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Galletti et al.                                                                                                                                                                                   Using CTCs in prostate cancer

           Table 1: Overview of main methodologies for CTC isolation and potential research implementation in prostate
            Isolation      Technique     Commercially   Surface antigen   Cell output  Downstream analyses
            principle                     available?    requirement
            Physical      Density gradient   Yes             -           Live cells         IF, RT-PCR
                         EPIC Sciences™      Yes             -          Fixed cells    IF, FISH, CTC enumeration
                          HD-CTC assay
                          ScreenCell  filter  Yes            -           Live cells    IF, FISH, CTC enumeration
                            ISET  filter     Yes             -           Live cells    IF, FISH, CTC enumeration
            Biological     CellSearch ®      Yes          EpCAM         Fixed cells    IF, FISH, CTC enumeration
                           MagSweeper        No           EpCAM        Live cells with   IF, FISH, CTC enumeration,
                                                                       bound beads        RT-PCR, RNA-seq
                            AdnaTest         Yes        EpCAM/HER2        RNA                RT-PCR
                           RosetteSep™       Yes           CD45          Live cells   IF, FISH, CTC enumeration,
                          CD45 depletion                                            RT-PCR, RNA-seq, CTC-organoid
                                                                                     culture and PDX models, ex-vivo
                                                                                           drug treatment
            Microfluidics   CTC-Chip         No           EpCAM        Live cells on   IF, FISH, CTC enumeration,
                                                                          device     RT-PCR, RNA-seq, ex-vivo drug
                             HB-Chip         No           EpCAM        Live cells on   IF, FISH, CTC enumeration,
                                                                          device     RT-PCR, RNA-seq, ex-vivo drug
                              iChip          No              -           Live cells   IF, FISH, CTC enumeration,
                                                                                    RT-PCR, RNA-seq, CTC-organoid
                                                                                     culture and PDX models, ex-vivo
                                                                                           drug treatment
                            GEDI Chip        No            PSMA        Live cells on   IF, CTC enumeration, RT-PCR,
                                                                          device     RNA-seq, ex-vivo drug treatment
                             VERSA           No           EpCAM          Live cells  IF, CTC enumeration, RT-PCR,
                                                                                     RNA-seq, ex-vivo drug treatment
            In vivo          GILUPI ®        Yes          EpCAM        Live cells on   IF, CTC enumeration, RT-PCR,
                                                                          device     RNA-seq, ex-vivo drug treatment

           CTC: circulating tumor cell; IF: immunofluorescence; RT-PCR: real time polymerase chain reaction; PDX: patient-derived xenograft; HD:
           high definition; HB: herringbone; GEDI: geometrically enhanced differential immunocapture; EpCAM: epithelial cell adhesion molecule;
           PSMA: prostate specific membrane antigen
           adhesion molecule (EpCAM) and E-cadherin    [14,15] .   cancer  cells  using  an  immunofluorescence-based
           Importantly,  these  approaches  yield  live,  unaltered   algorithm, which measures CK and CD45 intensities,
           cells, which can be then used in a wide variety of   as well as cell physical  properties  including  nuclear
           downstream analyses. However, the low purity of the   and  cytoplasmic  size and  shape .  This assay has
           CTC population obtained, due to the presence of many   been  extensively  used  clinically  and  identifies  CTCs
           contaminating hematopoietic cells that outnumber the   in several cancer types, including  NSCLC, breast
           CTCs by several logs, compromises the sensitivity of   and  prostate cancers [17,18] .  Interestingly,  the  HD-CTC
           this technique [16] .                              test recognizes distinct categories of CTCs based on
                                                              morphologic  characteristics  of the cells  (traditional
           To better differentiate CTCs from peripheral blood   CTCs, small CTCs, CTC clusters and apoptotic CTCs),
           cells,  immunofluorescence  is  commonly  used  in   whose clinical relevance has yet to be determined .
           conjunction with density-based separation. CTCs    The  versatility  of  the  method  is  exemplified  by  the
           are typically identified as nucleated cells (positive
           for  DAPI  staining)  that  express  an  epithelial   possibility to assess a wide range of protein biomarkers
           marker  [e.g.  cytokeratin  (CK),  or  prostate  specific   via  immunofluorescence  (e.g.  androgen  receptor  in
           membrane antigen (PSMA) in the case of PC          prostate cancer or PD-L1 in bladder cancer), specific
           CTCs], and are negative for expression of the      driver genomic alterations (by FISH) and genome-wide
           hematopoietic marker, CD45.                        copy number alterations . Unfortunately, the lack of
                                                              a robust multiplexing of the technique does not allow
           In practice, following a “no cell left behind” philosophy,   for concomitant investigation of more than one or two
           the Epic Sciences™ high definition (HD)-CTC assay   biomarkers  within the same slide  and, together with
           screens for CTCs amid all blood nucleated cells plated   a low resolution used in image acquisition, limits the
           onto  custom  glass  slides  and  identifies  epithelial   clinical power of the assay.
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