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Nakamura et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2022;6:50  Page 7 of 20

               Table 1. ESD stages and electrosurgical settings (VIO 300D, Erbe) in our facility
                Knife           Marking    Mucosal incision       Submucosal dissection   Hemostasis
                Needle-type knife: dual   · Forced COAG,  · EndoCut I, E2, D3, I3  · Forced COAG, E2, 50 W   · Forced COAG, E2, 50
                knife, Flush knife, etc.  E2, 25 W                · Swift COAG, E2, 50 W   W (Minor bleeding)
                                · Soft COAG,                      · EndoCut I, E2, D3, I3
                                E4, 40 W
                Bended-tip needle knife  · Forced COAG,  · EndoCut I, E2, D3, I3  · Forced COAG, E2, 50 W   · Spray COAG, E2, 40-
                type: hook knife  E2, 20 W                        · Spray COAG, E2, 40 W   60 W
                                · Soft COAG,                                              (Minor bleeding)
                                E4, 40 W
                Partially insulated-type   · EndoCut I, E2, D3, I3  · Swift COAG, E3, 80 W   · Swift COAG, E3, 80 W
                knife: IT-knife 2, etc.
                                                                  · Forced COAG, E3, 50 W   · Forced COAG, E3
                                                                  · EndoCut I, E2, D3, I3  (Minor bleeding)
                Scissor type: clutch   · Forced COAG,  · EndoCut Q, E1, D2, I1 (Coagulation  · EndoCut Q, E1, D2, I1 (Coagulation  · Soft COAG, E4, 80W
                cutter, SB knife  E3, 20 W  before cutting: soft COAG, E4,   before cutting: soft COAG, E4,
                                           80W)                   80W)
                Hemostatic forceps:                                                       · Soft COAG, E5, 90W
                coagulasper, etc.
               D: Duration; E: effect; I: interval.

               Table 2. ESD stages and electrosurgical settings (VIO 3, Erbe) in our facility
                Knife               Marking                  Submucosal dissection    Hemostasis
                Needle-type knife: dual knife,   · Forced COAG, E   · EndoCUT I, E1,   · Forced COAG, E7.0   · Forced COAG, E6.5 (Minor
                flush knife, etc.   0.7           D3, I3     · EndoCUT I, E1, D3, I3  bleeding)
                                    · Soft COAG, E4
                Bended-tip needle knife type:   · Forced COAG,   · EndoCUT I, E1,   · Spray COAG E4.7   · Forced COAG, E6.5 (Minor
                hook knife          Effect 4.5    D3, I3     · Forced COAG, Eeffect 7  bleeding)
                                    · Soft COAG, E5  · DRY CUT, E2.5
                Partially insulated-type knife:   · EndoCUT I, E2,   · Swift COAG, Effect 6.0   · Swift COAG, Effect 6.0
                IT-knife 2, etc.                  D3, I3     · EndoCUT I, E2, D3, I3 (Submucosa   (Minor bleeding)
                                                             without vessels)
                Hemostatic forceps:                                                   · Soft COAG, Effect 6.0
                coagulasper, etc.

               Table 3. ESD stages and electrosurgical settings (ESG 300, Olympus) in our facility
                Knife                Marking        Mucosal incision                Hemostasis
                Needle-type knife: dual knife,   · Forced COAG, Effect  · Pulse CUT Fast, E2,   · Forced COAG, E3, 50 W  · Forced COAG, E3, 50 W
                Flush knife, etc.    2, 40 W        40-100 W       · Pulse CUT Fast, E2, 40-  (Minor bleeding)
                                     · Soft COAG, Effect 3,        100 W
                                     80 W
                Partially insulated-type knife:     · Pulse CUT Fast, E3,   · Power COAG, E3, 80-  · Power COAG, E3, 80-120 W
                hook knife                          100 W          120 W            (Minor bleeding)
                                                                   · Pulse CUT Fast, Effect 3,
                                                                   100 W
                Hemostatic forceps:                                                 · Soft COAG, Effect 3, 100 W
                Coagulasper, etc.

               open the incised mucosal line [Figure 5B]. If the mucosal incision starts from the anti-gravity side, the
               lesion loses mucosal tension, shifts to the gravity side, and makes the mucosal incision on the gravity side
               difficult [Figure 5C]. A lesion on the gravity side presents the most difficult dissection position because
               spontaneous flapping of the dissected specimen by gravity cannot be achieved, and the fluid in the stomach
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