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Gajjar et al.                                                                                                                                                                                         ERCC1 in colorectal cancer

           effective in the treatment of CRC, in both the adjuvant   selected  by the pathologist,  snap frozen in liquid
           and metastatic settings. [3]                       nitrogen, and immediately  stored at -80  ℃ until
                                                              analysis. For the study of ERCC1 protein expression,
           Oxaliplatin  is a cytotoxic platinum  compound     paraffin embedded tumor tissue blocks were retrieved
           which exerts its effects through  development  of   from histopathology department.
           DNA adducts. [4]   DNA repair,  especially  nucleotide
           excision  repair  (NER) pathway, plays an important   DNA  extraction and  ERCC1 polymorphism
           role  in  platinum-based  chemotherapeutic  efficacy   study by PCR-RFLP
           by repairing  drug-produced  DNA damage.  Excision   DNA extraction from tumor was performed by Phenol:
           repair cross complementation group 1 (ERCC1) is a   Chloroform method. PCR of the SNP C/T at codon
           chief component of the NER pathway [5,6]  and a highly   118  of  ERCC1  gene  was  performed  using  QIAGEN
           conserved  protein, essential for  elimination  of DNA   Taq PCR kit and following primers sequences: forward
           adducts caused by the platinum compound. It  plays   primer:  5’-GCAGAGCTCACCTGAGGAAC-3’;  reverse
           a major  role  in better repair  and  tolerance  of DNA   primer: 5’-GAGGTGCAAGAAGAGGTGGA -3’ (Sigma-
           damage, leading to resistance of platinum drugs. [7,8]  Aldrich). After initial denaturation at 94 °C for 3 min, the
                                                              following PCR protocol was performed for 35 cycles:
           A common C/T single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)   Denaturation at 95 °C for 1 min, annealing at 55.7 °C
           at  codon  118  of  ERCC1  has  been  identified.  This   for 45 s, and extension at 72 °C extensions for 1 min.
           SNP may contribute to inter-individual  variability  in   Digestion of these PCR products was performed with
           DNA repair capability and has been documented as   BsrD1 restriction enzyme (New England BioLabs, USA)
           a predictor for outcome in CRC patients who have   at 65 °C for 4 h and separated on 2% agarose gel.
           been treated with platinum-based chemotherapy. [9]
           This polymorphism results in the same amino  acid,   ERCC1       protein      expression        by
           asparagine, but a tendency towards elevated ERCC1   immunohistochemistry
           mRNA and protein levels observed as the number of   Immunohistochemistry for ERCC1 was performed on
           T alleles increases. Moreover, clinical and preclinical   4  μm  thick  formalin-fixed,  paraffin  embedded  tissue
           studies indicate that overexpression of ERCC1 protein   sections. FFPE tumor tissue sections were stained
           is associated with resistance to  platinum-based   using  mouse-  and  rabbit-  specific  HRP/DAB  (ABC)
           chemotherapy in various types of cancers. [10,11]  Detection IHC kit according to manufacturer’s protocol.
                                                              The primary antibody used was mouse monoclonal anti-
           Therefore, the  present study  aimed to  evaluate the   ERCC1 (clone 4F9: Dako, USA, dilution: 1:50). Sections
           prevalance  of ERCC1  C118T SNP polymorphism       known to exhibit high expression of protein were used as
           and the expression of ERCC1 protein in patients with   positive controls, while negative controls were obtained
           primary CRC and further to evaluate their role in the   by omission of primary antibody.  A semiquantitative
           clinical outcome of CRC patients.                  score was used starting from negative (no staining or,
                                                              10% of cells stained) to 3+ (1+ staining for 11-30% of
           METHODS                                            cells: weak, 2+ staining for 31-50% of cells: moderate,
                                                              and 3+ staining for > 50% of cells: intense).
           A total of 50 CRC patients who underwent  surgical   Statistical analysis
           resection at the Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute,   The statistical data analysis was performed by Statistical
           Ahmedabad, between 2013 and 2014 were included     Package for the Social Sciences software version 17.
           in  this study. Inclusion  criterion  was  an  untreated   Two tailed  chi (χ ) test was used to determine the
           CRC  patient  with  histopathologically  confirmed   association between clinicopathological variables with
           adenocarcinoma without any prior history of anticancer   ERCC1 polymorphism and ERCC1 protein expression.
           treatment. Patients were followed for a minimum of 15   Correlation  between  two parameters was calculated
           months or until death within that period.          according  to  Spearman’s  correlation  coefficient  (r)
                                                              method. Relapse-free  survival (RFS) and overall
           Sample collection                                  survival  (OS) was  calculated  using  Log  rank  test.  P
           The  study  was  approved  by  Institutional  Scientific   value < 0.05 was considered significant.
           and Ethical  Committees and  informed  consent was
           required  from all patients prior to sample  collection.   RESULTS
           To examine ERCC1 polymorphism, colorectal  tumor
           was collected  from the histopathology  department   Patient characteristics
           immediately  after  surgery.  The tumor portion was   Patient and tumor characteristics of the 50 patients
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