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Du et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TLRs in cancer

           The TLR signaling can lead macrophage polarization   is in phase I clinical trials for testing antitumor activity in
           change, from M1 (inhibiting tumor) to M2 (promoting   colorectal cancer patients. At this time MPL has been
           tumor), which  might explain, at least partially, why   approved as an adjuvant of Cervarix, a cancer vaccine
           TLR signaling  promotes tumor growth.  The M1/M2   against HPV-associated cervical cancer. [64]
           polarization model has been reported in many cancer
           research studies in recent years.  The  M1 of  tumor-  Since  the anti-tumor  effect of a single  TLR agonist
           associate macrophages (TAM)  express high levels   remains to be verified and the side effects need to be
           of IL-12 and IL-23, and function as inducers  of  Th1   considered, it may be premature to apply a single TLR
           responses. During tumor progression, TAM polarizes   agonist to the clinical treatment of tumors. For example,
           toward M2 TAM, an alternatively activated macrophage,   the two-way effects of TLR3 make it a potentially risky
           with a tumor growth-promoting phenotype. However,   therapeutic drug. Although the TLR3 agonist poly A:U
           this M1/M2 polarization has only been well established   is considered to be therapeutically effective in patients
           in vitro, not in vivo. Therefore, the role of TLR signaling   with various types of cancers, the risk of metastasis
           in M1/Me polarization calls for further investigation.  relapse  is  significantly  decreased  in  TLR3-positive,
                                                              not in TLR3-negative breast cancers.  The function
           The  role  of  TLRs in  cancer progression:  a     of TLRs in tumors varies with the origin and type of the
           double-edged sword                                 tumors, which indicates that the therapeutic use of TLR
           Overall, as discussed above, the activation of  TLRs   agonists requires much more clinical evidence.
           can both promote and inhibit tumor growth and cancer
           progression, and the underlying mechanism remains   While most of the  TLR4 studies reported  a tumor-
           elusive. Current knowledge shows that different TLRs   promoting effect, [34,66-69]  one study found a protective
           share similar  signaling  pathways, but this cannot   effect against lung cancer in the lung epithelium.
           explain why the activation of different TLRs in cancers   This indicates the need for further study. Nevertheless,
           has opposite effects  on tumor growth.  Also,  TLR   the anti-tumor  effect  of  TLRs agonists is still worth
           agonists themselves might have direct pro- or anti-  exploring. [70-72]   The members of  the  TLR family
           tumor effects, but current evidence shows that these   are different in many aspects such as expression
           effects, at least in majority of cases, are very minor.   distribution,  subcellular  localization,  adaptive
           Another potential mechanism is  that  different  TLRs   molecules for inducing signal transduction, recognized
           might trigger different signaling  pathways  in cancer   PAMPs and the types of the induced immune response.
           cells. We recently found that activation  of  TLRs in   Treatment using TLRs ligands has to be based on the
           cancer cells may induce cancer cells to secrete various
           soluble factors, which might play distinct roles in cancer   identification  of  the TLRs  signals  with  corresponding
           development. The role of TLRs in cancer progression   diseases, as well as identifying the types of vaccines
           needs to be further investigated, and understanding   with significant enhancement that can be used safely
           the underlying mechanism is essential for the further   and effectively  in clinical practice. Future studies
           development of TLR agonists as therapeutic agents.  should pursue many avenues of research.

           TLRS IN CANCER TREATMENT                           CONCLUSION

           Since the first TLR was discovered in 1997,  studies   The TLRs play a critical role in tumor immunity, and the
           of the characteristics and prospects of  TLRs have   antitumor effect is also a notable focus for future studies
           become prominent in research. However, the clinical   on cancer therapy. The perspective approach for future
           application of TLRs is just beginning.  To date, only   cancer treatment may be that the combination of some
           a few TLR agonists have been approved by the Food   specific  TLR  agonists  or  antagonists  with  traditional
           and Drug  Administration  for clinical  trials involving   cancer  treatments  might  improve  treatment  efficacy.
           cancer patients involving  Bacillus  Calmette-Guérin   The role of TLRs in both promoting and inhibiting tumor
           (BCG), Imiquimod and monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL).   growth and metastasis has been confirmed in various
           Originally  used as a vaccine against  tuberculosis,   studies. However, the specific mechanism of action is
           BCG is approved for the treatment of bladder cancer;   still unclear; at the same time, cancer is a multifactorial
           it potently activates  TLR2 and  TLR4 signaling.    disease, and the research of TLRs on tumor immunity
           Meanwhile,  the BCG vaccine is sometimes used to   is just beginning. Further studies may help us better
           help treat stage III melanoma. [60,62]  Imiquimod, a TLR7   understand  TLRs and tumor  immunity,  and the
           agonist which has been in Phase II  clinical trials,  is   clarification  of  the  roles  of  TLRs  in  tumorigenesis
           efficacious  in    treatment  of  various  skin  tumors  and   and tumor metastasis will provide new strategies and
           epidermal metastasis,  and MPL, a derivative of LPS,   prospects for more effective cancer treatment.
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ December 29, 2016      467
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