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imbalance between peripheral levels of pro‑  and   medications, including aspirin, nonsteroidal
           anti‑inflammatory cytokines with proteomic analysis   anti‑inflammatory drugs, TNF‑α antagonists, and omega‑3
           revealing that inflammatory pathways are associated   fatty acids, in the treatment of mood disorders. [30‑34]
           with BD and modified by mood‑stabilizing lithium
           treatment. [1,11]  Furthermore, adult subjects with BD are   Given the increasing interest in the field of
           at higher risk of developing comorbid medical illnesses   neuroinflammatory mechanisms and mood disorders,
           such as diabetes, metabolic and cardiovascular  diseases   we carried out a systematic review of literature
           that  are  also associated with elevated levels of pro‑  analyzing the potential pathogenic role of inflammatory
           inflammatory markers. [12,13]  Potentially involved cytokines   processes, decreased neurotrophin levels and oxidative
           include tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin‑2 (IL‑2),   stress in the pathogenesis of juvenile BD.
           IL‑6, IL‑8, IL‑13 and apolipoprotein A1. [14‑18]
                                                              SEARCH ALGORITHM AND INCLUSION CRITERIA
           Finally, growing evidences are showing that increased
           levels of oxidative stress may be linked to inflammatory   We performed a literature search through PubMed using
           and neuroplasticity pathways [19]  and play a role in   the following search algorithm: (bipolar disorder OR
           the pathophysiology of BD. [20]  A meta‑analysis found   mania OR bipolar depression) AND (child* OR adolesc*
           a significant elevation of oxidative stress biomarkers,   OR youth) AND (neuroinflamm* OR inflamm* OR
           such as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)   neurovascular OR neurotrophin* OR oxidative stress).
           and nitric oxide, during all phases of bipolar illness and   Reports found through cross‑references were also
           preliminary data indicated that oxidative stress may be   reviewed and added if they met established search
           corrected with pharmacological treatments. [5,6]   criteria.

                                                              We included only original studies specifically reporting
           As mood disorders have a relatively young median age
           of onset,  in the last 30 years pediatric mood disorders   measurements of inflammatory markers or oxidative
           have been studied more systematically, especially   stress markers or neurotrophins in subjects diagnosed
           depression and BD. [22‑24]  In addition, studying clinical   with BD. We used the following inclusion criteria:
           features of mood disorders at onset in the offspring of   (1) original research; (2) diagnosis of BD; (3) measurement
           adults with depression or BD has become a promising   of at least one inflammatory marker or neurotrophin or
           research approach. [25,26]                         oxidative stress marker; (4) subjects’ age younger than
                                                              35 years; (5) reports in English language.
           Several reports have shown a relationship between: (1) the   Two psychiatrists screened the article titles for potential
           dysregulation of inflammatory markers (increased levels of   relevance,  reviewed  the identified  abstracts and
           IL‑6, IL‑1β, IL‑2, IL‑10, INF‑α and TNF); (2) genetic variation   selected the full‑text papers potentially meeting the
           in inflammatory genes [C‑reactive protein (CRP)‑gene   inclusion criteria. The papers not meeting established
           polymorphism] and pediatric major depressive       criteria were excluded.
           disorder;  (3) changes in gene expression among subjects
           with active mood disorders;  (4) preliminary evidences   The following variables were extracted from the
           of an association between inflammation and suicidality   reviewed reports: study sample size, type of study,
           in depressed youths (decreased TNF‑α levels in suicidal   subject age range, subject diagnosis, type of rating
           compared to nonsuicidal depressed adolescents ) as   scales and diagnostic interviews, measurement method
           well as increased mRNA and protein expression of IL‑1β,   and type of inflammatory marker investigated and main
           IL‑6 and TNF‑α in Brodmann area 10 of suicide victims   findings of the report.
           relative to controls. [28]
                                                              MAIN FINDINGS
           Among children and adolescents with BD, there
           is a high prevalence of conditions associated with   Nine papers were identified through the initial
           inflammation, such as asthma, cardiovascular       database search, and three adjunctive reports were
           disorders, diabetes and obesity, [12]  often associated   found from cross‑references leading to a total of 91
           with inflammatory markers, [13]  including elevated   screened papers  [Figure  1]. Twelve reviews were
           high‑sensitivity‑C‑reactive protein (hsCRP) and IL‑6. [29]    excluded during the abstract screening. Thirty‑four
           This is even more striking considering that subjects with   full‑text papers were assessed for eligibility and 30
           asthma, allergies, and other inflammatory conditions   of them were excluded due to either  (1) failure to
           were routinely excluded from psychiatric samples.  report on inflammatory or oxidative stress markers
                                                              or neurotrophins (n = 3); (2) included subjects with
           Furthermore, recent studies have also examined the   age > 35 years (n = 19); or (3) included nonaffected
           potential psychiatric applications of anti‑inflammatory   bipolar offspring (n = 3). Thus, 9 studies met all our

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