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reported controversial findings on the correlation   Using the intranerve CSA variability, the sonographer
           between sonographic and electrophysiological results   may differentiate a focal (higher values) from diffuse
           in MMN patients. [6,8,10]  In view of the severe functional   (lower values) nerve hypertrophy while the internerve
           disability of MMN patients, it remains unknown that of   CSA variability may reveal possible distribution patterns
           these two methods could better highlight the functional   of peripheral nerve impairment.  On the other hand,
           and clinical status of these patients. [11]        the side to side difference ratio of the intranerve CSA
                                                              variability may be useful in detecting any lateralization
           The aim of this review is to provide a timely update   of pathologic changes and the intraplexus CSA
           on the role of the neuromuscular ultrasound in the   variability in differentiating focal (higher values) from
           diagnostic of the MMN.                             diffuse (lower values) brachial plexus hypertrophy. [9,13]

                                                              Currently, 6 studies (evaluating a total of 55 cases)
           Cross-sectional area reference values for peripheral   of nerve sonography in MMN patients have been
           nerves and brachial plexus have been already reported   published  [Table  2]. [6-10,14]  The first description of
           in the literature. [7,12,13]  The difficulty, however, to   pathological ultrasound findings in MMN was
           differentiate normal from a pathologic heterogeneity of   published by Beekman  et  al.  In this report, the
           CSA changes in peripheral nerves, especially in cases of   authors documented at least one anatomical site with
           immune-mediated neuropathies, remains an important   pathological hypertrophy of the median or ulnar or
           limitation of the neuromuscular ultrasound in clinical   radial nerves and/or brachial plexus in 90% of the
           application. CSA enlargement can be the result either   cases. The authors concluded that the neuromuscular
           of edema (usually accompanied by disturbed fascicular   ultrasound may allow the detection of pathological
           echostructure) or hypertrophy (usually accompanied   signs to a greater extent than nerve conduction tests
           by preserved fascisular echostructure).            in MMN. In a later study of 12 MMN patients, nerve
                                                              hypertrophy was documented in the median (forearm),
           Novel ultrasound measures, aiming to quantify      ulnar (Guyons’ canal, forearm, elbow, upper arm) and
           pathologic ultrasound changes of peripheral nerves   tibial nerve (ankle), but not in brachial plexus, when
           in immune-mediated polyneuropathies, have          compared to controls [Figures 1 and 2].
           been recently introduced in the literature: [7,9,11-13]
           (1) the intranerve CSA variability (for each nerve),   Considering  the morphology  of  peripheral  nerve
           defined as maximal CSA/minimal CSA; (2) the internerve   hypertrophy  (focal  vs.  diffuse),  Padua  et  al.   have
           CSA variability (for each patient), defined as nerve   reported the inhomogenous CSA enlargement, mainly
           with maximal intranerve CSA variability/nerve with   of the median, ulnar and fibular nerve in a small group
           minimal intranerve CSA variability; (3) the side to side   of MMN patients. A second study on two MMN patients
           difference ratio of the intranerve CSA variability (for   not only confirmed the focal type of CSA enlargement,
           each nerve), defined as side with maximal intranerve   but also documented the significant lateralization
           CSA variability/side  with minimal intranerve CSA   of ultrasound findings.  Another MMN study has
           variability;  and  (4)  the  intraplexus  CSA  variability   documented a focal type of CSA enlargement in the
           defined as maximal CSA of the brachial plexus/minimal   median nerve, when compared with controls. In addition,
           CSA of the brachial plexus [Table 1].              the higher values of the internerve CSA variability and
                                                              “side to side difference ratio of the intranerve CSA
           Table 1: Equations for calculating the intranerve‑,   variability’’ of the median, ulnar and fibular nerve,
           internerve‑, intraplexus CSA variability and side to side   were attributed by the authors to the possible striking
           difference ratio of the intranerve CSA variability  predilection of MMN to certain peripheral nerves and
           Variability            Calculating equation        the asymmetry of findings respectively. [10]
           Intranerve CSA variability   Maximal CSA/minimal CSA
           (for each nerve)
           Intranerve CSA variability   Peripheral nerve with the maximal   A possible explanation for the CSA enlargement in
           (for each subject)     intranerve CSA variability/  MMN cases could derive from pathological studies at
                                  peripheral nerve with the minimal   sites of conduction blocks. According to these studies,
                                  intranerve CSA variability
           Side to side difference ratio of   Side with the maximal intranerve   perivascular areas contain scattered demyelinated
           the intranerve CSA variability   CSA variability/side with the   axons, which are often surrounded by small onion bulb
           (for each nerve)       minimal intranerve CSA variability  formations.  These onion bulb formation may lead to a
           Intraplexus CSA variability   Maximal CSA of brachial plexus/
           (for each brachial plexus)  minimal CSA of brachial plexus  consecutive CSA enlargement of the nerve. In addition,
           CSA: Cross sectional area                          pathological CSA changes are usually detected at

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