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Renzi et al. Microbiome Res Rep 2024;3:2  Page 7 of 16

               Table 2. Principal genomic databases described according to their ability to discriminate fungal sequences
                Database  Ref.           Description                                        discriminative
                AspGD    [100]           AspGD focuses on the genomes of Aspergillus species. It provides detailed   High within the
                                         genomic data, including gene annotations, functional information, and   genus Aspergillus
                                         comparative genomics. Enables the identification of both the species and strain
                BOLD     [101]           BOLD is a comprehensive online platform primarily dedicated to DNA barcoding  Limited
                                         and biodiversity research. While it is a valuable resource, its primary focus is on
                                         animal barcoding. As a result, its fungal taxonomic discriminative potential is
                                         limited compared to databases specifically tailored for fungi.
                Broad Insitute  http://www.  The Broad Institute has contributed extensively to fungal genomics. It offers   High
                Database  genomic data for a variety of fungal species, with an emphasis on pathogenic
                         scientific-community/  fungi.
                CGD      [102]           CGD is dedicated to Candida species, and it offers genomic sequences, gene   High within the
                                         annotations, and pathogenicity-related information, supporting research on the   genus Candida
                                         genus Candida.
                CYGD     [103]           CYGD offers comprehensive genome annotation and functional data primarily   Limited to species S.
                                         for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. While it provides essential information for yeast   cerevisiae
                                         research, its taxonomic scope is restricted to this species.
                Ensembl   https://fungi.ensembl. Ensembl Fungi is a component of the Ensembl project, offering genomic data and  Moderate
                Fungi    org             tools for various fungal species. While it covers a range of fungi, it may be more
                                         comprehensive for some taxa than others.
                FungiDB  [104]           FungiDB is a genomic database focused on fungal pathogens. It includes a   Moderate
                                         diverse set of fungal genomes, with an emphasis on medically important species.
                FUNGIpath  [105]         FUNGIpath is a resource for fungal pathogen genomics. It provides genomic   Moderate
                                         sequences and annotations for pathogenic fungi, with relevance to disease
                Fusarium-ID  [106]       Fusarium-ID is a specialized database for Fusarium species identification and   High within the
                                         classification. It provides detailed molecular and phenotypic data for various   genus Fusarium
                                         Fusarium species, including pathogenic strains.
                Fusarium   [107]         Fusarium MLST is a database that focuses on sequence-based typing for   High within the
                MLST                     Fusarium species. It allows researchers to differentiate between closely related   genus Fusarium
                                         Fusarium isolates by analyzing multiple gene loci. This database is particularly
                                         useful for studying genetic diversity within the genus.
                ISHAM-ITS  [108]         ISHAM-ITS database is designed to aid in the identification and classification of   High within the
                                         medically important fungi using the fungal Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS)   medical mycology
                                         region of ribosomal DNA. Its taxonomic discriminative potential is high within
                                         the context of identifying and characterizing fungi relevant to human and animal
                ISHAM-   http://mlst.    ISHAM-MLST is dedicated to the Multilocus Sequence Typing of medically   Very high within the
                MLST  important fungi, particularly those associated with human and animal mycoses.   medical mycology
                                         It has a higher taxonomic discriminative potential for distinguishing between
                                         closely related strains within a species.
                JGI      [109]           MycoCosm, hosted by the JGI, provides access to a diverse collection of fungal   High
                MycoCosm                 genomes, including those from various taxonomic groups, making it suitable for
                                         discriminative research.
                NCBI     https://www.ncbi.nlm. NCBI GenBank is a comprehensive and widely used repository for genomic data.  Moderate to high
                GenBank  It covers a wide taxonomic range, including fungi, but the level of detail and
                                         annotation quality can vary.
                NCBI RefSeq  http://www.ncbi.nlm.  NCBI RefSeq offers high-quality genomic annotations and reference sequences,   High
                 making it a preferred choice for researchers seeking accurate taxonomic and
                                         functional information for well-studied fungal species.
                PomBase  [110]           PomBase is primarily focused on Schizosaccharomyces pombe. It provides detailed  Limited to species S.
                                         genomic and functional information for this species, making it an excellent   pombe
                                         resource for S. pombe research. However, its taxonomic scope is limited to this
                SGD      [111]           SGD is dedicated to Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is a comprehensive resource.   High within the
                                         While its primary focus is S. cerevisiae, it contains extensive genomic and   genus Saccharomyces
                                         functional data that can support the study of other Saccharomyces species as
                UNITE    [112]           UNITE provides a comprehensive collection of fungal ITS sequences, covering a   High
                                         broad range of fungal taxa, from common and well-studied species to rare and
                                         less-known fungi.
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