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Malik et al.                                                                                                                                                                                       LMS renal pelvis: a rare entity

           scar,  due  to  laproscopic  cholecystectomy  done  2   bed to a dose of 50 Gy/25#/5 weeks. Patient is doing
           years back was visualized. No mass palpable. Triple   well 1 year post treatment.
           phase contrast-enhanced computed tomography
           (CECT) scan of whole abdomen revealed  [Figure 1],   DISCUSSION
           well  defined  retroperitoneal  mass  in  left  para-aortic
           location with anterior displacement of left renal vein.   LMS are malignant neoplasm of smooth muscle origin.
           Neurogenic origin/mesenchymal tumor. Patient       They are most commonly found in uterus, stomach,
           planned for wide local excision of the mass, intra-  small intestine and retroperitoneum.  LMS of renal
           operatively the mass was adherent to left renal    origin are very rare and constitute only 0.12% of all
           vein  and  feeder  vein,  therefore  decision  taken  to   malignant renal neoplasms.  LMS of kidney was first
           perform left nephrectomy along with adrenalectomy.   described  by  Berry  in  1919  but  till  date  they  have
           Postoperatively, gross examination of the specimen   been reported only as case reports or as component
           reveals  greyish  white  tumor  measuring  8  cm  ×
           4  cm  ×  2  cm,  infiltration  of  the  renal  pelvis  but  not
           infiltrating  into  renal  parenchyma.  Renal  sinuses,
           resected end of ureter and adrenal gland all were free
           of tumor. Microscopically tumor comprises of oval
           to spindle cells with moderate amount of cytoplasm
           and eosinophilic pleomorphic nuclei, tumor cells are
           arranged in interlacing fascicles and at places show
           cytoplasmic clearing, mitotic activity of 7-10/hpf, less
           than 50% necrosis, FNCLC grade 2. Immunopositive
           for desmin and smooth muscle actin (SMA), whereas
           immunonegative for Pan CK, CD-34, EMA, Bcl2,
           S-100, MIC-2. Overall features  were  suggestive  of
           leiomyosarcoma [Figure 2]. Post operative CECT of
           chest, abdomen and pelvis were within normal limits.
           Patient received 6 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy
           with single agent injection adriamycin 25 mg/m  day   Figure 1: Contrast-enhanced computed tomography abdomen
           1-3 followed by post operative radiotherapy to tumor   showing well defined retroperitoneal mass in left para-aortic location

           Figure 2: (A and B) Images comprising of oval to spindle tumor cells arranged in interlacing fascicles (A: 4×, B: 20×, HE); (C and D) images
           of desmin and smooth muscle actin immunopositivity, respectively (20×, HE)
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