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Lee                                                                                                                                                                                   Cell-mediated immunotherapy for HCC

           immune responses [36] .                            with liver  tumor  cell line lysate  (Hep G2)  to  treat  35
                                                              patients  with  advanced  HCC.  Twenty-five  patients
           Regulatory T-cells are not the only immunosuppressive   who received at least 3 courses of DC infusion were
           cells in hosts with cancer. In a murine cancer model,   assessed  for tumor response.  Disease  control rate
           a group of cells expressing  CD11b and Gr-1 in the   was 28%. Qiu  et al. [51]  conducted a phase  II clinical
           spleen was noted when the cell population of spleen   trial using a-1,3-galactosyl epitopes pulsed DC to treat
           was analyzed. These cells are currently called myeloid-  stage III HCC patients. They enrolled 9 patients to have
           derived suppressor cells (MDSC) [37] . Actually,  MDSC   DC vaccination and 9 patients as control. The results
           are a population  of cells of myeloid  origin, including   showed that all patients had delayed hypersensitivity.
           myeloid   progenitors,  immature   macrophages,    Three of  the 9 patients with DC vaccination had
           immature granulocytes, and immature dendritic cells.   partial response. Compared to control, mean survival
           MDSC are characterized  by production  of reactive   was prolonged from 10.1 to 17.1 months [51] . In our
           oxygen, nitrogen species, and arginase I to suppress   previous study, DC progenitors from peripheral blood
           immunity [38,39] . The CD11b /Gr-1  cells were expanded   monocytes  (PBMC) were  cultured  in granulocyte-
           in mice bearing large tumors [40] . Deletion of CD11b /  macrophage  colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
           Gr-1  cells in vitro or in vivo reverses the depression of   and interleukin  (IL)-4, pulsed with autologous  tumor
           CD8  T-cell function.                              lysates and  maturated  by cytokine  cocktail  (tumor
                                                              necrosis  factor-a, IL-1, IL-6 and  PGE2). These DCs
           Many researchers attempt to decrease or deplete MDSC   were positive for CD83 and expressed high levels of
           to enhance cancer treatment [41-44] . Kusmartsev  et al.    CD40, CD80, CD86 and HLA-DR. In  in-vitro study,
           implanted   slow-releasing  all-trans-retinoic  acid  these DCs could activate  T-cells.  These  ex-vivo
           subcutaneously in order to decrease MDSC from 27%   prepared DCs were applied intravenously to treat 31
           to  11%.  De Santo  et  al. [46]   used nitro-aspirin, which   patients with advanced HCC. Among 31 patients, 4
           released NO  to interfere MDSC inhibitory enzymatic   (12.9%) patients had partial response and 17 (54.8%)
           activity. Gemcitabine, amino-biphosphonase,  and   patients had stable diseases. Disease control rate was
           celecoxib  all have been used to reduce the number   67.7%. Compared to the same stage patients without
           of MDSC in order to enhance cancer treatment [47] .   DC treatment,  the 1- and 2-year survival rates were
           Moreover, all-trans-retinoic acid has been employed to   significantly prolonged [25] . DC can be injected into the
           treat renal cancer patients with metastasis, and there   tumors directly. Nakamoto et al. [52]  enrolled 10 patients
           was a clinical  response  in 1 patient (1/18) [48] . These   to receive autologous DC infusion into tumors following
           data in animal models and a limited number of clinical   TACE. DC could be detected in the tumors for up to
           trials implied that depletion or decrease of MDSC might   17 days when the DCs were labelled  with   111 Indium.
           be helpful in cancer treatment.                    Tumor  antigen-specific  lymphocytes  could  be  found
                                                              around  the  tumors.  However,  no  clinical  benefit  was
           CLINICAL CELL-MEDIATED                             found in this study.
                                                              Checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy
           DC-based immunotherapy                             Activation of  naïve  T-cells by  DC is  through ligation
           As  mentioned,  DCs are the most  potent antigen-  of MHC class I/II  and  T-cell receptor (signal 1)
           presenting cells.  Theoretically,  DCs can capture   and  costimulatory  molecular  pathways  (signal  2).
           HCC-associated antigens, process the antigens, and   Costimulatory molecular pathways may deliver
           activate antigen-specific T-cells to get rid of the tumors.   positive or negative signals  to  T-cells and result in
           However, the function of DCs is defective in advanced   T-cell activation or T-cell anergy to specific antigens.
           HCC, and antigen-specific T-cells cannot be activated   In immunotherapy  of cancer, checkpoint  inhibitors
           properly. Therefore, DCs are cultured and matured ex   can block negative costimulatory molecular pathways
           vivo for immunotherapy.                            and  enhance  T-cell-mediated  immunity. Clinically,
                                                              checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy already has
           In a phase I trial, Iwashita et al. [49]  enrolled 10 patients   obtained  promising  results in treating advanced
           to receive autologous DC to treat unresectable HCC.   melanoma.  Tremelimumab, a  blockade of  cytotoxic
           DC was administered by injection into inguinal lymph   T-cell antigen 4 (CTLA-4), was used to treat hepatitis
           nodes. Seven of 10 patients experienced delayed-type   C patients  with  HCC in a clinical trial [53] .  Twenty
           hypersensitivity response and one patient had tumor   patients were enrolled and 17 patients were available
           response. It was concluded that DC administered was   to assess therapeutic responses. Partial response
           safe and no major toxic effects were found. In another   rate was 17.6%, stable disease was 76.4%, and time
           study,  Palmer et  al. [50]  used autologous  DC pulsed   to progression  was 6.48 months. Nivolumab,  anti-

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