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Terai et al.                                                                                                                                                                    The liver and metastatic uveal melanoma

           the antibody releases MMAE, a potent cytotoxic     Conflicts of interest
           agent. gpNMB is overexpressed by multiple tumors   There are no conflicts of interest.
           including melanoma and breast cancer. Eighteen of 21
           primary UM tissue specimens (85.7%) evaluated by   Patient consent
           immunohistochemical analysis (IHC) expressed gpNMB   Not applicable.
           in 10-90% of tumor cells with variable intensity [71] . A
           phase 2 clinical study for Glembatumumab vedotin in   Ethics approval
           metastatic or locally recurrent UM (NCT02363283)   Not applicable.
           has  been  recently  concluded [72] .  The  final  results  are
           awaited.                                           REFERENCES

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           None.                                              16.  Li H, Alizadeh H, Niederkorn JY. Differential expression of chemokine

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