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Terai et al.                                                                                                                                                                    The liver and metastatic uveal melanoma

           CD95/CD95L pathway.  Cytokines and chemokines      Recently,  microscopic  investigation  on  inflammatory
           such as TNF-α, IL-8, and CXCL10 can activate resident   cells  in advanced  metastatic  uveal  melanoma  tissue
           tumoricidal macrophages, as well as recruit host immune   specimens was reported by Coupland’s group [49] . They
           cells with anti-tumor activities  [Figure 3A].     reported that CD3   T lymphocytes were noted both
                                                              within tumor and surrounding tissues. Of note, CD8
           Growth phase                                       T lymphocytes were “few” in number within metastatic
           While  an  efficient  first  line  defense  can  defeat  some   UM and were predominantly seen peritumorally at
           CTCs trapped in the liver, local inflammatory response   the tumor/normal liver interface. In contrast, CD4  T
           can also promote tumor cell adhesion to LSECs and   lymphocytes showed a high perivascular density within
           subsequent trans-endothelial migration of tumor cells,   melanoma. The characteristics of CD4  T cells were not
           which  results  in  escape  from  the  cytotoxic  resident   further investigated; however, it is possible that these
           KCs and NK cells. IL-10 production from KC or LSECs   CD4   T cells might be  Treg cells recruited from the
           enhances the  expression of the chemokine  receptor   peripheral circulation. Furthermore, CD68  and CD163
           CCR5, but down-regulates CCR7 expression by DCs    TAMs of “indeterminate” morphology were observed
           thus preventing their homing to the secondary lymphoid   in metastatic UM, suggesting the presence of the pro-
           tissue [41] . E-selectin, VCAM-1, and ICAM-1 play   tumorigenic M2 phenotype. It has also been reported
           essential  roles  in  tumor  cell  arrest  and  extravasation   that tumor infiltrating T cells obtained from metastatic
           into the hepatic parenchyma [52] . In particular, E-selectin   UM were difficult to expand ex-vivo despite the lack of
           facilitates diapedesis of tumor cells and subsequent   PD-L1 expression in tumor tissues [54] . Lack of PD-L1
           invasion  into  the hepatic parenchyma. Invasion of   expression by metastatic UM cells and marginalization
           tumor cells into the extra-sinusoidal space triggers the   of  CD8   T  cells  suggests  an  impaired  anti-tumor
           recruitment of HSCs and macrophages into the tumors.   immune response in metastatic UM.
           These macrophages are polarized by IL-4 and IL-13                   [38]
           towards M2 type macrophages expressing arginase-1 [48]    Grossniklaus  et  al.    proposed  two  growth  patterns
           [Figure 3B]. Recruited HSCs release growth factors,   of  hepatic  metastasis:  “infiltrative”  and  “nodular”.
           cytokines, and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and   They hypothesized that primary UM cells, expressing
           increase production of collagen. As a result, recruitment   high  levels  of  c-Met  and/or  CXCR4,  aggregate  in
           of vascular endothelial cells, assembly and turnover of   the liver which contains HGF and CXCL12.  These
           extracellular  matrix,  and  proliferation  tumor  cells  are   metastatic UM cells have a CD133  tumor stem cell-like
           promoted. Tumor cells also produce VEGF to promote   phenotype,  and  give  rise  to  the  infiltrative  or  nodular
                                                              growth patterns depending on whether the tumor is
           angiogenesis [47]   [Figure 3C]. Hepatocytes contribute   in the sinusoidal space (infiltrative) or periportal area
           to fibrosis and neovascularization through secretion of   (nodular).  The  infiltrative  growth  pattern  showed
           IGF-1 and IGF-2, factors that promote HSC recruitment   cell growth within the sinusoidal space.  The nodular
           and activation. IGF-1 can also directly enhance tumor   growth pattern predominantly contained  nodules of
           cell growth.                                       tumor that effaced, rather than infiltrated, the adjacent
                                                              hepatocytes. Hepatic metastasis with infiltrative pattern
           In addition to interacting with various residential   showed the lack of VEGF protein in the tumor, but
           cells in the liver, MDSCs are recruited to tumor sites   tumor cells induce MMP9 expression in monocytes and
           in response to mediators released by tumor and/or   dissect through the tissue planes and creates “pseudo-
           resident hepatic cells.  There are two different types   sinusoidal spaces”. On the other hand, UM cells that
           of MDSC: polymorphonuclear MDSC (PMN-MDSC)         metastasize  to the  periportal  areas  in  the hepatic
           and monocytic MDSC (M-MDSC). In the tumor sites,   triadcoopt the portal venules for nutrition and hypoxia
           M-MDSCs are more prominent than PMN-MDSC,          resulting in MMP production and VEGF expression
           and M-MDSC rapidly differentiate to tumor-associated   for angiogenesis.  The role of the immune system in
           macrophage (TAM) to enhance tumor growth. CD68 /   development of these two growth patterns needs to be
           CD163  TAMs  are  observed  in  metastatic  UM  in  the   further investigated.
           liver [49] . MDSCs produce immunosuppressive cytokines,
           such  as  IL-10  and  TGF-β,  and  induce  Tregs [53] .
           Subsequently,  immunological  equilibrium  between   CURRENT IMMUNOTHERAPIES FOR
           tumor cells and host immune responses is shifted to   METASTATIC UVEAL MELANOMA
           the escape (growth) phase [Figure 3D]. More vascular
           endothelial cells are subsequently recruited to the   The major difference between CM and UM is the
           tumor site and the tumors become further vascularized.   low mutational burden in UM compared to the high
           Eventually, the vascularization of tumor results in rapid   mutational  burden  in  CM [19] .  Metastatic  UM  is  highly
           growth of metastasis.                              resistant to traditional systemic  chemotherapies, and

                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ October 31, 2017       237
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