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Hu et al. J Mater Inf 2023;3:1  I          Page 7 of 15


                                     2  B  3
                                     k  10
                                     2  A
                                      A    4
                                     3  A  10
                                     R     5

                                              4        3       2       1       0
                                                           H    [  AA /k B ]

               Figure 3. The relationship between the critical cooling rate       and the heat of mixing Δ          . The samples with       = 10 −6  do not crystallize
               in the longest computational timescale. They are shown here for convenience.

               3. RESULTS
               We finish the above computer simulations by using several years’ computational time by hundreds of CPU
               cores in parallel. By characterizing the local structures of each sample, we obtained a big dataset consisting of
               7688 samples. Fortunately, there are only about 25% samples that have not crystallized with our lowest cooling
               rate. The reason why they cannot crystallize is that the computational running time is still limited and they
               are better glass formers than the others. They are not ultra-stable glasses but will crystallize at an extended
               simulation timescale. Therefore, we shall create a controllable high-quality dataset.

               To explore the GFA dataset, we first try to gain insights with some empirical rules. As is known to all, the heat
               of mixing Δ          has long been considered as a major parameter in glass formation. Negative heat of mixing
               becomes one of the central rules in glass formation criteria, including the famous Inoue’s rules [24] . This is
               very important to make sure the multiple species will mix with each other. Otherwise, phase separation will
               happen,whichwillstronglydeterioratetheGFA.Inthissense,acriticalquestionarises: isthereanyquantitative
               correlation between GFA and Δ          or negative Δ          is only a necessity for glass formation? To answer this
               question, we hence calculate the Δ          for all the samples and show its relationship to the critical cooling rate
                     in Figure 3. Interestingly, there is no quantitative correlation between them, even though a major of glass
               formers have negative heats of mixing. This finding has been corroborated by experimental data previously [13] .
               The ones with Δ          > 0 generally are poor glass formers (      ≈ 10 −2.5 ).

               Another common factor for glass formation is the density   . It is expected that a higher-density solid should
               have denser packing so that the atomic rearrangements are more difficult, which will impede crystallization.
               This relationship was observed in typical Cu-Zr binary systems [25] . Here we also check this behavior in our
               Lennard-Jones systems. To compare the results over all the studied systems, we take the density of the glassy
               solid fabricated by    = 10 . Figure 4 shows the scatter plot of       as a function of   . Obviously, no quantitative
               relationship exists between them for the studied systems.
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