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Sawabata et al.                                                                                                                                                               Pulmonary wedge resection for NSCLC

           an acceptable alternative treatment for selected patients   noninvasive  (35 patients, 12.1%)  and  invasive  (254
           with T1N0M0 disease. Koike et al. [38]  studied 74 patients   patients, 87.9%) adenocarcinomas  were 97.1%
           who received intentional limited resections for T1N0M0   and 92.4%, respectively, and the difference was not
           (< 2 cm) disease, and uncovered that the calculated   statistically significant. It is currently widely accepted
           3-year and 5-year survival rates were 94.0% and 89.1%,   that the radiologic  criteria of a consolidation/tumor
           respectively, which did not significantly differ from those   ratio of 0.25 or less in clinical T1a and 0.50 in clinical
           of a lobectomy group.  They therefore concluded that   T1a-b are both able to define a homogeneous group
           in  patients  with  peripheral  T1N0M0  NSCLC  whose   of patients with an excellent prognosis before surgery.
           maximum tumor diameter was 2 cm or less, the outcome
           of limited pulmonary resection is comparable with that   Margin-distance is an indicator of recurrence among
           of pulmonary lobectomy. Okada et al. [39]  also examined   patients with solid but not GGO predominant lesions. In
           260 sublobar resections, including 30 wedge resections,   the study by Moon et al., [41]  there was no recurrence in
           in comparison to 260 lobectomies, and found that DFS   GGO-predominant tumors after sublobar resection, and
           and overall survivals were similar in both groups. The   this was not influenced by margin-distance. However,
           5-year DFS and overall survival were 85.9% and 89.6%,   for solid-predominant tumors, the 5-year recurrence-
           respectively for the sublobar resection group, and 83.4%   free survival after sublobar resection according to
           and 89.1%, respectively for the lobar resection group.   margin-distances of less than 5 mm and more than 5 mm
           The conclusion was that sublobar resection should be   were 24.2% and 79.6 %, respectively (P = 0.001). The
           considered as an alternative for stage IA NSCLC 2   conclusion therefore was as follows that the distance
           cm or less, even in low-risk patients. [39]  These results   between the tumor and resection margin does not
           could lay the foundation for starting new randomized   affect the recurrence after R0 sublobar resection in
           controlled trials, which could revolutionize lung cancer   patients with clinical N0 GGO-predominant lung cancer
           surgery in this era of early detection. In this context, a   less than 3 cm but margin distance is a significant risk
           phase III randomized trial of lobectomy versus limited   factor for recurrence after sublobar resection in patients
           resection  (segmentectomy)  for  small  (2  cm  or  less)   with clinical N0 solid-predominant lung cancer. [41]
           peripheral NSCLC (JCOG0802/WJOG4607L) has been
           conducted in Japan.                                Stereotactic body radiation therapy
                                                              Because conventional 2-dimentional radiation therapy
           Pulmonary wedge resection for GGO                  of lung cancer has resulted in inadequate rates of local
           predominant lesions                                control and adverse effects,  it is being  replaced  by
           In the 2010s, there was an increase in the number   SBRT,  which is mainly administered  for stage I  lung
           of articles that examined  GGO  lesions  in regard to   cancer  with acceptable  morbidity  and  local  control
           surgery.  Asamura  et al. [40]  conducted a prospective   rates. [42,43]   Among inoperable  patients,  the mortality
           multi-institutional study whereby image diagnosis was   and severe morbidity from SBRT were few, and the
           used  to  define  early  (noninvasive)  adenocarcinomas   5-year survival rate was less than 20% (17-19%). [44-46]
           of the lung  (Japan  Clinical  Oncology  Group 0201).   Additionally, in non-biased  patients with stage IA
           This study demonstrated that a consolidation/tumor   NSCLC, mortality and severe morbidity seldom
           ratio on thin-section  computed tomography  (CT)   occurred, but controllable  radiation  pneumonitis
           scans of 0.25 or less for cT1a (less than or equal to   developed in up to 20% of the patients, and the median
           2.0 cm) lesions  was a better radiologic  criterion  for   5-year survival rate was 39% (ranged, 30-73%). [47-50]  It
           early pathology than a ratio of 0.50 or less for T1a-b   has also been reported that the outcome of surgery is
           (less than or equal  to 3.0 cm) tumors. This criterion   superior to SBRT.
           was used for prognostic evaluation of 545 patients with
           adenocarcinoma who underwent lobectomy and lymph   Comparison of pulmonary wedge resection
           node dissection. Using a consolidation/tumor ratio of   and radiation therapy
           0.25 or less, the overall survival and 5-year relapse-  Clinical  observational studies that compared the
           free survival of the patients were 90.6% and 84.7%,   outcomes of  pulmonary wedge resection to  SBRT
           respectively. With a ratio 0.5 or less for T1a-b lesions,   suggest SBRT is inferior [11,13,18]  but comparable
           the 5-year overall survival  for radiologic  noninvasive   to  wedge/sublobar pulmonary resection among
           (121 patients, 22.2%) and invasive (424 patients,   operable [53]  and elderly [54]  patients.
           77.8%) adenocarcinomas  was 96.7%  and 88.9%,
           respectively,  and this difference was statistically   PROSPECTIVE CLINICAL STUDIES
           significant (P < 0.001, log-rank test). However, when a
           consolidation/tumor ratio of 0.25 or less for clinical T1a   Pulmonary wedge resection
           was used, the 5-year overall survival rates of radiologic   The Lung Cancer Study Group (LCSG) conducted the
                          Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ March 31, 2017                                17
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