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Falavolti et al.                                                                                                                                                                  Early vascular control in robotic surgery

           INTRODUCTION                                       presented PSA value < 3.5 ng/mL; four patients
                                                              (22.2%) presented higher PSA value and underwent
           Currently,  minimally invasive surgery is the most   previous  trans-rectal ultrasound guided  biopsy  that
           common surgical approach  for symptomatic benign   confirmed the diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
           prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).  According to  the EAU   Uroflowmetry  revealed  in  all  patients  a  peak  flow  <
           (European  Association of Urology) guidelines,     10 mL/s and an average flow < 5 mL/s. The median
           transurethral  resection of the prostate represents   prostatic adenoma  weight estimated preoperatively
           the treatment of choice for men with prostate size <   by US was 95 g (range 80-195). Based on  these
           80 mL. Some patients can be affected by complex    characteristics, our patients were classified as affected
           conditions  such as  large adenoma (>  80 mL)      by complex prostatic hyperplasia and were scheduled
           associated with  moderate-to-severe lower urinary   to  robot-assisted laparoscopic  simple prostatectomy.
           tract  symptoms  (LUTSs)  and/or  concomitant bladder   We collected data about postoperative International
           diverticulum. In these cases, the endoscopic approach   IPSS evaluation, the duration of surgery, the estimated
           should be replaced by  more invasive procedures.   blood loss,  postoperative care and hospitalization.
           Open surgeries such as Trans-Vesical or Retropubic   Then, we statistically analyzed our results in a linear
           Adenomectomies  are indicated  in case of large    regression using the Fisher’s test.
           adenoma and/or complex BPH but these techniques
           often show massive intraoperative  blood  loss and   Surgical technique
           have the  risk  of  blunt dissection particularly in the   All patients were placed in supine position and the
           area around the apex and the urinary sphincter. [2-5]  For   table in deep  Trendelenburg  fashion.  The surgeries
           this reason, new techniques have been developed to   were performed with a transperitoneal approach under
           combine the benefits of open simple prostatectomy with   general anesthesia in each case. Positioning included
           potential advantages of minimally invasive technique   adequate padding of the pressure points on shoulder,
           such as laparoscopic and robotic approaches. Robot-  back,  legs  and  arms.  The  first  trocar  (camera  port)
           assisted laparoscopic  simple prostatectomy (RASP)   was placed paraumbilical  with the open (Hassan)
           represents  a new treatment alternative,  in expert   technique. After the pneumoperitoneum was obtained,
           hands, for these complex cases. This new alternative   we performed a peritoneoscopy and placed the other
           combines  the advantages  of laparoscopic  surgery   robotic trocars under direct visualization. The abdomen
           and  three-dimensional  vision, and increased  digital   was insufflated with a medium pressure of 12 mmHg
           degrees  of freedom, resulting  in surgical  precision   carbon dioxide gas. The ports were placed according
           and improved results. [6,7]  The aim of the present study   to Sotelo et al. [Figure 1]: two robotic ports (8 mm)
           was to demonstrate the possibility of obtaining better   placed 9 cm from the camera port on an imaginary
           intraoperative  and postoperative results with RASP   line  joining  the anterior superior  iliac spine to the
           in terms of estimated blood  loss, postoperative  care   umbilicus; the third robotic port (8 mm) was placed in
           and  hospitalization using  a surgical  variation  to the   the left iliac fossa. Two additional ports were placed
           standard technique: the  temporary bilateral  internal   for the assistant instruments: one  of 5  mm between
           iliac arteries clamping.                           the camera port and the first robotic arm on the upper
                                                              right side and one of 12 mm in the right iliac fossa. We
           METHODS                                            used both 0° and 30° optics, monopolar  and bipolar
                                                              robotic instruments.  The 4-arm da Vinci   Surgical
           Patients and methods                               System was docked and the intervention started with
           We retrospectively reviewed 18 cases of RASPs      the development of the Retzius space and the isolation
           performed  by  two  surgeons  from  March 2010 to   of the internal iliac arteries bilaterally  using two
           May 2012 at two different hospitals. Each procedure   vessel loops.  Then,  we cleared  the  anterior surface
           was performed according to  Sotelo’s  technique [7]   of  the prostate capsule. In  Figure 2  are showed the
           with the addition  of the temporary  clamping  of   iliac arteries occluded with two Bulldog clamps. After
           internal iliac arteries.  All patients were affected by   clamping the arteries, a horizontal cystotomy, through
           severe  symptomatic benign  prostatic hyperplasia.   the bladder mucosa, was made one centimeter cranial
           Preoperative   assessment     included   physical  to the bladder neck. We dissected the adenoma along
           examination,  International  Prostate Symptom Score   the subcapsular plane taking care of the prostatic
           (IPSS) evaluation, serum creatinine, prostate specific   capsule. We used two 2-0 vicryl stitches on the
           antigen  (PSA),  uroflowmetry  (except  for  the  patients   adenoma surface for traction. Extra care was taken at
           with an indwelling catheter) and volumetric suprapubic   the apex of the prostate to avoid injury to the external
           ultrasonography (US). The median preoperative IPSS   sphincter. Accurate hemostasis was achieved before

           was 25.2 (range 16-38).  Fourteen  patients (77.7%)   removing the prostatic adenoma en bloc in an Endo-
             36                                                                                                         Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ March 31, 2017
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