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          Pitfalls in clinical diagnosis and treatment of

          infectious meningitis in China

          Jia‑Tang Zhang
          Department of Neurology, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China.

           INTRODUCTION                                       as well as basic research data. The data on meningitis
                                                              in current textbooks are about 40–50 years old, and
          Infectious disease of the central nervous system (CNS),   some are from foreign studies, whereas the chapters on
          such as meningitis, is one of the most important    cerebrovascular disease are updated every 5–10 years.
          categories of neurological conditions. Such diseases   (3) The clinical manifestations of meningitis can be
          are challenging in terms of diagnosis, treatment, and   atypical. Meningitis has shown the greatest change
          prognosis. Meningitis occurs most often in young- and   in clinical manifestations over time compared with
          middle-aged patients, and the rate of misdiagnosis,   other nervous system diseases. “Atypical clinical
          especially during the early stages of the disease, is high.   manifestations” may, in fact, be the current “typical”
          Correct diagnosis and treatment can save lives, but   features, but are different from the manifestations
          many factors, such as difficulty in medications crossing   seen 50  years ago. The 50-year fight between the
          the blood-brain barrier (BBB) can cause difficulty in   meningitis pathogen and the human immune system,
          treatment.                                          the natural variation of the pathogenic organisms, the
                                                              misuse of antibiotics and immune suppressants, and
          ANALYSIS OF THE MISDIAGNOSIS RATE OF                the prevalence of drug addiction and AIDS have all
          INFECTIOUS MENINGITIS                               produced  changes  in  the  clinical  manifestations  of
                                                              meningitis. (4) Obtaining samples of the pathogen is
          There are several reasons for the high rate of      difficult. Taking a biopsy from the mater has technical
          misdiagnosis in meningitis: (1) the development of   limitations, and it may be difficult for the patient and
          this clinical sub-specialty is relatively recent. The   family to accept. The positivity rate for pathogens in
          professional setting and staffing for research into   CSF is very low, except for Cryptococcus neoformans,
          infectious CNS diseases fall behind those for research   which can be 99% in most references. [1,2]  The textbooks
          into cerebrovascular, demyelinating, neuromuscular,   state that the positivity rate for  Mycobacterium
          degenerative,  and  genetic  diseases.  At  present,   tuberculosis by smear and culture of bacteria from
          only a few hospitals in China, such as in Beijing,   CSF can be as high as 30%–40%, but clinical reports
          Shanghai, Xi’an, Shijiazhuang, and Yinchuan, have   from most hospitals show a positive rate of below 10%.
          infection and cerebrospinal fluid cytology  (CSFC)   Of 167 patients with tubercular meningitis who were
          as a professional sub-specialty. (2) The content of   assessed during the period 1990–2010 in our hospital,
          current textbooks is out of date. It lacks data from   only one had a positive result for M. tuberculosis by
          large, double-blind, multicenter, case–control studies,   bacterial smear and culture from CSF samples.  Using
                                                              the new acid-fast stain method of The Fourth Military
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                                                              Medical University, the positivity rate of CSF smear can
               Quick Response Code:                           be above 90%, enabling early diagnosis of tubercular
                                    Website:                  meningitis.  Identifying the pathogens underlying
                                                              cases of viral meningitis, weakly pathogenic bacterial
                                    DOI:                      meningitis, and parasitic meningitis is also difficult. For
                                    10.4103/2347-8659.135566   these reasons, the misdiagnosis rate in early meningitis
                                                              is very high.

          Corresponding Author: Dr. Jia‑Tang Zhang, Department of Neurology, Chinese PLA General Hospital, No. 28 Fuxing Road,
          Haidian, Beijing 100853, China. E‑mail: edwin‑

          Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation | Volume 1 | Issue 1 | June 2014                                    3
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