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Schofield et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2020;6:10  I                       Page 7 of 12

               Table 3. Alpha-enolase is a potential regulator of metastasis
                Cancer              Experimental model           Effect of modulation of ENO1 expression  Ref.
                Colorectal cancer Overexpression and knockdown in HCT116  Overexpression increased migration and invasion both in vitro   [11]
                            cells                        and in vivo; decreased expression decreased migration and
                                                         invasion both in vitro and in vivo
                            Treatment of HCT116 cells with CS5931   Treatment with CS5931 decreased cell migration and invasion  [69]
                            (peptide inhibitor)
                Endometrial   Knockdown in HEC-1B and Ishikawa  Decreased expression reduced migration and invasion in vitro   [12]
                carcinoma                                and metastasis in vivo
                Gastric cancer  Knockdown in AGS cells and overexpression Knockdown decreased migration, and overexpression increased   [60]
                            in SGC7901 cells             migration
                            Overexpression in AGS cells  Overexpression increased migration           [61]
                Glioma      Knockdown in U251-MG-WBP2 cells  Knockdown decreased migration            [63]
                            Knockdown in U-87MG cells    Knockdown suppressed migration and invasion  [6]
                HCC         Knockdown in HCC cells       Knockdown inhibited migration                [58]
                            Overexpression in HepG-2 cells  Increased migration and invasion          [67]
                Lung cancer  Anti-human ENO1 antibody and knockdown Downregulation and adoptive transfer of anti-human ENO1   [72]
                            in A549 cells                antibody decreased invasion in vitro and in vivo
                Pancreatic cancer Knockdown in CFPAC-1 cells  Knockdown decreased migration and invasion, and reduced   [68]
                                                         adhesion to fibronection and collagen and increased adhesion to
                            Anti-human ENO1 antibody     Decreased invasion in vitro and metastasis in vivo  [71]
               HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma

               Externalisation of a-enolase by cancer cells exposes it to the immune system as a tumour-associated
               antigen that has been found to induce autoantibody production in cancer patients, including those with
               acute and chronic leukaemias, melanoma, and lung, breast, gastric and pancreatic cancers [22,45,73-79] . In
               pancreatic cancer, T cells activated by a-enolase-pulsed dendritic cells lysed pancreatic cancer cells, but not
               normal human keratinocytes in vitro and inhibited CF-PAC-1 tumour growth in vivo . In oral squamous
               cell carcinoma, an HLA-DR8-restricted human a-enolase peptide was recognised by CD4  T cells and
               produced a cytotoxic response against OSC-20 cells . Additionally, vaccination with ENO1 in Kras G12D /
               Cre and Kras G12D /Trp53 R172H  mice prior to development of pancreatic carcinoma delayed tumour growth
               and increased survival . Taken together, these studies suggest that immune responses directed against
               a-enolase may be immunostimulatory and ultimately beneficial to patients.

               In addition to being overexpressed in many cancers, a-enolase has been identified as a putative
               prognostic biomarker in a range of tumour types [Table 4]. Whilst ENO1 expression was not associated
               with tumour stage in colorectal cancers, it was significantly correlated with tumour size and presence
               of distant metastases . Alpha-enolase expression was positively correlated with lymph node status in
               endometrial and gastric cancer patients [12,13,60] , and increased a-enolase expression in endometrial, gastric,
               lung, lymphoma and hepatocellular cancer patients was associated with worse overall survival [8,12,13,16,73,82] .
               Furthermore, increased a-enolase expression was correlated with worse distant metastasis-free survival in
               breast cancer patients , worse disease-free survival in hepatocellular carcinoma and chordoma [16,83]  and
               worse progression-free survival in lung cancer patients . By contrast, downregulation of a-enolase is a
               predictor of poor prognosis in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) , demonstrating that a-enolase
               may control different cellular functions in ccRCC when compared to other cancers.

               Autoantibodies generated against a-enolase in its capacity as a tumour-associated antigen represent an
               additional type of prognostic biomarker that may be assayed in serum. The presence of autoantibodies
               against a-enolase correlated with longer disease-free survival and overall survival in pancreatic and lung
               cancer patients [45,85-87]  [Table 4]. Furthermore, compared with healthy individuals, a-enolase antibodies
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