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distinguished from CNS sarcoidosis, which leads to a   lobes and frontal lobes, and makes the patient prone
          significant increase in angiotensin-converting enzyme   to epilepsy  and mental symptoms. Herpes simplex
          in the serum and most of the patient’s CSF.         viral encephalitis can be diagnosed easily by typical
                                                              imaging observations [Figure 1]. Rabies encephalitis
          Tuberculous meningitis can easily be confused       often has a history of dog or cat bite; some patients may
          with cryptococcal meningitis, which has similar     have the first attack 10 years after a bite. Until date,
          manifestations, such  as  fever, headache,  and  signs   its pathogenesis has not been explained. Beside the
          of meningeal irritation, but cryptococcal meningitis   clinical manifestations, rabies encephalitis has some
          has higher elevated intracranial pressure, lower CSF   notable symptoms, such as laryngeal muscle cramp,
          chloride, and rarely any red blood cells in the CSF.   hydrophobia, and neck stiffness and opisthotonos. Head
          Cryptococcus meningitis can be confirmed by CSF     imaging generally shows no obvious changes, and some
          India ink capsule staining. By contrast, tuberculous   cases of rabies encephalitis progress quickly. Patients
          meningitis often has red blood cells in the CSF, a greater   may go into coma and then die within a few days.
          number of changes in the WBC count, and higher CSF
          protein.                                            Many cases of viral meningoencephalitis cannot be
                                                              confirmed effectively by testing because of the variation
          Although  T-SPOT.TB  and  Xpert  MTB/RIF assays     in viruses and detection of new viruses. Without
          have improved the positive detection rate of MTB    typical clinical manifestations, such cases are easily
          in CSF, diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis remains   misdiagnosed.
          difficult.  A  modified  acid  fast  stain  designed  by
          doctors  from  the  Department  of  Neurology,  Xijing   Acyclovir, rather than ganciclovir, should be the first choice
          Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University, has   of antiviral treatment for viral encephalitis. According
          significantly improved the positive detection rate of   to the virus treatment principle, treatment should last
          MTB in CSF.  However, there is still an urgent need   at least 3–4 weeks; a few cases may need treatment for
          for more effective testing techniques to improve the   8 weeks or more. When elevated transaminases occur
          detection rate of MTB.                              during treatment, we should distinguish between a

          One way to diagnose tuberculosis is by antituberculosis
          treatment itself. For patients in whom a definitive
          diagnosis is difficult, antituberculosis treatment
          can be used to diagnose - through observation - any
          improvement in clinical symptoms and changes in
          the CSF. For all tuberculotic patients, both standard
          treatment and a strict antituberculosis treatment regimen
          are needed; treatment duration is usually 18–24 months.

          CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM VIRUS INFECTION               a                        b

          In clinical practice, we can make our diagnosis of
          CNS virus infection based on clinical manifestations,
          CSF changes, and corresponding serum or CSF
          virus antibody detection results and neuroimaging
          observations. Using epidemic encephalitis, which is
          insect-borne viral encephalitis, for example, it can
          easily be found in summer and autumn, which are the
          high-incidence seasons. The main pathological changes
          are visible on the thalamus, basal ganglia, brain stem            c
          and cerebellum, with the corresponding changes visible   Figure 1: Magnetic resonance imaging representations of a herpes simplex virus
          on MRI scans. High fever, lethargy, coma and epilepsy   encephalitis patient with intelligent obstacle and epilepsy seizure: high signal
          are the most common symptoms. Herpes simplex        on T2-weighted image, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) image and
                                                              diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) image on bilateral temporal lobe and insular
          viral  encephalitis  often  involves  bilateral  temporal   lobe. (a) T2-weighted image; (b) FLAIR image; (c) DWI image

          Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation | Volume 1 | Issue 1 | June 2014                                    9
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