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Galletti et al.                                                                                                                                                                                   Using CTCs in prostate cancer

           biological information about a patient’s disease   such  as  EpCAM  could  define  a  more  mesenchymal
           state. On the other hand, a potential downside of the   subpopulation  of  CTCs,  whose  increase  has  been
           size-based technologies is represented by the high   associated with tumor relapse during treatment in solid
           heterogeneity in diameter CTCs can display, with   tumors .  In  addition,  the  presence  of  anti-EpCAM
           subsets of CTCs with diameters as low as 11 µm,    coated beads, which remain bound to the captured
           which is virtually indistinguishable from the diameter   CTCs, can interfere with functional applications of
           of leukocytes [28,29] .  These smaller CTCs may be of   the isolated cells. Finally, the added steps of fixation
           clinical importance but they are likely missed by the   and  immunofluorescence  staining  performed  for  cell
           size based filtration techniques.                  enumeration purposes limits the molecular analysis
                                                              that can be performed.
           CTC enrichment based on cell-surface antigen
           expression or other biological properties          Another antigen-based CTC isolation method is
           Many CTC isolation techniques exploit the expression   the  AdnaTest  (QIAGEN ), which uses  anti-EpCAM
           of tumor-selective cell surface antigens by using an   and -HER2 antibodies conjugated to Dynabeads
           antibody-antigen interaction for CTC enrichment.   magnetic  particles [37,38] .  CTCs  with  bound  beads
           The  most  established  and  the  only  FDA-cleared   are  magnetically  separated  and  subsequently
           method  for  CTC  isolation  is  the  CellSearch   CTC   processed  for  gene  expression  profiling  (Prostate
           Test system. Starting with 7.5 mL of peripheral blood,   Cancer Select) or for PC-specific gene quantification
           CTCs are positively selected using anti-EpCAM-     (Prostate Cancer Detect). A major advantage of the
           coated  magnetic microbeads  and  subsequently     AdnaTest is the combination of two isolation markers,
           embedded  and  fixed  onto  a  magnetic  cartridge   EpCAM and HER2, to capture CTCs; the addition
           for  subsequent  immunofluorescence  staining  with   of HER2, which can be found expressed in up to
           antibodies  against  CK,  CD45,  and  DAPI [30] .  CTC   78% of metastatic castrate prostate cancers, could
           enumeration by CellSearch  has been established    potentially  include  the  EpCAM-/HER2+  CTCs  in  the
           as a test predictive of patient outcomes in metastatic   enrichment process, a subpopulation of cells, which
           breast [31] , colorectal [32]  and prostate cancer patients [33] .   an EpCAM only based approach may easily miss [39,40] .
           Following the initial excitement for a prognostic test   Interestingly, pretreatment CTC identification by using
           based on a liquid-biopsy, it soon became apparent   the AdnaTest correlated with radiologic progression to
           that enumeration alone could not guide therapy, as   chemotherapy in a small cohort of Castration-Resistant
           there  was  no  information  regarding  the  molecular   PC (CRPC) patients, supporting the clinical relevance
           CTC  profiles.  Nevertheless,  these  early  clinical   of the test .  The main property of the AdnaTest is
           studies using CellSearch  have provided proof-     having nucleic acids as a direct output of the assay
           of-principle regarding the use of EpCAM for the    for specific downstream analyses (e.g. RT-PCR, DNA
           detection of epithelial-type cells in the bloodstream.   sequencing,  gene  expression  profile) . Even if this
           To  date,  the  majority  of  antigen-specific  CTC   characteristic precludes the direct visualization of the
           enrichment techniques rely on the use of EpCAM. The   captured cells, it provides flexibility to incorporate and
           MagSweeper CTC enrichment represents another       explore  additional  markers,  like  androgen  receptor
           example of platforms, which also utilize EpCAM-    (AR) splice variants or stem cell markers [38,42] . Although
           based immunomagnetic cell isolation [34] .         potentially more comprehensive in CTC isolation than
                                                              EpCAM only strategies, this method is still based on the
           These two methodologies have been extensively      expression of tumor-selective antigens, an approach
           used in several studies for the purposes of CTC    that may still omit certain CTC subpopulations.
           enumeration  and  identification  of  tumor-specific
           biomarkers  using  immunofluorescence  or  FISH    To take advantage of both the physical and biological
           analyses  [Table 1]. MagSweeper-based single CTC   properties  of  CTCs,  several  microfluidic  devices
           mRNA seq has also been performed and provided a    have been developed to capture CTCs from whole
           detectable  transcriptional  signature  of  PC  tissue .   blood. The design of many of these devices takes
           Despite  their  extensive  use,  there  are  significant   advantage  of  the  blood  flow  through  the  device
           concerns  associated with the EpCAM-based  CTC     that is engineered to facilitate the collisions of
           enrichment techniques. Importantly, the dependence   the larger CTCs with microposts, eliminating the
           on EpCAM expression for CTC capture could          smaller leukocytes; the posts are coated with an
           specifically select for only a subset of CTCs resulting   anti-epithelial marker antibody to specifically retain
           in the potential loss of EpCAM-low or -negative CTCs   tumor epithelial cells.  The CTC-Chip utilizes an
           and thus underestimate CTC numbers; it has been    array of microposts coated with an antibody against
           indeed  shown  that  the  loss  of  epithelial  markers   an epithelial marker (EpCAM, HER2, EGFR) to
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