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Sawabata et al.                                                                                                                                                               Pulmonary wedge resection for NSCLC

           Table 1: Retrospective institutional study of pulmonary wedge resection for clinical stage I NSCLC from 2000 to 2010
                                  Age,  T1a < 2 cm,   GGO        Margin  Mortality,   Local   5-YSR (%) [3-YSR (%)], RR
           Author         Year n  years   n (%)  dominant   OP   positive  n (%)  relapse,   Sublober/
                                                                                 n (%)   wedge  Seg Lob    P
           Griffin et al. [10]  2006 31  Mean   NA  NA    Wedge    NA     NA      NA      (35)   NA  (35)  0.8
           Yendamuri et al. [11]  2007 68  NA  NA   NA    Wedge    NA     0 (0)   NA      (58)   NA  NA   0.08
           Kraev et al. [12]  2007 74  NA  31 (42)  NA    Wedge    NA     NA      NA      (37)   NA  (52)  0.1
                                                          T > 3 cm                        (35)   NA  (35)  0.9
                                                          T < 3 cm                        (35)   NA  (60)  0.01
           El-Sherif et al. [14]  2007 81 Mean   NA  NA   Sublober   NA   0 (0)   6 (7)  NA (RFS)  NA  NA  NA
                                   70                     (wedge
                                                          55; 68%)
                              40                          MD > 1          0 (0)   3 (8)  (35) [80]  NA  NA  0.2
                              41                          MD < 1          0 (0)  6 (15)  (58) [78]  NA  NA  (0.7)
           Grills et al. [13]  2010 69 0 (0%)  NA   NA    Wedge    NA     0 (0)  20 (29)  (52) [79]  NA  NA  0.01
           Wisnivesky et al. [15]  2010 196 > 75   196 (100)  NA  Sublober  NA  NA  NA    1.1    NA  Ref  NS
                                  (62%)                                                                  (Cox)
           NSCLC: non-small cell lung cancer; GGO: ground glass opacity; OP: operation; YSR: year survival rate; RR: relative risk; NA: not assessed or
           not available; MD: margin distance; RFS: relapse free survival rate; NS: not significant; Seg: segmentectomy; Lob: lobectomy; Ref: reference

           in size (P = 0.029). They concluded  that tumor size   stage I NSCLC and patient outcomes has often been
           appears to be an important factor to be considered in   a consideration in the 2010s. This critical observation
           preoperative planning. [12]  Based on these findings, the   may have  led  to the designation  of “occult margin
           authors recommended randomized trials to confirm the   malignancy”  (malignant  positive cytological  surgical
           superiority of lobectomy over wedge resection for stage   margin without histological positive result), which was
           IA lung cancers. [12]  The implications of tumor distance   introduced by Sawabata et al. [23]  This “occult margin
           from surgical margin (margin-distance) in mini-invasive   malignancy”  occurs not only in wedge resections,
           surgery have also been addressed. El-Sherif et al. [14]   but also in segmentectomies and lobectomies. [24]
           demonstrated  that  margin-distance  had  a  significant   Furthermore,  it  had  been  revealed  that  insufficient
           impact on local recurrences. In  their report, 14.6%   margin-distance  correlated with positive margin
           (6/41) of  the patients with margin-distances  of less   cytology results. [25]  Therefore, in order to achieve clean
           than 1 cm developed local recurrences compared to   surgical  margins (negative  for malignancy)  recent
           7.5% (3/40) of patients with margin-distances equal to   wedge  resection  may  be  carried  out  with  sufficient
           or greater than 1 cm (P = 0.04). Segmentectomy was   margin-distance. Sawabata et al. [17]  reported that both
           the choice of surgery for 17% (7/41) and 47.5% (19/40)   M/T  and  margin  cytology  findings  were  indicators  of
           of the patients with margin-distances of less than 1 cm   cancer recurrence and survival. In their series, all seven
           and equal to or greater than 1 cm, respectively. The   cases of surgical margin recurrences were associated
           authors concluded  that margin-distance  was an    with positive margin cytology results. Additionally, the
           important consideration  after  sublobar resection of   5-year survival rate was 54.2% (n = 24) for M/T less
           NSCLC, because  wedge  resection  was frequently   than 1, and 84.6% for M/T more than 1 (n = 13, P =
           associated with margins less than 1 cm and a high-risk   0.05), while it was 38.5% for positive margins (n = 13)
           for  loco-regional recurrence. [14]   Although the clinical   and 79.2% for negative margins (n = 24, P = 0.001).
           implications  of tumor size and margin-distance  were   The authors  therefore  concluded  that a pulmonary
           evaluated, margin cytology and ground glass opacity   wedge resection for peripheral NSCLC should result in
           (GGO) did not receive much attention in the 2000s.  a negative malignant margin, which might be achieved
                                                              with an M/T of more than 1. However, Maurizi et al. [26]
           Investigations published in the 2010s are summarized   reported that  among 243 consecutive patients with
           in Table 2. The mortality rate was also very low during   a functional contraindication to major lung resection,
           this period, with a 5-YSR of 55-65% (median, 61%) for   and  who therefore underwent  wedge  resection  with
           all ages [16-20]  and 41% for aged patients. [21]  The 5-YSR   systematic lymph node (LN) dissection for clinical
           seems to have improved in the 2010s, and this may   stage I NSCLC, loco-regional  (lung  parenchyma,
           be because the detection rate of small stage I tumors   hilum, mediastinum) recurrence rate  was 26.4%
           had increased for every decade as shown in the report   (n  = 48),  distant recurrence rate was 11%  (n  = 20),
           from the Japanese  Joint Committee  of Lung  Cancer   5-YSR was 70.4%, and 5-year disease-free survival
           Registry. [22]                                     (DFS)  rate  was  51.7%.  When  the  first  3  groups
                                                              were  compared,  there  was  no  statistically  significant
           The status of surgical margin of wedge resected clinical   difference in loco-regional recurrence (P = 0.9), distant
             14                                                                                                       Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ March 31, 2017
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