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Page 4 of 18          Thinagaran et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2021;5:46

                                                 Figure 1. Right ureteric dissection.

                                  Figure 2. Clipping of the right ureter just above the right vesico-ureteric junction.

               Following informed consent, once in the operating room the patient receives a general anaesthetic and is
               then placed in lithotomy position with maximal Trendelenburg tilt. With arms fixed to the side of the body,
               a pneumatic calf compressor is attached and the upper torso covered by a warming blanket. Broad spectrum
               antibiotic  prophylaxis  is  administered  at  induction.  Per-urethral  bladder  catheter  is  placed.
               Thromboprophylaxis is given in recovery, and continued for 1 month postoperatively.

               Trocar placement
               This is similar to a robotic prostatectomy, but the trocar placement is shifted cranially. An 8 mm camera
               port is inserted at a left paramedian point 5-6 cm above the umbilicus, with 2 further 8 mm robotic ports
               placed 8-10 cm on either side, at the level of umbilicus. A further 8-10 cm lateral to the left port, a 15 mm
               port is inserted, 2-3 cm superomedial to the left anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS). This is later used to
               pass the bowel staplers and also serves as the port for the 4th arm. There are 2 other 12 mm assistant ports,
               one between the camera and the right robotic port and another one 2-3 cm superomedial to the right
               ASIS .
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