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We recently described a strong association between   Table 1: Patient and lesion characteristics
           imaging evidence of old silent hemorrhage and       Patients   Age     Sex       Size   Presentation/
           the risk of clinically symptomatic ICH. [21]  Further,        (years)           (cm)    clinical details
           histological examination demonstrated that the degree   1       38     Female     1
           of hemosiderin deposition is positively correlated   2 3        24     Female     3 3
           with the number of macrophages in the lesion. [21]    4         44     Male       1     Incidental
           It is not clear, however, whether the macrophage    5           54     Female     2     Seizure
           response is specific or whether other inflammatory   6 7        49     Female     1 1   Seizure
           cells are also correlated with hemosiderin deposition   8       54     Female     3
           and macrophage. Our previous studies demonstrated   9           47     Female     2     Seizure
           that both macrophage and neutrophil may play roles in   10      39     Female     4 2
           bAVM pathogenesis. [13‑15]  Shi et al. described evidence   12  20     Male       3     Focal deficit
           of adaptive immunological responses in cavernous    13          53     Male       4     Incidental
           malformation. [22]  Although bAVM tissue was used   14          30     Male       3     Headache
           as  control  in  Shi’s  study  and  while  no  oligoclonal   15  49    Female     1 3   Incidental
           response was observed, bAVM had a higher polyclonal   17        30     Male       4
           response compared to normal brain tissue, suggesting   18       30     Female     3
           that lymphocytes may also play a role in bAVM.      19          45     Female     2     Seizure
           In this study, we analyzed lymphocytes in addition to   activity was quenched by incubating slides in 0.3%
           macrophages, and tested the hypothesis that, unlike the   H O  in phosphate‑buffered saline (PBS) for 15 min.
           innate immune cells (macrophages), adaptive immune   After blocking with 10% normal donkey serum,
           cell (lymphocytes)‑infiltration is not associated with   sections were incubated at 4 °C overnight with primary
           micro‑hemorrhage and iron deposition.              antibodies diluted in PBS with 1% BSA in the following
                                                              concentrations: mouse monoclonal antihuman CD68,
           METHODS                                            1:1000; rabbit monoclonal antihuman CD3, 1:400;
                                                              rabbit monoclonal antihuman CD20, 1:200; mouse
           All studies involving patients were approved by    monoclonal antihuman CD138, 1:800. After washing
           the Institutional Review Board of the University of   in PBS, the sections were incubated with horseradish
           California, San Francisco (UCSF), and patients gave   peroxidase labeled antimouse or antirabbit IgG
           informed consent.                                  (vector labs) for 1 h at room temperature. The positive
                                                              staining was visualized using 3, 3‑diaminobenzidene.
           Patients                                           Negative controls were performed by omitting
           Patients with AVMs evaluated at UCSF have been     the primary antibodies during immunostaining.
           entered into an ongoing prospective registry since
           2000. [23]  We identified 24 unruptured brain AVMs   The criteria for identifying hemosiderin were
           from patients who did not undergo preoperative     birefringent or brownish particles seen in the vascular
           embolization or radiosurgery with frozen tissue    wall or interstitial tissue between vessels, and were
           available in our database; 19 samples were located   confirmed by Prussian blue staining on adjacent
           and used in this study [Table 1]. Three superficial   sections. CD68 , CD3 , CD20 , CD138   cells were
           temporal arteries (STA), obtained from autopsies of   quantified by counting the positively stained cells using
           patients who died from nonbrain‑related diseases, were   stereological microscopy (Olympus, Japan).
           used as control.
                                                              Statistical analysis
           Histology                                          All data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation
           Prussian blue staining was performed using Accustain   the differences of means were analyzed using unpaired
           Iron Stain kit (Sigma‑Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) according   Student’s  t‑test.  Exact  binomial  95%  confidence
           to the manufacturer’s protocol.                    intervals (CIs) for proportions are reported. P < 0.05
                                                              was considered as statistically significant.
           For immunohistochemistry, adjacent sections were
           used to stain different surface markers. CD68, CD3,   RESULTS
           CD20 and CD138‑specific antibodies were purchased
           from Abcam (Abcam, Cambridge, MA). Brain AVM       Hemosiderin deposition was present in unruptured brain
           specimens were embedded in optimum cutting         arteriovenous malformations
           temperature, sectioned into 8 μm sections, and fixed   Consistent with our published data, [21]  hemosiderin
           with 4% paraformaldehyde. Endogenous peroxidase    deposition was found in 8 out of 19  specimens

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