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were precursor events emerging 1-4 weeks before in   muscle, deltoid, quadriceps, pretibial muscle, and
           some of the patients: respiratory infection or fever   gastrocnemius by observing whether there was a
           in 126  cases  (42.9%), digestive tract infection in   spontaneous activity or not on the resting moment and
           71 cases (24.1%), flu vaccination in 3 patients (1.0%),   by testing the motor unit potential and recruitment
           influenza  vaccination  in 2  cases  (0.7%), rabies   order of slight and strong muscle contraction. [2,3]
           vaccination in 2 cases (0.7%), pregnancy in 1 case (0.3%),
           and the rest cases with no precursor events. The first   Diagnostic and evaluation criteria
           symptom was limb weakness in 276 cases (93.9%),    (1) GBS and nerve block were diagnosed under the
           sensory disturbance in 98 cases (33.3%), and cranial   diagnosis and treatment guidelines of GBS published in
           nerve symptom in 54  cases  (18.4%). There were    2010 by Chinese Medicine Association; (2) the neural
           76 cases (25.9%) with clinical symptoms of cranial   electro-physiological types were classified into AIDP
           nerve lesions, including 36 cases with facial nerve   and AMAN according to the electro-physiological
           paralysis, 8 cases with ophthalmoplegia, 7 cases with   diagnostic standard [Table  1];  (3) normal patients
           diplopia and 62 cases with drinking water choking.   and the patients not satisfying the diagnostic criteria
           There were 102 cases (34.7%) with clinical symptoms   of AIDP and AMAN were included into the unclear
           of disturbance of sensation, 260 cases (88.4%) with   type group; (4) the disease classification and follow-
           upper-limb weakness, 276 cases (93.9%) with lower   up results were marked according to rating scales
           limb weakness. There were 192 cases (65.3%) with   designed by Hughes et al. Based on patients’ ability to
           tendon hyporeflexia, 66 cases (22.4%) with disappearing   walk with the help, patients were classified into mild
           and 11 cases (3.7%) with hyperreflexia. 261 cases had   type and serious type. Patients with Hughes score equal
           a lumbar puncture while they were hospitalized, and   or lesser than two points is the mild type, and equal
           there were 205 cases (78.5%) with albumincytological   or more than three points is a serious type; (5) the
           dissociation. Two hundred and eighteen cases had CSF   prognostic evaluations were marked according to rating
           immunoglobulin test, and there were 178 cases (81.7%)   scales designed by Hughes et al. Based on the patients’
           with high levels of IgG, 36 cases (16.5%) with high   sequelaes (whether can walk without help or not),
           levels of IgM, 137 cases (62.8%) with high levels of IgA.   patients were classified into favorable prognosis type
           The average time to disease peak period was 10 days;   and poor prognosis type. Patients with Hughes score
           65 cases (22.1%) suffered from the lung infection while   equal or lesser than two points is the favorable prognosis
           16 cases (5.4%) suffered from urinary tract infection.  type and equal or more than 3 points is the poor
                                                              prognosis type; (6) follow-up: 294 cases of GBS patients
           Electro‑physiological examination                  included in this study were follow-up by telephone
           Keypoint electromyography made by the Danish Dandi   for 6 months after being discharged from hospital and
           Company was used. Since early stage of the disease, the   103 cases were lost to follow-up, so the response rate
           electro-physiological result showed abnormal F-wave   was 65.0%. Among the remaining 191 cases, 3 died of
           only, and the result of nerve conduction showed    non-GBS cause. There were 188 cases with efficient
           reduction of compound muscle action potential in   results, which were included in this study eventually.
           most cases, so all patients were performed at least
           one electro-physiological examination 2 weeks after   Statistical analysis
           the onset of disease. Of the patients, 132 cases had   Data analysis was carried out using SPSS 17.0 Statistical
           their first electro-physiological examination 2 weeks   Analysis Software (Polar Enginneering and Consulting.
           after the onset of disease and had another check We compared clinical
           within 10-14 days after the first check: (1) All patients   symptom, grading and prognosis between groups with
           had nerve conduction test by using surface electrodes   Chi-squared test, and considered statistical significance
           to record and stimulate. We detected motor conductive   at P < 0.05.
           test on bilateral median nerve, ulnar nerve, peroneal
           nerve, and tibial nerve recording the motor nerve   Table 1: Electro‑physiological types diagnostic standard
           conduction velocity, distal latency, and amplitude,   Types Electro‑physiological  Diagnostic standard %
           etc., and observed whether there was a  nerve            index
           conduction block  (CB) or not. Sensory conduction   AIDP  Conduction velocity   At least 2 nerves have 1 or more
                                                                    far‑end lurk waveform  electro‑physiological behaviors
           test were performed at median nerve, ulnar nerve,        disperse F wave  < 90 LLN; if CMAP < 50 LLN;
           sural nerve, and phil shallow nerve recording the                        < 85 LLN; > 110 ULN; if CMAP < LLN;
           sensory nerve conduction velocity; (2) all patients                      > 120 ULN; clear waveform disperse
                                                                                    > 120 ULN
           had F-wave detection on the median nerve, ulnar     AMAN                 No electro‑physiological behaviors of
           nerve peroneal nerve and tibial nerve by recording the                   AIDP; 2 or more nerves CMAP< 20
           wave rate, latency, etc.; (3) needle electromyography   AIDP: acute inflammatory demyelinating poly‑neuropathy; AMAN: acute motor
                                                              axonal neuropathy; LLN: lower limit of normal; ULN: upper limit of normal;
           were performed on thenar muscle, hypothenar        CMAP: compound muscle action potential

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