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Mokhtar et al.                                                                                                           Laparoscopic rectosigmoidopexy for intractable rectal prolapse in children

           Table 2: Comparison of results of different techniques for treatment rectal prolapse in children
           Studies              No. of cases                Technique                      Success rate (%)
           Wyatt [21]               21               Posterior sagittal (mesh fixation)          95.2
           Ashcraft et al. [18]     46          Posterior sagittal (levator repair + suspension)  89
           Petren [22]              26           Ekehorn (transanal suture rectosacropexy)       100
           Nazem et al. [3]         41            Perineal mesh rectopexy with sterile talc      98.4
           Sander et al. [10]       56           Ekehorn (transanal suture rectosacropexy)       100
           Ismail et al. [19]       40                 LSRP with sigmoid fixation                100
           Shalaby et al. [7]       52                Laparoscopic mesh rectopexy                100
           Koivusalo et al. [17]    16              LSRP = 6 cases; PSRP = 10 cases             100; 75
           Laituri et al. [23]      10                        PSRP                               70
           Puri [15]                19                        LSRP                               95
           Montes-Tapia et al. [24]  2                 LSRP with sigmoid fixation                100
           Awad et al. [6]          20                        LSRP                               90
           Potter et al. [12]       19                        LSRP                               95
           Gomes-Ferreira et al. [11]  8            Laparoscopic modified Orr-Loygue             100
           Our study                12                 LSRP with sigmoid fixation                91.7
           LSRP: laparoscopic suture rectopexy; PSRP: posterior sagittal rectopexy
           is usually self-limiting as it mostly occurs as a primary   Chronic constipation is by far  the most  common
           condition  without any predisposing  factors.  Surgery   prolapse association as noticed by many authors. [2,16,17]
           is reserved for a very limited number  of cases with   However, persistent straining was found to be the
           persistent prolapse  not responding  to conservative   second most common presentation  in the present
           measures.  These cases can develop  ulceration  and   study which may or may not be accompanied  by
           bleeding with frequent admissions to the hospital due   constipation. Straining was found in 6 of  our cases
           to irreducible  prolapse  and/or poor compliance  of   (50%); 2 cases with ectopia  vesicae,  1 case with
           patients or their parents with conservative treatment.  multiple urinary bladder stones and the last 3 cases
                                                              was associated with constipation. Chronic constipation
           Laparoscopic  approach for rectal prolapse facilitates   together with hard stool causing more straining, which
           many simple and effective minimally invasive techniques   in turn causes increase in the intra-abdominal pressure.
           that  carry  low morbidities and low recurrence rate   The increased intra-abdominal pressure acts upon the
           together with short hospital stay and better cosmesis.   less developed protecting mechanisms causing the
           Of the various laparoscopic techniques, we chose the   rectum to prolapse.
           3-point  fixation  of  the  rectosigmoid  colon.  Fibrosis
           developed by retrorectal dissection, rectopexy to the   All of  our 12  patients were essentially presenting
           periosteum of the sacral promontory and sigmoidopexy   with a  full-thickness rectal prolapse either primary
                                                              or secondary  so all of them underwent  laparoscopic
           onto the abdominal wall.
                                                              rectopexy and sigmoidopexy.  The concept behind  is
                                                              to create 3-point fixation, 2-point fixation to the rectum
           Our study was conducted on 12 cases, 8 females and   by suture and fibrosis developed after dissection and
           4 males with a male to female ratio of 1:2. Randall et al. [2]   the  3rd  fixation  point  is  at  the  sigmoid  colon  thus
           in their study reported that there was no sex difference   preserving and  restoring of  the normal rectosigmoid
           (6  females  and  5  males),  however,  Awad  et  al.,    angle preventing the occurrence of  intussusception
           Shalaby et al.,  Potter et al. [12]  and Puri [15]  in their studies   at a higher points, proposed as a cause of failure as
           reported that male patients outnumbered female ones.   reported in other studies [18]  while  adding  additional
           The age incidence in our series ranged from 6 months   fixation to the bowel. Sigmoid fixation also resolved the
           to 9 years with a peak of 1-3 years [Table 2].     problem of rectosigmoid redundancy, a major cause of
                                                              recto anal intussusception.
           Conservative  measures  are the key for treatment of
           rectal prolapse and it should be tried in all cases. In   The mean operative  time in our series was 58.42 ±
           the  present  study,  the  success  rate  of  conservative   22.75 min, similar to the mean time in Ismail et al. [19]
           measures was 76.9%. Generally, surgical intervention   (60 min), but less than the mean time in other studies
           is only recommended after failure of conservative   using laparoscopy. [6,11,12,15]
           measures. However, this period varies depending on
           the severity of prolapse (frequent manual reductions,   The overall recurrence was 1 case out of  12 cases
           non-compliant  patient/parents,  length of  prolapse,   (8.3%). It was mucosal prolapse which improved over
           ulceration, and impending gangrene).               6  weeks by conservative measures in the  form  of

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