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Lee                                                                                                                                                                                   Cell-mediated immunotherapy for HCC

           patients with advanced stage HCC, so the search for
           effective treatments is a crucial one.

           Cancer cells occur as a consequence of enhanced or
           aberrant expression of oncogenes or from loss of tumor
           suppressor genes. Cancer cells with genetic change
           will express new antigens [13] . These tumor-specific or
           tumor-associated  antigens  might be  recognized  by
           antigen-presenting cells and trigger T-lymphocytes to
           conduct anti-cancer immunity [14-16] .  Immunotherapy
           has been studied as an attractive and novel therapeutic
           strategy to treat cancer since a few decades ago. This
           brief review will focus on cell-mediated immunotherapy
           for HCC.
                                                              Figure 1: Dendritic cells can be pulsed by tumor DNA, RNA and
                                                              proteins to activate antigen-specific T-cells. These activated T-cells
           IMMUNITY IN CANCER                                 can produce antigen-specific cytotoxicity to eradicate tumor cells

           The immune system is the most important protection
           for a host in defending itself from foreign invaders and   activated  T-cells  is  directly  related  to  efficacy  of
           cancer development. As noted, cancer cells occur as   cancer treatment. In animal studies, tumor-infiltrating
           a consequence of enhanced  or aberrant expression   lymphocytes in tumor-bearing hosts have been proved
           of oncogenes or loss of tumor suppressor genes. The   anergic to cancer cells. Cancer cells may also induce
           cancer cells with genetic change express new antigens   T-cell apoptosis or regulatory  T-cells, which conduct
           and the new antigens may be captured and processed   peripheral tolerance to  cancer  cells  .  Clinically,
           by dendritic cells (DCs) to  trigger  T  cell-mediated   we have  already  observed that  the  percentage of
           immunity [17,18] .                                 lymphocytes decreases along with tumor growth in
                                                              HCC patients [25] . In patients with significant numerous
           Dendritic  cells, the most potent and professional   tumor mass, the percentage of lymphocytes is always
           antigen-presenting cells, constitutively express major   below  normal range. Immediately before patients
           histocompatibility  complex (MHC) class I  and II  and   die of HCC, lymphocytes cannot even be detected.
           high  levels of costimulatory  molecules  CD40, CD80,   Obviously,  lymphocytes are suppressed by HCC
           and CD86. When DCs meet antigens, they capture     through currently unidentified mechanisms.
           antigen, process it, and present the antigen to activate
           antigen-specific  cytotoxic  T-cells.  Clinically,  DC-  Regulatory T cells are immune suppressive cells [28] . In
           based immunotherapy has been applied to treat end-  animal models, depletion of regulatory T cells causes
           stage patients with B-cell lymphoma [19] , melanoma [20] ,   inflammatory  colitis,  and  restoration  of  regulatory  T
           renal cell carcinoma [21] ,  prostate cancer [22]   and other   cells  can  prevent  inflammatory  colitis [29] . Therefore,
           tumors [23] .  The results are promising [24] . DC-based   natural regulatory T cells, CD4 CD25 CD45RBlow, are
           immunotherapy offers a hope of successful eradication   considered important cells in maintaining  peripheral
           of cancer [Figure 1].                              tolerance. Regulatory T cells are also recognized as
                                                              playing an important role in cancer diseases [30] .  For
           However, DC-based immunotherapy yields only a 20%   gastric [31,32] ,  esophageal [33] ,  and other gastrointestinal
           response rate in most of the clinical trials for advanced   malignancies,  regulatory  T cells  were  increased  in
           cancer diseases [25] . These results suggest that, even   peripheral blood. For breast cancer, regulatory T cells
           though DCs are the most powerful antigen-presenting   were increased in peripheral blood and in the tumor
           cells, the immune  system of most advanced  cancer   microenvironment [34] .  For  lung  cancer,  regulatory  T
           patients cannot be activated or may only be activated   cells selectively inhibited host immune response and
           to a limited extent by DC. It is hoped that exploration   may have contributed to disease progression [35] . For
           of immunosuppressive mechanisms in tumor-bearing   HCC, CD4 CD25   regulatory cells are also found
           patients will improve the success of DC-based or cell-  in the  tumor  by  immunohistochemical  staining, and
           mediated immunotherapy.                            the number of regulatory T cells is correlated  to the
                                                              prognosis. In  our previous study,  regulatory  T-cells
           IMMUNODEFICIENCY IN CANCER PATIENTS                were  identified  in  the  tumor  microenvironment.  The
                                                              number of regulatory T-cells was correlated to tumor
           T-cells are the direct effector cells that attack and   size and contributed to prognosis.  These regulatory
           eradicate  cancer cells.  The cytotoxic ability  of   T cells also appeared  to suppress the DC-mediated
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ October 31, 2017       245
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