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as well as in vitro.                              accumulation of doxorubicin and a 4-fold resensitization. [44]

            TARGETING CSC SURFACE MARKERS                     Nanotechnology can be used alone or in combination with
                                                              drugs or RNAi of ABC transporters. Triblock copolymers
            One potential  CSC therapeutics approach  is targeting   by themselves have been shown to resensitize  P-gp-
            CSC surface  markers.  One  of  the  most  established  and   overexpressing  tumors  to  chemotherapeutic  drugs;  one
            commonly  used  CSC biomarkers is  CD44, which  is  a   group incorporated such a copolymer into polylactic acid
            cell-surface extracellular matrix receptor.  Many studies   micelles  and  reported  overcoming  multidrug  resistance
            represented CD44 antibody therapy as the major anti-CSC   (MDR) in a paclitaxel-resistant breast cancer cell line.
            approach. The first of these studies showed that H90 anti-  One ABC transporter inhibitor, ritonavir, was conjugated
            CD44 therapy successfully eradicated AML. [38]    with copolymer nanoparticles  to increase uptake into
                                                              tumor cells and enhance the cytotoxic effect of doxorubicin
            CD133 is a  transmembrane  glycoprotein  and  is another   in drug resistant murine leukemic cells.  Another study
            well-known CSC marker  in several  tumors such    suppressed P-gp using siRNA-loaded dextran polymeric
            as glioblastoma,  hepatocellular  and colon  cancers.   nanoparticles in conjunction with doxorubicin treatment. [47]
            CD133  CSCs have shown resistance to chemotherapy
            and radiotherapy due to their slower cell cycle, lower   ENHANCING IMMUNE RESPONSES
            proliferation, higher expression of DNA repair and anti-
            apoptotic  genes. [39,40]  In a study by Carter  et al.,  the   It is hypothesized that CSCs are able to evade cancer
            AC133  antibody  was  conjugated  to  a  potent  cytotoxic   immunosurveillance due to phenotypic and functional
            drug, monomethyl auristatin,  using a protease  cleavable   properties that allow them to survive in immunocompetent
            linker.  This  antibody  drug  conjugate  was  efficiently   hosts. Antitumor immune cells are detectable and relevant
            internalized, co-localized with the lysosome and showed   to disease prognosis. Tumor associated antigens (TAA)
            high effectiveness against hepatocellular cancer cells.  are  encoded  by  lineage  specific  genes  and  are  often
                                                              present  or  overexpressed  on  tumor  cells.  In patients
            EpCAM has been discovered as a CSC marker in solid   with metastatic melanoma, circulating CD8  T  cells
            tumors and is correlated  with all  the characteristics  of   targeting the  TAA MART-1 were detected, although
            CSCs. EpCAM /CD44 /CD24 population  in breast     they were functionally unresponsive. [49,50]  These TAA-
            cancer  had  a  significantly  higher  frequency  of  tumor-  specific T cells may be rendered anergic in vivo, and it
            initiating cells. Moreover, ovarian cancer cells with high   is also plausible that CSCs downregulate their expression
            EpCAM  expression  were  involved  in  EMT,  leading  to   of human leukocyte antigen class 1 molecules or TAAs
            metastasis. [2,41]  Humanized EpCAM antibodies have been   as another means of immunoevasion [49,50]  Consequently,
            successful in both preclinical  and early  clinical  studies,   immunotherapy has become one of the most promising
            showing potent anti-tumor activity. [38,41]
                                                              treatments for patients with metastatic cancer. Examples
            INHIBITING ABC TRANSPORTERS                       of strategies developed to enhance the host immune
                                                              system are nonspecific immunomodulation to activate the
            CSC chemoresistance is due in large part to the   host’s immune response, and adoptive cell transfer of ex
            overexpression  of  drug  efflux  pumps  such  as  ABC   vivo expanded lymphocytes, such as T cells and natural
            transporters. Several pharmacological  agents have   killer (NK) cells. [48,51]
            demonstrated  inhibitory  or neutralizing  effects  on these
            transporters. There are three generations of inhibitors of   Nonspecific  immunomodulation  includes  treatment  of
            one of the main ABC transporters, P-glycoprotein (P-gp).   patients  with metastatic cancer  using  FDA-approved
            However, none have been approved for clinical use due   cytokines  such  as  IFNα  and  IL-2. [48,52]  Administration
            to a lack of specificity and adverse side effects. Recently,   of  high  doses  of  IL-2  into  experimental  animals  was
            a  more  specific  P-gp  inhibitor,  vardenafil,  has  shown   reported to reduce lung and liver metastases, and further
            promise in mitigating the effects of P-gp overexpression.   investigation was conducted in human patients with
            Vardenafil appeared to directly block P-gp-mediated drug   metastatic melanoma, which demonstrated 15-20%
            efflux and resulted in increased intracellular concentration   objective clinical response. [53,54]  Several researches have
            and cytotoxicity of paclitaxel and vincristine. [42]  attempted to explain the role of IL-2 in immunomodulation,
                                                              and  proposed  that  IL-2  induces  expansion  of  T  cells
            RNAi has also been used to silence  ABC transporter   with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) -specific
            genes. siRNA targeting P-gp reversed drug resistance in   recognition  of  TAA  to  eliminate  target  cells. [54,55]   One
            a doxorubicin-resistant breast cancer model. Doxorubicin-  disadvantage  of  this  nonspecific  antitumor  immune
            resistant cell lines are enriched with CSCs upon prolonged   activation is it also upregulates the CD4 CD25  Foxp3 +
            doxorubicin  exposure.   Exposing  the  resistant,  CSC-  regulatory T cell (T ) population, which impedes general
            enriched cells to P-gp siRNA resulted in downregulation   antitumor  T cell function and contributes to tumor
            of P-gp gene expression and led to increased intracellular   immunoevasion. [52,56]
                                                                                                                          Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ July 8, 2016 ¦
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