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DIFFICULTIES IN DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT             such cases, we need to clarify if there is a medical
          OF INFECTIOUS MENINGITIS                            history of systemic lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis,
                                                              or rheumatoid arthritis; order the appropriate laboratory
          The BBB protects the brain tissue, but is also the greatest   investigations; and request a rheumatology consultation.
          obstacle to treatment of infectious meningitis. The focus   Tumor-related meningitis  (immunity meningitis or
          is often on the effective permeation rate of treatment   cancerous meningeal disease) can present with fever
          drugs across the BBB, instead of the sensitivity of the   or other symptoms of meningitis. Detection of tumor
          drug, which can influence the efficacy of treatment. [5]  markers in blood and CSF, cytology testing of CSF, and
                                                              scans  (computed tomography, magnetic resonance
          High doses and a long treatment course are needed   imaging [MRI], and positron emission tomography) can
          for therapy of infectious meningitis. For example, an   be helpful in the differential diagnosis.
          intensive course of treatment for tubercular meningitis
          requires  a  dose  of  isoniazid  of  15  mg/kg per  day,   Differential diagnosis of possible infectious meningitis
          whereas the general dose in instruction is 0.6 g/day.   pathogens
          The treatment course for intracranial tuberculosis   Pathogens causing infectious meningitis include
          is double that for extracranial tuberculosis, that is,   bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is important to distinguish
          4–6 months of intensive treatment and 18–24 months for   the species of pathogens with no result of CSF smear.
          the whole course.  Such doses and treatment courses   Purulent meningitis is easier to identify by observing the
          pose challenges for both doctors and patients.      CSF appearance, CSF cell number, and the percentage
                                                              of multinucleate cells.
          Because of the problems of pathogen isolation and
          difficulty  in  permeating  the  BBB,  doctors  need  to   Viral, tuberculous, and  C.  neoformans meningitis
          perform experimental therapies and choose drugs that   are more difficult to distinguish. The disease course
          can effectively cross the BBB. That means doctors have   for  tuberculous  and  C.  neoformans  meningitis  is
          to break the usage principle of antibiotics or the medical   over 6 weeks, and may be as long as several months,
          insurance regulations. This is also a great challenge.  but that for viral meningitis is often less than 3 weeks.
                                                              The body temperature of a patient with viral or
          From the three points above, we can see that the risk   C.  neoformans meningitis can be over  39°C, but a
          of treatment failure in infectious meningitis is higher   patient with tuberculous meningitis often has fever in
          than in other infectious diseases. Doctors are extremely   the afternoon and the body temperature is below 39°C.
          concerned  about  the  risk  in  specific  countries  and
          regions (tense physician – patient relationship) or of   With regard to CSF examination, the differences
          legal action.                                       between the various meningitis types are as follows:
                                                              (1) pressure: in C. neoformans meningitis, pressure
          DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF MENINGITIS               is above 300 mmH O; in tuberculous meningitis, it is
                                                              more often between 250 and 280 mmH O (rarely above
          Differential diagnosis of infectious and noninfectious   300 mmH O unless there is meninges adhesion); and
          meningitis                                          in viral meningitis, it is normal or a little higher, rarely
          A patient presenting with fever, headache, nausea,   above 250 mmH O.  (2) Glucose and chloride levels:
          emesis, meningeal irritation, and abnormal CSF      in tuberculous meningitis, these are both decreased
          findings (high pressure, increased white cell count,   or  at  least  glucose  is  decreased,  sometimes  below
          and decreased glucose and chloride levels) is easily   1.0 mmol/L; in viral and C. neoformans meningitis,
          misdiagnosed as having meningitis. However, it is   glucose is decreased or normal, often between 2.0 and
          necessary to exclude noninfectious causes of meningitis   2.8 mmol/L, while chloride is generally normal, or
          such as chemicals, connective tissue diseases, and   if decreased, is often between 110 and 118 mmol/L.
          tumors. A patient with chemical meningitis usually has   (3) Protein levels: in tuberculous meningitis, protein
          a clear history of intrathecal medicine injection such   is obviously increased at between 1.0 and 2.0 g/L,
          as cytarabine, methotrexate, or analgesics. Because   and may be over 10 g/L, but in viral and C. neoformans
          chemical meningitis often occurs during a period of   meningitis, it is rarely more than 1.0 g/L.
          hospitalization or in patients with a clear history of using
          specific medicines, it is easier to exclude. Connective   Using MRI with enhancement, we can see that the
          tissue disease-related meningitis is often ignored. In   strengthened signals in the meninges are strongest for

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