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Lu et al.                                                                                                                                                                    Microbleeds and inflammatory marker levels

           microbleeds (basal ganglia, thalamus, brainstem    kit; R&D System).  The detectable limit for Serum
           and cerebellum).  Further, we made categories for   IL-6 and MMP-9 were 0.01 pg/mL and 0.01 ng/mL,
           “strictly  lobar  microbleeds”  (persons  with  ≥  1  new   respectively.
           microbleeds restricted to a lobar location) and “deep
           or infratentorial microbleeds” (persons with ≥ 1 new   Statistical analysis
           microbleeds in a deep or infratentorial location with or   Data was analyzed  using SPSS 19.0. Measurement
           without lobar microbleeds). [12]  Silent lacunar infarction   data was described  as mean ± standard deviation
           was  defined  as  an  area  of  low  signal  intensity  on   (SD). Enumeration data was described as number (%).
           T1-weighted  images  with  corresponding  high  signal   T-test and one-way analysis of variance was used for
           intensity on  T2-weighted images, whose diameter   comparisons of continuous variables. We used χ  test
           was > 3 mm and < 15 mm (e.g. dilated perivascular   for enumeration data. Skewed distribution  data was
           space). [13]  Diagnostic criteria of white matter lesion:   described as (Media and Q1-Q3). Kruskal-Wallis test
           periventricular white matter lesions (WMLs) were   followed  by the Mann-Whitney  U test were  used  for
           scored according to the following patterns: no lesions   comparisons between groups. Multivariate logistic
           (0 points); pencil-like or cap-like thin lesions (1 point);   regression analyses were used for calculation of odds
           smooth haloes at lesion site (2 points); and irregular   ratio, in which logarithmically transformed values
           periventricular high signals extending to deep WM   of  inflammatory  markers  were  used. The  results  are
           (3 points). Deep WMLs were scored according to the   shown  as  the  odd  ratios  (OR)  with  95%  confidence
           following  patterns:  no  lesions  (0  points);  punctate   interval (CI). Probability  values were 2-tailed, and
           separate lesions (1 point); fused lesions (2 points);   values of P < 0.05 were considered significant.
           and large fused lesions (3 points).The total score
           was obtained by adding the periventricular and deep   RESULTS
           WMLs scales together. [14]
                                                              CMB distributional characteristics
           Measurement of inflammatory markers                Of the patients, 49 (24.38%) had CMBs. The spatial
           Blood   was   drawn   with   minimally  traumatic  distribution of the CMB number and location was
           venipuncture for measurement of serum inflammatory   as follows: deep or infratentorial, 166 in 30 patients
           markers. Blood were centrifuged by 3,000 g for 15 min   (61.22%); lobar, 88 in 19 patients (38.78%).
           at  4  °C, and then  aliquots were  stored  at -70  °C.
           Serum hs-CRP was measured by latex turbidimetric   Relations between CMBs and traditional risk
           immunoassay with a sensitivity of 0.01 mg/L. Serum   factors
           IL-6  and MMP-9  were measured  by  enzyme-linked   The baseline characteristics of the patients in this study
           immunosorbent assay (High Sensitivity Quantikine   are shown in Tables 1 and 2. There were significant
           kit;  R&D System)  with  a  sensitivity of  0.01  pg/mL.   differences  in  the  traditional  risk  factors  such  as
           Serum MMP-9 was also measured by enzyme-linked     age, the prevalence of hypertension, coronary heart
           immunosorbent assay (High Sensitivity Quantikine   disease,  silent lacunar infarction (SLI) and  WMLs,

           Table 1: Comparison of baseline characteristics between CMB group and no CMB group
                                                  CMB group               No CMB group
            Characteristics                                                                          P
                                                   (n = 49)                 (n = 152)
            Age (years)                           68.61 ± 7.76 †           61.76 ± 11.06           0.011
            Male (n, %)                            29 (59.18)               79 (51.97)             0.483
            BMI (kg/m )                           26.89 ± 2.96             25.63 ± 2.76            0.068
            Smoking (n, %)                         21 (42.85)               37 (47.37)             0.642
            Alcohol intake (n, %)                  26 (53.06)               74 (48.68)             0.494
            Hypertension (n, %)                    33 (67.34) ‡             61 (40.13)             0.001
            DM (n, %)                              20 (40.81)               60 (39.47)             0.868
            HLP (n, %)                             21 (42.85)               57 (37.50)             0.506
            CHD (n, %)                             29 (59.18) †             64 (42.10)             0.048
            SLI (n, %)                             35 (71.42) ‡             47 (30.92)             0.001
            WML (M, Q1-Q3)                          5 (4-6) ‡                2 (1-4)               0.000
            Antithrombotic drugs (n, %)            27 (55.10) †             54 (35.53)             0.019
            MoCA Score                            24.45 ± 0.29 ‡           26.62 ± 0.21            0.006
            hs-CRP [mg/L (M, Q1-Q3)]             6.83 (5.91-9.73) ‡       3.20 (2.10-5.34)         0.000
            IL-6 [pg/mL (M, Q1-Q3)]             8.23 (6.68-12.20) ‡       5.59 (3.72-7.79)         0.000
            MMP-9 [ng/mL (M, Q1-Q3)]           15.98 (13.65-18.46) ‡     11.66 (7.78-15.77)        0.001
           † P < 0.05,  P < 0.01, compared with the no CMB group. CMB: cerebral microbleeds; BMI: body mass index; DM: diabetes mellitus; HLP:
           hyperlipemia; CHD: coronary heart disease; SLI: silent lacunar infarction; hs-CRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; IL: interleukin; MMP:
           matrix metalloproteinase
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