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           Neural electro‑physiological results                                     *%6
           There  were  102  cases  (34.7%)  in  AIDP  group  and                      FDVHV
           81 cases (27.6%) in AMAN group [Figure 1]. Based on
           the first electro-physiological testing, 132 patients were
           classified into: 58 cases (43.9%) of AIDP, 24 cases (18.2%)
           of AMAN, 50 cases (37.9%) of unclear [Figure 2]. Cases
           belonged to AMAN group based on two different testing
           results were fewer than the cases in AIDP group and
           unclear classification cases group.                        FDVHV           FDVHV             FDVHV
           Relationship between early nerve conduction block and its
           electro‑physiological changes
           The first electro-physiological results for 132 cases   Figure 1: Neural electro‑physiological results. GBS: Gillan‑Barre syndrome;
                                                              AIDP: acute inflammatory demyelinating poly-neuropathy; AMAN: acute motor
           with rechecks were: 58 cases (44%) in AIDP group,   axonal neuropathy
           24 cases (18%) in AMAN group, 50 cases (38%) in
           unclear classification group  [Figure  3]. A  total of
           36 cases in AIDP group had CB, and cases transforming
           into AIDP and AMAN were 19 and 17, respectively.                       5HFKHFNHG
           Relationship between different types and the prognosis
           The first electro-physiological results and the recheck
           results all demonstrated that comparing to AIDP, AMAN
           had more cases with poor prognosis [Tables 2 and 3]
           (all P < 0.05).

           Relationship between early nerve conduction block and the      FDVHV       FDVHV            FDVHV
           severity of the illness
           Results demonstrated that the severity of the illness
           was related to the development of CB in early stage
           in AIDP group and unclear classification group     Figure 2: One hundred and thirty-two rechecked cases’ first classification.
                                                              AIDP: acute inflammatory demyelinating poly-neuropathy; AMAN: acute motor
           (all P < 0.05) [Table 4].                          axonal neuropathy
           The results of Chi-squared test within each type of
           group were: in AIDP the value was 11.334, P = 0.001,
           in unclear classification the value is 8.408, P = 0.004,
           both with statistical significance; in AMAN group the   )LUVW FODVVLILFDWLRQ  $,'3  $0$1  8QFOHDU
           value is 3.472, P = 0.062, with no statistical difference.

           Relationship between early nerve conduction block and
           prognosis                                          )LQDO FODVVLILFDWLRQ
           Results demonstrated that irrespective of the severity
           of the disease, poor prognosis was not related to the               $,'3       $0$1        8QFOHDU
           development of CB (all P > 0.05) [Tables 5 and 6].

           DISCUSSION                                         Figure 3: One hundred and thirty‑two Gillan‑Barre syndrome patients’
                                                              first  and final neural electro-physiological classifications (conduction  block
                                                              numbers in brackets clear to arrows). AIDP: acute inflammatory demyelinating
           In this study, more male than female patients were   poly‑neuropathy; AMAN: acute motor axonal neuropathy
           included. Respiratory tract and intestinal infections
           were  the  most  common  precursor  events.  A  few   common symptoms were symmetrical limb weakness
           patients had influenza vaccine, H1N1 influenza vaccine   and numbness. Sensory disturbance is usually milder
           and rabies vaccine before the onset of the illness. It   than motor disturbance with reducing or disappearing
           has been reported that H1N1 vaccine maybe is a risk   tendon reflex. The common cranial nerve damages
           factor of GBS, but season influenza vaccine was not   are facial nerve paralysis, drinking water choking,
           related to it. [5,6]  In our data, there is no evidence that   hoarseness, and ophthalmoplegial. All the cases were
           H1N1 influenza vaccine was related to GBS. The most   followed by telephone for 6  months after hospital

          Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation | Volume 1 | Issue 2 | September 2014                              79
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