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Apart from local spread, the disease spreads to the pelvic and   imaging, associated lytic areas in calvarium on CECT with
           para-aortic lymph nodes and then by hematogenous route to   multiplicity can give a clue to metastatic nature of disease.
           the supra and infradiaphragmatic viscera.  About 5-35%   In our patient,  the disease was detected  at an advanced
           eventually develops pulmonary metastases, [3,4]  3% develops   stage as the presenting symptom itself was metastases to
           liver metastases,  16% develops bone metastases. [4]  vertebrae  presenting  as neck  pain  she had  no symptoms
                                                              relating to carcinoma cervix until later.
           Skeletal  metastasis in carcinoma  cervix  occurs in  about
           0.8-23%  of cases. Bone metastases can be due to   Financial support and sponsorship
           local  extension, however, distant metastases  are due to   Nil.
           hematogenous dissemination.  These lesions are usually
           radiographically  lytic,  and patients  have recurrent  or   Conflicts of interest
           advanced  disease  with other  sites of metastases.  The   There are no conflicts of interest.
           metastatic sites are commonly the spine, followed by pelvic
           bones. Very few cases of metastases to the skull have been   REFERENCES
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                                                                                                                          Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ June 15, 2016 ¦
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