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Identification  database searching (n = 88)  Records identified through other
                                     Records identified through
                                                                  sources (n = 3)

                           Screening        Records after duplicates removed (n = 91)  Excluded after abstract
                                                                               screening (reviews)
                                                                                   (n = 12)

                                                                          Full-text articles excluded, with
                                                                               reasons (n = 30)
                                                                             (1) Failure to report on
                           Eligibility              Full-text articles   inflammatory markers or oxidative
                                                     assessed for
                                                                          markers or neurotrophins in BD
                                                    eligibility (n = 34)
                                                                         patients (n = 3); (2) included adult
                                                                         subjects (n = 19); and (3) examined
                                                                           biomarkers in non affected BD
                                                                               offspring (n = 3)

                           Included              qualitative synthesis (n = 9)
                                                    Studies included in

           Figure 1: Flow diagram

           Table 1: Summary of studies on biological markers in juvenile bipolar disorder
           Study     Type of    Subjects            Age     Psychiatric   Biological   Main findings
                     study      (Dx)               (years)  measures   markers
           Barzman   Cross‑     n = 10 (BD‑I)       12‑17   WASH‑U‑    TNF gene   TNF gene expression correlates with
           et al. [35]  sectional                           KSADS;                both brain activations in amygdala,
                                                            BRACHA                ACG, and OFC and aggression in
                                                                                  adolescents with BD
           Birmaher   Cross‑    n = 30 (18 BD‑I; 1   12‑19  K‑SADS‑PL;   IL‑6;    Manic symptom severity was
           et al. [22]  sectional  BD‑II; 11 BD‑NOS)        MRS; FHS   hsCRP;     significantly associated with hsCRP
                                                                       BDNF       levels
                                                                                  BDNF levels were not correlated with
                                                                                  any illness phase
           Pandey    Longitudinal   n = 47 (26 BD; 21 HC)  7‑17  YMRS;   BDNF     Lymphocyte BDNF mRNA and platelet
           et al. [37]  (8 weeks)                           CDRS‑R                BDNF levels in drug‑free BD subjects
                                                                                  were significantly lower than in HCs
                                                                                  Lymphocyte BDNF mRNA was
                                                                                  significantly increased in medicated
                                                                                  BD subjects compared to drug‑free BD
                                                                                  Lymphocyte BDNF mRNA levels in
                                                                                  long‑term treated BD subjects was
                                                                                  similar to HCs
           Chitty    Cross‑     n = 50 (24 BD‑II; 9   BD 18‑30;   AUDIT;   GSH    Decreased GSH in the ACC of high risk
           et al.  [39]  sectional  BD‑spectrum; 17 HC)  HC 20‑29  DASS;          drinkers BD subjects
                                                            Kessler‑10            No differences in GSH concentration
                                                                                  between BD subjects and HCs
           Lagopoulos   Cross‑   n = 104 (13 BD‑I;   16‑33  HDRS;      GSH        No differences in GSH concentration
           et al. [38]  sectional  25 BD‑II; 15             BPRS;                 between BD subjects and HCs
                                BP‑spectrum; 51 HC)         YMRS;                 No significant association between GSH
                                                            SOFAS;                and age of onset or duration of illness
                                                            K‑10                  No significant correlations between
                                                                                  GSH concentration and mania or
                                                                                  depressive symptoms

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