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McKenna et al                                                                                                                                                                                     Hypoxia in prostate cancer

           contributing factor to resistance mechanisms under   to result in a number of alterations and include (1)
           acute hypoxia but not chronic fractions of solid   alteration of the catalytic activity of drug-metabolizing
           tumors [31] . HAPs such as AQ4N that rely on an aliphatic   enzymes that are responsible for HAP bioconversion,
           tertiary amine N-oxide are activated via two-electron   and (2) the DDR may be differently regulated in different
           reduction  that  is  catalysed  by  CYP  isoforms [36-41]   is   types of cells, e.g. a hypoxic cell and a hypoxia-located
           not oxygen sensitive and hence a more persistent cell   cancer stem cell. Some evidence indicate that hypoxia-
           killing effect may be observed; the more metabolically   induced  DDR  under more extreme hypoxia (< 0.1%)
           stable,  deuterated  analogue  of  AQ4N,  OCT1002  is   occurs in the absence of detectable single- or double-
           described further below.                           strand breaks and in a background of repressed DNA
                                                              repair (Olcina & Hammond). In this regard, it could be
           COMBINATION TREATMENT WITH HAPS                    important in the future to explore how DNA-targeted
                                                              metabolites derived from HAPs can be used to exploit
                                                              changes in DDR influenced by hypoxia.
           It  is  clear from clinical results  thus  far that an
           increased understanding of how HAPs are activated   It is likely that the single electron-reduced HAPs
           in different tumor types is required in order to develop   could be sensitive to changes in DDR. HAPs such as
           reliable predictors of tumor sensitivity to this type of   tirapazamine and PR-104A that are reduced to DNA-
           treatment. Moreover, as with most chemotherapeutic   reactive metabolites via one-electron reduction have
           drugs, it is unlikely that monotherapy with any given   been shown to be more potent in cancer cells harbouring
           HAP will prove to be wholly effective. A more realistic   DDR pathways that include dysfunctional homologous
           scenario is that susceptible tumors can be treated   recombination  repair  (HRR) [46,47] .  Exploitation  of
           with combinatorial therapy which includes a HAP. In   dysfunctional HRR genes in hypoxic tumors require
           the  preclinical  setting,  enhanced  anticancer  activity   the discovery of biomarkers that can help to predict
           has been demonstrated by combining chemotherapy    a better response to HAPs, however there has been
           with HAPs. In prostate cancer, synergistic effect has   very little systematic effort to discover and fully unravel
           e.g. been achieved using doxorubicin or docetaxel   the potential of such biomarkers [31] . This is in part
           in  combination  with  TH-302,  supporting  HAPs  with   due to the nature of such research, complicated by
           cycle-active chemotherapy to treat aggressive forms   tumor reoxygenation that often occurs as a result of
           of prostate cancer [42] .                          spontaneous changes in blood flow and therapy with
                                                              subsequent impact on DDR pathways [48] . An example
           In a clinical context, several HAPs have been      of how improved understanding of the DDR machinery
           investigated in combination with conventional      provides  an opportunity for  combination therapy was
           cytotoxic chemotherapy or radiotherapy [43,44] . Although   demonstrated by Lindquist et al. [49]  who investigated the
           some patients have benefitted from the combination   potential for inhibiting DNA double strand break repair
           therapy, the results of these trials have at large been   in hypoxic cells by targeting DNA-dependent protein
           disappointing  as  reflected  upon  by  Hunter  et  al. [31] .   kinase (DNA-PK). BCCA621C, a DNA-PK inhibitor was
           However, with the increasing knowledge we have     shown to be able to radiosensitize NCI-H460 cells under
           gained, especially over the past decade, perhaps   hypoxic but not normoxic conditions using a range of
           other  combination drugs that address  molecular   clinically relevant ionising radiation doses. There is also
           targets, oncogenic drivers and exploit DNA damage   evidence that Chk1, ATM, ATR and poly (ADP-ribose)
           response (DDR) pathways will pave the way for the   polymerase (PARP) are affected by hypoxia [48] . In
           next generation of HAPs.                           regard to the latter, several PARP inhibitors are under
                                                              clinical evaluation and information from these trials will
           For example, there is evidence to suggest that DDR   provide key information on how HAPs could be used in
           induced  by  hypoxia  is  altered  from  the  classical   combination with PARP inhibition (PARPi) alone or with
           pathways induced by damaging agents    [45] . There   additional  radiotherapy.  Preclinical  data  have  shown
           are  possibly  several  reasons  for  this  and  include   that  PARPi  can  be  used  as  a  radiosensitizing  agent,
           repression of  DNA repair in hypoxic conditions.   which  may  increase  the  efficacy  of  radiotherapy  in
           Treatment is complicated further by several reports   prostate cancer [50] . Recently, Hammond and co-workers
           indicating that DNA repair under hypoxia is defective   have shown that olaparib and radiotherapy combination
           or abnormal and hence may not respond to exposure   therapy  had  significant  effect  in  hypoxic  lung  cancer
           of the bioreduced metabolites of the HAPs that have   xenografts but limited efficacy in less hypoxic tumors [51] .
           undergone clinical evaluation.                     It is possible this effect  was due to hypoxia-induced
                                                              contextual synthetic cell-killing events [52] . The nature of
           The complex nature of a heterogenous tumor is likely   the tumor microenvironment has an impact on treatment

                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 4 ¦ March 1, 2018           5
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