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Ohmori et al.                                                                                                                                                                                              FPCF for bony stenosis

           The upper extremity pain experienced  by patients
           with cervical  radiculopathy  is commonly  caused  by
           either lateral cervical disc herniation or stenosis of the
           intervertebral foramen due to  a bone spur resulting
           from spondylosis.  Surgical  treatment of cervical
           radiculopathy can be divided into two  procedures:
           anterior cervical decompression and fusion [1-4]  or
           posterior foraminotomy. [5-9]   The latter option involves
           three types of procedures:  open, [5-9]  microscopic [10,11]
           and micro-endoscopic surgery. [12-16]
                                                              Figure 1: Percentage of resection of the facet joint was calculated
           The use of  full-endoscopic  posterior cervical    by Y/X × 100% which was measured on the coronal plane on
           foraminotomy (FPCF)  to  treat  lateral disc herniation   postoperative computer tomography scans
           was first reported by Ruetten et al. [17,18]  in 2007. They
           concluded that FPCF is a sufficient and safe supplement   A         B               C
           and alternative to conventional procedures. Since then,
           Kim et al. [19,20]  also suggested FPCF is an alternative to
           open surgery. However, there has been no comparison
           of  FPCF  outcomes in patients with cervical lateral
           disc herniation versus those with bony stenosis of the
           intervertebral foramen. Therefore, the aim of this study
           was to  compare clinical outcomes of  FPCF  in these
           two groups of patients.


           We retrospectively assessed 59 consecutive patients   Figure 2: Intraoperative images determining the location of the skin
           [45 men, 14 women; mean age 53.7 (30-81) years] who   incision. Location of the intervertebral disc at the C5/6 level (A) and
           underwent  FPCF for cervical  radiculopathy  between   the medial edge of the facet joint (B) were marked as lines under
           October 2014 and July 2016. All patients had either a   intraoperative fluoroscopy. A small skin incision (C) approximately
                                                              8 mm in length is made at the intersection (arrow)
           single-level symptomatic lateral disc herniation or bony
           stenosis of the intervertebral foramen, none of which   Statistical significance was defined as P < 0.05 (two-
           were recurrent. Conservative therapy was pursued for   sided).
           at  least 3 months  before surgery.  The indication  for
           surgery was persistent radicular pain or neurological   FPCF surgical technique
           deficits.  Among  the  59  patients,  the  affected  level   FPCF was performed according to the method of
           was C4/5 (n = 16), C5/6 (n = 25), C6/7 (n = 16), and   Ruetten et al. [17]  The patient was placed in the prone
           C7/T1  (n  =  2).  Thirty-four patients had lateral disc   position  under general  anesthesia.  In patients with
           herniation (group H), and 25 had bony stenosis of the   pathology on the left side of C5/6, a skin incision was
           intervertebral foramen (group S). All diagnoses were   made under fluoroscopy at the intersection of a line at
           confirmed on preoperative computed tomography (CT)   the C5/6 disc level [Figure 2A] and a line at the medial
           scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).        edge of the facet joint on the left side [Figure 2B]. A
                                                              skin incision approximately 8 mm in length was made
           The variables assessed and compared between groups   at  that  point  [Figure 2C],  and a full endoscope was
           H and S included operative time, complications, length   inserted. The outer diameter of the entire endoscope
           of hospital stay, visual analog pain scale (VAS) scores   was 6.9 mm; the working  channel  was 4.2 mm in
           of  pre-and  postoperative  neck  and  arm  pain,  and   diameter. The angle of vision was 25°, and the outer
           the  amount  of  facet  joint  resection.  The  percentage   diameter of  the working sleeve (beveled type) was
           of facet joint resection was measured on the coronal   7.9 mm.  All instruments were made by WOLF
           plane of postoperative CT images that revealed the   (RIWOspine GmbH, Knittlingen, Germany).
           widest bone removal [Figure 1].
                                                              After removal of the connective tissue attached to the
           Clinical and radiographic parameters were statistically   vertebral lamina, the vertebral laminae at C5 and C6
           analyzed with Mann-Whitney U and chi-square tests.   were clearly exposed, and the interlaminar  window
            64                                                                                                          Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ June 30, 2017
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