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Page 10 of 15                          Hu et al. J Mater Inf 2023;3:1  I

                                                RMSE= 0.212
                                       2         2
                                                R  =  0.892


                                    ediction  4



                                                5          4          3          2

               Figure 6. Comparison of the machine learning predicted       with the simulation measurements. A linear fit (red dashed line) is included for

               will be a variance-bias trade-off. With small polynomial degrees, the bias can be rather high, but the variance
               can be small. The model under-fits the training data and thus cannot capture the test data trends well. The
               performance can be improved by increasing the model complexity. The minimum at polynomial degree 6
               indicates the best performance with a reasonable variance-bias trade-off. With a further increasing degree
               (> 6), the bias can be small, but the variance can be rather high. The model will be too complex so as to over-
               fit the training data but cannot well generalize to the test data. That is why RMSE shows a V-shape. Further
               increasing to degree 8 will greatly increase RMSE, especially for the linear regression model. Given the size of
               the dataset and consideration of the degree of freedom, any degree that is higher than 8 is not practical. Thus,
               we believe a model with polynomials at degree 6 is the global optimum.Therefore, we would expect that the
               optimizedmodelisRidgeregressionwithasix-degreepolynomial. Therearehencearound210featuresderived
               from the four basic features. Specifically, this algorithm is to estimate the coefficient set {   0 ,    1 ,    2 , ...,       } that
               minimizes the loss function
                                              ∑          ∑            ∑
                                                 (      −    0 −                ) +        ,            (5)
                                                =1          =1          =1
                                                                                th              th
               where the dataset has    observations with    predictors (features),         is the    predictor of the    feature,      
               is the corresponding label, and    is the non-negative regularization strength. To account for the overfitting
               probability, we characterize the learning curve of the optimized model. Basically, a subset of the original data
               will be generated internally for training and the rest for testing. With 10-fold cross-validations, the model is
               trained with different training sizes, and its performance is plotted in Figure 5B. Remarkably, with increasing
               training size, the training score is only slightly worse, but the testing performance is dramatically improved.
               Both scores tend to saturate and merge at ∼ 3000 training data. This excludes the overfitting risk in our
               machine-learning model.

               Now we come to the most important step of machine learning, namely making predictions on unseen data.
               For our purpose, we leave out a subgroup of data with a specific         /        before training (e.g., out-of-group
               prediction). This aims to avoid interpolation in the machine learning model and make sure the independent
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