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Lu et al.                                                                                                                                                                    Microbleeds and inflammatory marker levels

           INTRODUCTION                                       malignant disease (n = 4) and patients with severe
                                                              co-morbid  medical  conditions  (n  =  10)  and  those
           Cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) are designated as      using  anti-inflammatory  medications  (n = 13) were
           a  microvascular  disease  which  has  no  related   also excluded. We further excluded patients whose
           symptoms  and  physical  signs.   CMBs  has  a  round   hs-CRP levels were higher  than 8 mg/L (n =  11).
           or ovoid signal of hypointensity (d < 10 mm) in T2*   Finally, 201 patients were included in the analysis.
           Gradient-Recall Echo (GRE) and susceptibility-     We divided the patients into 2  groups based  on
           weighted imaging (SWI) sequences.  Previous        SWI, CMBs group (n = 49) and no CMBs group
           studies suggested that damage of cerebral          (n = 152), CMBs group was further divided into deep
           microvasculature   resulted  from    hypertensive  or infratentorial CMBs group (n = 30) and lobar
           vasculopathy, cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) and   CMBs group (n = 19) based on CMBs location.
           ischemic brain damage.  CMBs are associated with
           hypertensive vasculopathy tends to occur in basal   Risk factors assessment
           ganglia, whereas advanced CAA is associated with a   The data including age, gender, body weight, height
           lobar distribution.  CMBs exists widely in patients of   and medical history of patients such as smoking,
           ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, but also in normal   alcohol intake, heart disease,blood pressure, blood
           elderly individuals.  Previous studies have shown   glucose, serum lipid and the use of antithrombotic drugs
           that  stroke  patients  combined  with  CMBs  have  a   were recorded for analysis. Hypertension was defined
           significantly higher risk of recurrence.  The presence   as blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg on measurements
           of CMBs was also independently associated with     taken on at least two occasions, or patients with a
           cognitive functions.  Multiple CMBs always indicate   history of hypertension and using antihypertensive
           serious microvascular lesion which will increase   drug. Hyperlipidemia was defined as triglyceride level
           risk of rebleeding.  At the same time, patients with   ≥ 1.7 mmol/L; low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level
           CMBs had a higher risk of spontaneous hemorrhage   ≥ 3.4 mmol/L; total cholesterol level ≥ 5.72 mmol/L,
           while receiving anticoagulation and thrombolytic   or use of cholesterol-lowering therapy. Diabetes was
           therapy.   CMBs  are  related  to  antiplatelet-related   defined  as  fasting  blood-glucose  ≥  7.0  mol/L
           intracerebral hemorrhage.  Recently, an individual   and/or postprandial blood sugar ≥ 11.1 mol/L, or use of
           participant meta-analysis showed that C-reactive   antidiabetic therapy. Body mass index was defined as
           protein concentration was associated with the risk   weight [kg]/height [m] . Smoking was defined as ever
           of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke.     smoking but giving up and current smoking. Habitual
           Inflammatory  marker  interleukin-6  (IL-6)  retained  a   alcohol intake was defined as alcohol drinking more
           significant  association  with  coronary  heart  disease   than 20 g/day antiplatelet drugs and anticoagulant
           and ischemic stroke.  A review revealed that matrix   drugs are regarded as antithrombotic drugs. Montreal
           metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) levels were significantly   Cognitive Assessment  Scores  were  used  to  assess
           correlated with severity of stroke, larger infarct   cognitive function.
           volume and worse functional outcome.  For the
           above reason, we sought to choose high-sensitivity   Magnetic resonance imaging parameters and
           C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), IL-6 and MMP-9 to     diagnosis of CMB
           investigate  the  relationship  between  inflammatory   Brain  magnetic  resonance  imaging  (MRI)  was
           marker levels and CMBs so as to prevent CMBs from   performed with a 3.0-tesla MR unit (Achieva; Philips).
           developing.                                        Susceptibility-weighted imaging (TR = 17 ms,  TE
                                                              = 24 ms, 10-mm-thick slices with 5-mm spacing)
           METHODS                                            was included in the routine protocol. All the images
                                                              were compared and analyzed on the workstation by
           Population                                         trained and experienced radiologist and neurologist
           Between June 2013 and March 2015, we recruited     who were blinded to clinical information at the same
           286 participants with a age was greater than 45    time according to the Microbleed Anatomical Rating
           years  of  age  from  both  outpatient  and  in-patient   Scale MARS. [10]  A single CMB was defined as a small,
           services of the Department of Neurology, Peking    round, or ovoid hypointensity of < 10 mm in diameter,
           University Binhai Hospital. In this study, the majority   evident on  T2* GRE or SWI MRI sequences.
           of the patients were without acute or transient    Microbleed mimics (e.g. vessels, mineralization, air-
           neurologic impairment. We excluded 18 patients with   bone interfaces, partial volume artifact at the edges
           a history of intracerebral hemorrhage and 9 patients   of the cerebellum) were excluded. [10]  CMBs were
           with a history of traumatic brain injury. In addition,   divided into lobar microbleeds (cortex, subcortex,
           infectious diseases (n = 12), collagen disease (n = 8),   and  white  matter)  and  deep  or  infratentorial
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