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Figure 1: Novel therapeutic strategies for targeting cancer stem cells
            of  the  Notch  pathway  has  been implicated  particularly   SILENCING ONCOGENES
            in  breast  CSCs,  possibly  by  influencing  the  EMT  and
            contributing  to the invasiveness of the CSCs.  One   RNAi is biological processes in which small interfering
            group investigated the effects of the bioactive compound   RNAs (siRNA) cause complementary target mRNA to be
            psoralidin on Notch signaling in a breast cancer model. The   degraded, thereby silencing the gene. While there are many
            plant-derived drug inhibited Notch signaling in both bulk   RNAi-based strategies which target bulk tumor cells, fewer
            tumor  and CSCs, resulting  in decreased  mammosphere   studies have shown CSC-specific RNAi. One group used
            formation,  upregulation  of pro-apoptotic  proteins, and   lentiviral short hairpin RNA (shRNA) to silence the human
            inhibition of CSC proliferation.  Other studies have   papillomavirus gene E6 in CSC-enriched cervical cancers.
            demonstrated that inhibiting Notch signaling resensitizes   They discovered that after shRNA exposure, CSC growth
            breast cancer cells to doxorubicin and docetaxel. [28]  and sphere formation were dramatically inhibited. E6 is
                                                              upregulated in cervical CSCs, and E6 silencing also led to
            The Hedgehog signaling pathway may also contribute   decreased CSC self-renewal through TGF-β modulation.
            to CSC formation. Hedgehog signaling controls cell fate   Another study also used shRNA to silence HMGA1, an
            and proliferation in embryonic SCs, but dysregulation of   oncogene overexpressed in CD133  colon CSCs. HMGA1
            the pathway has been associated with CSC generation.   knockdown restored normal SC properties to CSCs,
            Cyclopamine  was  the  first  Hedgehog  antagonist  to  be   including quiescence, increased asymmetric division, and
            identified  and  its  effects  have  been  studied  in  many   decreased self-renewing division. HMGA1 silencing was
            cancers.   Cyclopamine  depleted  CSCs and  induced   also  linked  to  increased  p53  expression.  Both E6 and
            tumor regression in a chronic myeloid leukemia model,    HMGA1 may be viable targets for anti-CSC therapy.
            decreased  tumor  growth  rate  in  a  medulloblastoma
            model,  and inhibited proliferation of pancreatic CSCs. [32]  The application of RNAi in the clinic has been hampered
                                                              by the inability to deliver high enough doses to the tumor
            Hedgehog abnormalities  are linked to aberrant  Wnt   site. One group has used targeted siRNAs to downregulate
            pathway activity. It is believed that Wnt plays a role in   CSC oncogenes  in vivo. They used PEGylated  EpCAM
            maintaining the self-renewal capabilities of CSCs. CD44,   aptamers  to  guide  siRNA  to  EpCAM-overexpressing
            a CSC marker, is an important target for Wnt signaling, and   breast CSCs. The siRNA accumulated at the tumor site and
            CD44 knockdown resulted in decreased tumor formation in   resulted in an 80% knockdown of the survivin gene, which
            an intestinal cancer model.  Another group tested several   inhibits apoptosis and promotes chemoresistance in CSCs.
            small molecule antagonists of Wnt and reported reduced   When  combined  with  doxorubicin,  the  aptamer-siRNA
            mammosphere formation in vitro and halted tumor growth   chimera improved survival rates of tumor-bearing mice,
            in vivo in a breast cancer model. [34]            demonstrating the effectiveness of anti-CSC RNAi in vivo
                         Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ July 8, 2016 ¦           235
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