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Mokhtar et al.                                                                                                           Laparoscopic rectosigmoidopexy for intractable rectal prolapse in children

           INTRODUCTION                                       done by open or laparoscopic approach. Laparoscopy
                                                              is gaining  wide acceptance in the management  of
           Complete rectal prolapse is defined as the protrusion   rectal prolapse in children. [6,7,11,12]
           of all layers of the rectal wall through the anal canal.
           If prolapse of the rectal wall occurred  but does   The laparoscopic approach facilitates many minimally
           not  protrude through the  anus it  is  called “rectal   invasive  techniques  that proved  to be effective
           intussusception” or “occult rectal prolapse”. Complete   and simple with many advantages including  better
           rectal prolapse should be distinguished from mucosal   cosmesis, rapid return of  intestinal motility,  short
           prolapse, in which mucosal prolapse the only protrusion   hospital stay, low morbidity and low recurrence rate.
           is the anal mucosa. In children it usually presents as a   We propose our concept of laparoscopic rectopexy and
           self-limiting disorder. The peak incidence is between 1   sigmoidopexy by 3-point fixation is a new concept for
           and 3 years of age and it has equal gender distribution. [1-3]  management of complete persistent rectal prolapse.

           Prolapse can be either partial or complete.  The   METHODS
           majority of cases have no obvious  cause, though in
           western countries it  is usually related to  excessive   From July 2015 to July 2016, a total of 65 children with
           straining,  constipation,  cystic  fibrosis  or  functional   complete rectal prolapse presented to Pediatric Surgery
           defecation disorder,  however,  gastroenteritis and   Department in El Shatby University Hospital were
           parasitic infestation associated with rectal prolapse are   enlisted and evaluated. Detailed history from all patients
           commonly seen in third-world countries. [4-6]      including: age, gender, weight, history of the presenting
                                                              symptoms, duration of the prolapse.  Associated
           Conservative measures are considered the first line of   symptoms  e.g.  bleeding,  constipation,  incontinence,
           treatment in all cases of rectal prolapse in children. It   straining and ulcers, associated comorbidities as ectopia
           proved to be effective in controlling prolapse in most of   vesicae, nutritional history and history of previous
           primary cases.  This includes reduction of the prolapse   operations for treatment of rectal prolapse such as
           to decrease edema, bleeding and mucosal ulceration.   injection sclerotherapy and the  Thiersch operation.
           Supporting the perineum during defecation, defecation   They were subjected to clinical examination in the
           in  recumbent  position,  and  taping  the buttocks to   form of general examination, inspection of perineum
           prevent the prolapse from  recurring spontaneously,
           may be helpful as well  as proper  toilet training.   for externally visible prolapse, and rectal examination
           Medical  and  dietary  treatment for the predisposing   to detect ulcers and polyps, degree of prolapse and
           factors with stool softeners, laxatives, adequate fluid   prolapse length. Routine laboratory investigations and
           intake and high fiber diet for treatment of constipation   stool analysis for parasitic infestation was performed.
           and avoidance  of  straining is important. Further,
           treatment  for  parasitic infestations and investigation   Conservative  measures  were  attempted  in  all  cases
           and treatment for malabsorption and cystic fibrosis are   in the form of proper toilet training, reduction of the
           among conservative measures.                       prolapsed bowel, adhesive strapping of the buttocks,
                                                              avoidance of squatting position on defecation, adequate
           Surgical  treatment  should  be  reserved  for  cases   fluid intake, high fiber diet, stool softeners and laxatives
           resistant to adequate conservative measures. Surgical   for  3  months.  Twelve  of  65  cases  were  filtered.  The
           treatment includes a wide range of abdominal or    inclusion criteria included cases with complete persistent
           perineal surgical operations. With such a wide variety   rectal prolapse more than 3 months with optimum
           of  treatment  options  and  variable  success  rates,  the   conservative measures, recurrent or persistent prolapse
           optimal treatment for this condition in children is widely   after previous trials of injection sclerotherapy or other
           controversial. [3,4,7,8]                           previous surgery for rectal prolapse correction.  The
                                                              exclusion criteria were grade I prolapse, complete rectal
           The aim of surgical  management of full-thickness   prolapse grade II responding to conservative measures
           prolapse  is to eliminate  the external prolapse  of the   and patients with spinal or sacral anomalies.
           rectum, improve bowel  function, and reduce the
           incidence  of  recurrence. [9,10]   Presacral rectopexy has   Cystic fibrosis testing was deemed unnecessary due
           become  one  of the successful approaches  to the   to the extremely low incidence  in our population. All
           treatment of rectal prolapse. This technique has many   children with persistent rectal prolapse after successful
           modifications in addition to the use of different types of   treatment of secondary causes, as well as those who
           mesh. However, all involved mobilization and upward   had  recurrence after previous surgery, underwent
           fixation of the rectum to the presacral fascia and was   Laparoscopic  rectopexy and sigmoidopexy.  Patients

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