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Galletti et al.                                                                                                                                                                                   Using CTCs in prostate cancer

           Enrichment       Biomarker   Assay       Patient cohort           Main findings         References
           RosetteSep™ CD45   PTEN       aCGH   1 pt derived organoid from   Homozygous loss of PTEN  [55]
           depletion                               CTCs (MSK-PCa5)
                               RB1       aCGH   1 pt derived organoid from   Heterozygous loss of RB1  [55]
                                                   CTCs (MSK-PCa5)
                               TP53      aCGH   1 pt derived organoid from   Heterozygous loss of TP53  [55]
                                                   CTCs (MSK-PCa5)
           CD45 depletion   AR variants  RT-PCR  73 samples from 46 pts  ARv7 in 50/73 (68%) and ARv567s   [70]
                                                                      in 23/73 (32%) of samples; strong
                                                                      association of ARv positivity with a
                                                                    history of second line hormonal therapy
           Collagen-adhesion   Genome    aCGH  3 pts with matched CTC and   Greater percentage of genome   [89]
           matrix fractionation  aberrances     WBC DNA samples (2 pts  aberrance in CTCs compared to WBC;
                                                with matched primary tumor  similar genome aberrance in CTCs and
                                                       sample)               primary tumors
           GEDI Chip           AR         IF    26 taxane treated pts with   Pts who experienced PSA response   [63]
                                               available CTCs at C1D1 and  had lower CTC-AR nuclear after only
                                                       C1D8         one week of treatment localization than
                                                                          pts who did not respond
                               ERG        IF    2 pts (1 ERG+ and 1 ERG-)  CTCs of ERG-pt showed increase in   [80]
                                                                     taxane induced microtubule bundling
                                                                    when treated ex-vivo with docetaxel or
                                                                    cabazitaxel whereas CTCs of ERG+ pt
                                                                       showed no microtubule changes
           HB-Chip             AR         IF      4 ADT-naïve pts with   ADT-naïve pts with metastatic PC   [61]
                                                  metastatic PC; 17 pts   had a majority of CTCs with “AR-on”
                                                    treated with abi  phenotype and initiation of ADT led
                                                                      to conversion to a “AR-off” within 3
                                                                    months; 4/17 (24%) pts treated with abi
                                                                     showed a decrease in “AR-on” CTCs;
                                                                      CRPC pts had mixed phenotypes
                               ERG      RT-PCR  2 pts with matched primary  TMPRSS2-ERG fusion in CTCs of pt   [44]
                                                       tumors        with translocation in primary tumor; no
                                                                     TMPRSS2-ERG in CTCs from patient
                                                                       without fusion in primary tumor
           CTC iChip       AR expression  RNA-seq  77 CTCs from 13 pts  AR transcript in 60/77 (78%) of CTCs   [57]
                                                                         from 12/13 (92%) patients
                             AR T877A   RNA-seq   77 CTCs from 13 pts  T877A mutation in 5/9 (56%) CTCs   [57]
                             mutation                                      from 1/13 (8%) pts
                               ARv      RNA-seq   77 CTCs from 13 pts  33/73 (43%) CTCs with at least one   [57]
                                                                     ARv: 26/73 (36%) CTCs with ARv7;
                                                                    18/73 (25%) CTCs with ARv567es; 7/73
                                                                    (10%) CTCs expressed ARv1, ARv3, or
                               Wnt      RNA-seq   77 CTCs from 13 pts  Enrichment for non-canonical Wnt   [57]
                                                                    signaling in patients who progressed on
           CTC: circulating tumor cell; RT-PCR: real time polymerase chain reaction; IF: immunofluorescence; AR: androgen receptor; EMT:
           epithelial-mesenchymal transition; pts: patients; abi: abiraterone acetate; enza: enzalutamide; WBC: white blood cell; HD: high definition;
           HB: herringbone; GEDI: geometrically enhanced differential immunocapture; aCGH: array-based comparative genomic hybridization
           nuclear AR expression at progression compared with   to treatment generally had lower AR expression and
           the pre-treatment assessment.                      lower percentage of AR in the nucleus.

           Sperger  et al.  evaluated  AR expression and      Miyamoto  et al. [61]  explored  AR signaling activity
           subcellular localization in CTCs isolated from     in CTCs isolated from PC patients, by using an
           17  patients with  CRPC using  an EpCAM-based      EpCAM-based herringbone microfluidic device, and
           enrichment  embedded  in  the  VERSA  device.  They   observed  that  AR-dependent  pathway  was  active
           found that patients responding to  AR targeted
           therapies or docetaxel-based chemotherapy showed   in untreated patients, became inactive after ADT,
           lower percentages of  AR in the nucleus compared   and could be reactivated at the time of progression,
           to patients who progressed on treatment. When      supporting CTCs as a dynamic biomarker that could
           combining single cell data points from multiple patients,   reflect the drug-induced changes of the therapeutic
           they also showed that CTCs from patients responding   target in real time.
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