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well-documented postdiphtheritic complication.  The
                                                              increased prevalence of respiratory and gastrointestinal
                                                              tract infection and the presence of relatively immature
                                                              neural tissue in children may lead to more damaging
                                                              neuroimmune responses to infection, explaining
                                                              the increased vulnerability during childhood. The
                                                              vascular hypothesis proposes that ischemia of roots
                                                              of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves due to
                                                              undetermined causes leads to lower motor neuropathy
                                                              manifesting as palatopharyngeal incompetence. [6]

                                                              Although isolated palatal palsy is often an idiopathic
                                                              disease, establishing this idiopathic nature requires
                                                              the exclusion of other possible factors  such as
           Figure 1: Uvula is deviated to the left side on admission  trauma  (adenoidectomy or craniofacial trauma),
                                                              infection (diphtheria, enteric infection, or poliomyelitis),
                                                              neuromuscular disorders  (Guillain-Barré syndrome
                                                              or motor neuron disease), cranial vessels  (internal
                                                              carotid artery aneurysm or vascular insult), and
                                                              others (syringobulbia, inflammatory disease affecting
                                                              various brain stem nuclei and tracts, or tumors,
                                                              especially of the posterior fossa, which usually
                                                              have a benign course). [5,7]  Definitive viral etiologies
                                                              for HSV, Coxsackie, Rubeola, HAV, Varicella, and
                                                              Epstein-Barr virus have also been established. [4,5,7]
                                                              Isolated mononeuropathy generally follows infections
                                                              of the respiratory tract like infectious mononucleosis
                                                              and parvovirus B-19. [8,9]  Cerebral MRI must also be
                                                              performed as it allows the exclusion of expansile,
           Figure 2: Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showing no abnormalities
                                                              ischemic, or demyelinating lesions of the brainstem.
                                                              Thus, to establish the idiopathic nature of this illness
                                                              requires exhaustive investigation. Understanding the
                                                              somatotropic organization of the vagus nerve and
                                                              associated brain nuclei may help to explain the isolated
                                                              palatopharyngeal involvement of this condition. In
                                                              some rare cases, involvement of the cephalad portion
                                                              of the vagus nerve results in isolated palatopharyngeal
                                                              palsy.  Laryngoscopy provides direct evidence for
                                                              sparing of the vocal cords in this condition as concurrent
                                                              vocal cord palsy has been excluded in cases of isolated
                                                              acquired velopalatopharyngeal palsy (as in the present
                                                              case). [5]

                                                              In a systematic review of the literature from 1960 to
                                                              2012, only 36 case reports of acquired isolated palatal
           Figure 3: Uvula is central and palatal archs are bilaterally symmetrical on the   [10]
           7th day after admission                            palsy were found.  The cause of this condition remains
                                                              undetermined. The disease usually runs a self-limiting
           varying degrees of dysphagia, and commonly mimics   course with complete recovery within 2-3 weeks in
           brainstem lesions.                                 more than 85% of cases. [1,2]  Prognosis is excellent.
                                                              Although oral glycerol and steroids have been used
           The etiopathogenesis of this condition is still elusive.   empirically for early recovery, no specific treatment
           Two probable mechanisms have been hypothesized     is required. [11]  Follow-up is mandatory to observe the
           to  explain  its  etiopathogenesis:  infectious (mainly   further course of the disease. Still, establishing the
           viral) and vascular.  The possibility of an infectious/  benign nature of this disorder requires exhaustive
           postinfectious origin has been well-documented. [4,5]  For   investigation in order to differentiate it from other
           example, acquired isolated palatopharyngeal palsy is a   disorders.

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