave  final  approval  and
           the  benefits  in  term  of  mortality  in  patients  with   agreed to be fully accountable for ensuring the integrity
                                                              and  accuracy  of  the  work:  M.T.  Infante,  G.  Novi,  R.
           hematological  malignancies.  The  disease in this   Gentile, L. Malfatto, L. Castellan, C. Serrati, L. Barletta
           group of patients appears  to set early (following  the
           start of rituximab therapy, with median time of onset   Financial support and sponsorship
           from the last dose being about 6 months), with rapid   None.
           progression  and fatal course (median time to  death
           following diagnosis about 2  months).  Predisposing   Conflicts of interest
           factors  for  rapid progression  of  the disease include   There are no conflicts of interest.
           CD4 count < 500 cells and PML diagnosis within three
           months following therapy initiation [7-10] .       Patient consent
                                                              The patient and his family gave the informed consent.
           The pathophysiology of the rituximab-PML association
           is unclear and, as reported in the literature, does not   Ethics approval
           seem to be solely due to a B cells depletion [11,12] .  All the study procedures  of this case report were
                                                              conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki.
           In this case, the association of many atypical
           characteristics: (1) posterior fossa presentation  (as   REFERENCES
           opposed to the classical hemispherical  lesions); (2)
           absence of recent immunosuppression (last rituximab   1.   Sahraian MA, Radue EW, Eshaghi A, Besliu S, Minagar A. Progressive
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