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Ma et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2022;6:179-203 Journal of Translational
DOI: 10.20517/jtgg.2021.48
Genetics and Genomics
Review Open Access
Stem cell-based therapy for myopic maculopathy: a
new concept
Ya Ma, Yan-Ping Li, Zi-Bing Jin
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Eye Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing
Ophthalmology & Visual Science Key Laboratory, Beijing 100730, China.
Correspondence to: Prof. Zi-Bing Jin, Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Eye Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital,
Capital Medical University, Beijing Ophthalmology & Visual Science Key Laboratory, Hougou Lane 17#, Dongcheng District,
Beijing 100730, China. E-mail:
How to cite this article: Ma Y, Li YP, Jin ZB. Stem cell-based therapy for myopic maculopathy: a new concept. J Transl Genet
Genom 2022;6:179-203.
Received: 25 Sep 2021 First Decision: 20 Jan 2022 Revised: 27 Feb 2022 Accepted: 15 Mar 2022 Published: 27 Apr 2022
Academic Editors: Bernhard H.F. Weber Copy Editor: Tiantian Shi Production Editor: Tiantian Shi
Myopia has reached epidemic proportions in the world, especially in East Asia. Pathologic myopia is an extreme
type of high myopia that can cause irreversible blindness. Myopic maculopathy is one of the characteristics of
pathologic myopia. Nowadays, limited treatments can preserve the visual outcome of these patients. We review
the current treatment in practice for myopic maculopathy. Furthermore, based on the current stem cell-based
therapy used in degenerative ocular diseases, we discuss a new concept of stem cell therapy for myopic
Keywords: Pathologic myopia, myopic maculopathy, stem cell
Myopia is one of the most common ocular disorders in the world, especially in East Asia. High myopia is
the condition that eyes have refractive error ≤ -6.00 diopter when ocular accommodation is relaxed .
Pathologic myopia is an extreme type of high myopia with characteristic fundus changes including posterior
staphyloma and myopic maculopathy equal to or more serious than diffuse choroidal atrophy .
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