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Page 4 of 12             Adams et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2023;7:18

               Table 1. Short-Term Outcomes of Laparoscopic vs. Robotic vs. Open Liver Resection for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
                First               Tumor  Major                  Intraoperative   Major   Length  30-day
                Author,   Approach n  Size,   Hep.,   Operative  Conversion,   Blood Loss, ml   complications,  of stay  Mortality,
                Year,               cm    %     Time, min %       (mean)       %           (days)  %
                Uy, 2015   LLR   11   4.15   54.5   272.5   NR    325          9.1         9     NR
                SI RC [52]  OLR  26  4.25 a  84.6  335 a          750* a       26.9        11 a
                Lee, 2016   LLR   14   3.5   50.0   255   NR      325          17.4        15    NR
                SI RC [53]  OLR  23  4.0 a  82.6  330 a           625* a       21.4        20 a
                Wei, 2017  LLR   12   5.25   58.3   212   16.7    350          16.7        14    0
                SI RC [54]  OLR  20  6 a  55    230 a             350  a       15          11 a  0
                Zhu, 2019   LLR   18   6   55.6   225   11.1      200          5.6         6     0
                SI RC, PSM [  OLR  36  6  61.1  190* a            300 a        11.1        6 a   0
                Martin,   LLR   312   5.01   37.8   NR  NR        NR           NR          NR    NR
                2019    OLR     1997 6.40* b  54.5*
                Database [40
                Kinoshita,   LLR   15   2.6   NR  360   NR        150          13          NR    NR
                2019    OLR     21  3.4 b       358 a             500 a        19
                MI RC
                Hobeika,   LLR   109  NR  47.7   240    13.8      200          22.9        7     5.5
                                                  a                  a                       a
                2020    OLR     109       47.7  263               346*         26.6        14*   3.7
                MI RC, PSM
                Kang, 2020  LLR   24   4.7   75   407.2   20      1717.2       70.8        8.9   NR
                SI RC, PSM [  OLR  24  4.1 b  75  316.4 b         800.0 b      79.2 c      15.3* b
                Wu, 2020  LLR   18   NR   33    305     NR        375          6           6     0
                   [57]                           a                  a                      a
                SI RC   OLR     25        52    300               500*         8           9*    4
                Haber,   LLR    27   6.0   70   314     7         NR           19          10    7
                2020    OLR     31  6.5 a  78   282 a                          32          12* a  0
                SI RC
                Ratti, 2021  LLR   150  5.3   34   270   11.3     150          4           4     1.3
                      [               b           b                  b                      a
                SI RC, PSM  OLR  150  5.8  36.7  230              350*         8           6     1.3
                Wang,   LLR     30   4.7    56.7   231    20      200          3.3         8.8    0
                                      b            b                 b                        b
                2022    OLR     65  5.7   81.5*  225.3            300*         12.3        10.6*  0
                SI RC
                Sahakyan,   LLR   50   5.5   38   209   10        NR           24          5     4
                2022    OLR     50  5.8 b  74*  294* b                         38          8* a  10 d
                MI RC, PSM
                Brustia,   LLR   89   4.67   53.9   NR  17.9      NR           8.9         NR    NR
                2022    OLR     89  5.32 b  68.5                               17.9
                PSM [59]
                Hamad,   RLR    72   5.1   45.5   NR    8.3       NR           NR          5.8   2.2
                                      b                                                      b
                2022    OLR     1804 6.8  67.3*                                            8.9*  3.0
                Shapera,   RLR   15   5.5   87   331    NR        100          13          4     6.7
                                      b           b                  b                     b
                2022    OLR     19  4.5   95    356               420*         26.3        7     5.3
                SI RC [60]
               Outcome Definitions: Major hepatectomy:  3 consecutive liver segments  . Major complications: Clavien-Dindo grade  IIIa complications unless
               otherwise noted. Hep: Hepatectomy; SI: Single institution; RC: retrospective cohort; LLR: Laparoscopic liver resection; OLR: open liver resection;
               NR: not reported; PSM: propensity-score matched (matched data presented); MI: multi-institution; RLR: robotic liver resection. *Designates
                              a            b            c                                    d
               statistical significance.  Reported as median.  Reported as mean.  Included Clavien-Dindo grade II and above complications.  Reported as 90-day
               adhere to these recommendations at the broad national level, with a National Cancer Database (NCDB)
               study demonstrating a low overall rate of LND for 58.2% of ICC cases and only 24.8% with an adequate
               examination of 6+ lymph nodes per guidelines . In fact, if there is a major deficiency of LLR in the
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