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from a large Phase I dose expansion trial that have since   modified using a TGF-beta antisense plasmid to block TGF-
           been updated.                                      beta secretion. TGF-beta inhibits T and B cell activation,
                                                              dendritic cell maturation and antigen presentation, as well
           PD-L1 expressed on cancer  cells can bind to PD-1 on   nd natural killer (NK) and lymphokine  activated  (LAK)
           activated T cells to suppress the immune system.   activation.  TGF-beta  also induces  immunosuppressive  T
                                                              regulatory cells.
           MPDL3280A is an IgG1 monoclonal antibody against PD-L1
           that targets cancer cells expressing PD-L1, thus preventing   In addition  to  the  vaccines  described  above,  there  are
           the interaction  between PD-L1 and PD-1 expressed on   several  other  types of vaccines that  are  currently  being
           activated T cells. It is also engineered to prevent antibody-  evaluated in phase III studies. More effort is being invested
           dependent cell-mediated  cytotoxicity  (ADCC)  and   into developing new vaccines and combining vaccines
           complement mediated cytotoxicity in activated T cells that   with other immunologic agents, chemotherapy, or targeted
           may express PD-L1. Similarly, IgG1 monoclonal antibody   agents. Advances in DNA and RNA sequencing as well as
           MEDI4736 and IgG4 monoclonal BMS-936559 also target   drug development  may also ultimately  enable  the design
           PD-L1. BMS-936559 is a fully human antibody that is an   of personalized  vaccines  consisting  of antigens  uniquely
           IgG1 monoclonal  antibody  to  PDL1 with  an  engineered   expressed by tumour cells from a specific patient.
           Fc domain to eliminate MEDI4736 effector function (i.e.
           complement  mediated  cytotoxicity  and  ADCC). BMS-  CONCLUSION
           936559 is a fully  human  IgG4 monoclonal  antibody  to
           PDL1 which has been evaluated in a dose escalation phase   Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality
           I trial with expansion cohorts in NSCLC, melanoma, and   in the United States and worldwide. More than 80% of lung
           renal cell carcinoma. [24]                         cancer cases are classified as NSCLC. In the past decade,
                                                              there has been significant breakthrough in our understanding
           Vaccination                                        of the tumour biology of NSCLC. Signalling pathways that
           Non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) are characterized   are vital for tumour growth have been identified and have
           by several  genetic  alterations  in  neoantigens  that  can   been  effectively  targeted  pharmacologically.  This  article
           potentially be recognized by the immune system as foreign.   summarizes the implications of these advances for treating
           Vaccination enhances the body’s exposure to such antigens   lung cancer and highlights the ongoing work to improve
           and immune cell priming. Randomized trials are currently   clinical outcomes of this disease. Treatment of lung cancer
           focusing on approaches that couple tumour antigens or   has come a long way with greater use of molecular markers
           cells with immune adjuvant agents; such approaches may   and targets. Nonetheless, there is still much to be done to
           enhance the antigen presenting cell response to the vaccine.  help our fight against lung cancer.

           One example is the melanoma  associated antigen  A3   Acknowledgments
           (MAGE-A3)  vaccine.  The melanoma  associated antigen   Department  of Pathology,  Army Hospital Reseach and
           A3 (MAGE-A3 gene family consists of “cancer germline”   Referrral, New Delhi.
           or “cancer testis” genes that are normally expressed only
           on testicular germ cells and placental  trophoblasts.    Financial support and sponsorship
           Several tumours also express MAGE-A3,  including   Nil.
           30-50% of NSCLCs.  The GSK1572932  vaccine  is a
           recombinant MAGE-A3 protein vaccine combined with the   Conflicts of interest
           immunological adjuvant AS15.                       There are no conflicts of interest.

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                                                                                                                         Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ June 15, 2016 ¦
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