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Fichera et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2020;4:114-32  I                                         Page 117

               Table 1. Clinical features of the six subjects with 1q deletion
                                                  Sporadic cases                           Family
                                  Case 1       Case 2       Case 3      Case 4       Case 5      Case 6
                 Chromosome   1q23.1q24.2   1q23.3q24.2  1q24.2q25.3  1q24.3q31.3  1q24.3q25.2  1q24.3q25.2
                 180k CGH array:   chr1:164358165-  chr1:166325047- chr1:170500104- Chr1: 172579926- chr1:172667560- chr1:172667560-
                 deleted interval,   168556004  176709133  184283033  195051375  178548677   178548677
                 Size of the deletion 4.1 Mb  10.3 Mb   13.7 Mb     22.5 Mb      5.9 Mb      5.9 Mb
                 Critical region   SRO-P    SRO-P, 2, -I   SRO-I, -D  SRO-I, -D  None        None
                 Inheritance  De novo      De novo      De novo     De novo      De novo     Pat inherited
                 Parental origin  Not tested  Mat       Pat         Not tested   Pat         Pat
                 Age at diagnosis  17 years  4 years    7 years     4 years      38 years    At birth
                 Sex          M             M           M           M            M           F
                 Mother’s age at   29 years  40 years   18 years    34 years     31 years    31 years
                 Father’s age at   31 years  43 years   20 years    34 years     37 years    38 years
                 Previous clinical   None   Aarskog-Scott   Aarkog-Scott   None  None
                 suspicion                  and Robinow   and Robinow
                                            Syndromes   Syndromes
                 Previous negative  K, Tel-MPLA, Frax- K, Tel-Fish, FDG1,  K, FDG1 gene   K  None  None
                 genetic testing  A/-E     GJB-WSI** gene  variant
                 IUGR         No            Yes         Yes         Yes          No          Yes
                 Week of gestation At term  40 weeks    36 weeks    43 weeks     NR          37 weeks
                 Birth weight  50th percentile  3 rd percentile  3rd percentile  -3 SD  NR   3rd percentile
                 Birth OFC    25th percentile  -2 SD    3rd percentile  NR       NR          -2 DS
                 Birth length  50-75th percentile -1.75 SD  3rd percentile  NR   NR          10th percentile
                 Breast feeding   Yes       No          NR          NR           No          Yes
                 Post-natal growth  No      Yes         Yes         Yes          No          No
                At last evaluation
                 Age          18 years      5 years     7 years     10 years     38 years    8 months
                 Weight       10-25th percentile -2 SD  << 3rd percentile < 10th   25th percentile  10-25th percentile
                 OFC          25-50th percentile -2 SD  -4 SD       -3 SD        25th percentile  -3 SD

                 Height       ≤25th percentile  -3.5 SD  -4 SD      -2 SD        25th percentile  50-75th percentile
                Neurodevelopment and CNS
                 Intellectual   Moderate (IQ:54) Moderate   Severe (IQ:38)  Severe (IQ:44)  No  NA
                 disability (degree)        (IQ:50)
                 Delayed/absent   Coprolalia and   Absent  Absent   Absent       No          NA
                 speech       soliloquy
                 Hypotonia    Yes           No          Yes with joint laxity    No          No
                 Epilepsy/seizures  No      + (Focal epilepsy) Non-epileptic   No  No        No
                 Sensorineural   No         + (mild)    No          NR           No          NT
                 hearing loss
                 Brain MRI    Normal        Enlarged    NT          Thin corpus   NT         NT
                                            ventricles              callosum
                 Behavior     Repetitive    Aggressiveness,  Impulsiveness  None
                              movements, OCT,  hyperactivity
                              apathy, abulia
                Facial dysmorphisms
                 Sparse hair/  No           Yes         Yes         Yes          No          No
                 Hypertelorism  No          Yes         Yes                      No          No
                 Dysplastic ears  Yes       Yes         Yes         Yes          No          No
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