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DDR2 mutation                                      IMMUNE ACTIVATION AND CHECKPOINT
            The DDR2 gene encodes a cell surface RTK that is mutated   INHIBITION
            to an active form in about 4% of squamous cell carcinomas
            of the lung.  Dasatinib  inhibits DDR2, and one patient   Immune recognition is initiated by antigen presenting cells
            treated with the combination of dasatinib and erlotinib had   (APCs). When stimulated by antigens on cancer cells, APCs
            a tumour response. Clinical trials tomdetermine dasatinib   express B7-1 and B7-2 on their cell surface, and migrate to
            efficacy are underway.                             the lymph nodes to present the antigens to resting T cells.
                                                               The B7 proteins bind to CD28 on the T cells, initiating a
            MEK1 mutation                                      series of downstream signalling events that promotes the
            The MAP2K1 gene encodes the MEK1 protein, a central   activation, survival and proliferation of the target T cells.
            mediator  of cell proliferation  signals  that  is downstream   These activated T cells then release cytolytic enzymes such
            of RAF in the MAPK pathway. MAP2K1 mutations may   as perforin and granzyme, as well as cytokines that help
            be found in approximately 1% of adenocarcinomas.  The   recruit other members of the immune system to the cancer
            clinical  response of NSCLC with MAP2K1  mutation  to   cells.  The result is tumour destruction  and the creation
            MEK or ERK inhibitors is currently being investigated.  of memory T cells. Several immune checkpoints exist to
                                                               dampen the immune response to protect healthy individuals
            The accessibility  of mutation  analysis is limited  largely   from  detrimental  inflammation  and  autoimmunity.  Two
            due to the high cost, as well as the lack of quality control,   well-characterized  checkpoint  proteins, the cytotoxic
            uniformity  of techniques and standards among various   T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and the programmed
            laboratories. However, the cost for these tests may decrease   death receptor 1 (PD-1), are targets in NSCLC clinical
            when the reagents are purchased in bulk. The amount and   trials. The purpose of inhibiting these check point proteins
            quality  of  the  tumour  tissue  used  for  molecular  profiling   is to prevent their  interference with the elimination  of
            is also an important issue to consider, especially since the   cancer cells.
            tissue yield for lung cancer samples is limited by small core
            biopsies. Judicious use of IHC and conservation of samples   Antibodies targeting CTLA-4: ipilimumab
            for molecular testing would be helpful. Cell-free circular   Ipilimumab  is an IgG1 CTLA-4 monoclonal  antibody
            tumour DNA is also emerging as a useful tool for mutation   that  prolongs overall  survival  in patients  with  metastatic
            testing and therapeutic monitoring.                melanoma. Currently there is a phase III trial that compares
                                                               standard chemotherapy with carboplatin and paclitaxel with
            IMMUNOTHERAPY                                      the same regimen combined with concurrent  ipilimumab
                                                               for patients  undergoing chemotherapy  for treating  naive
            More  than  80%  of  lung  cancer  cases  are  classified  as   metastatic squamous cell NSCLC (NCT01285609).
            NSCLC.  Although  there  have  been  significant  advances
            in the treatment of subsets of patients with molecularly   Antibodies targeting PD-1 and PD-L1
            defined NSCLC, for instance, NSCLC positive for EGFR   Treatment  of NSCLC with  antibodies  against  PD-1
            mutation  and  ALK rearrangement,  the  improvement   and programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) has yielded
            of prognosis is still  modest for the majority  of NLCSC   encouraging results; early clinical trials showed a prolonged
            patients.  It is clear  that a plateau  has been reached  with   response to the antibody in patients with chemotherapy
            traditional chemotherapy, with minimal added benefit when   refractory metastatic  NSCLC. Randomized  phase III
            chemotherapy is combined with the angiogenesis inhibitor   trials to evaluate anti-PD-1 and anti-PD-L1 antibodies for
            bevacizumab.                                       metastatic  NSCLC treatment  are in progress,  and other
                                                               studies are investigating various combination strategies.
            Immunotherapeutic  approaches are based on the premise
            that  the  immune  system  plays  a  key  role  in  surveillance   Nivolumab is an IgG4 monoclonal antibody against PD-1
            and the eradication of malignancy, and tumours evolve in   that has been approved for both advanced squamous cell
            order to elude the immune system. These approaches differ   carcinoma  of the  lung and  unresectable  or metastatic
            from traditional chemotherapy and targeted therapies that   melanoma.  Nivolumab  received  US Food and Drug
            primarily  target  rapidly  dividing  cells  and key molecular   Administration  approval  on March 4, 2015 for the
            events that drive tumour growth and invasion.  The goal   treatment of patients with advanced squamous NSCLC with
            of immunotherapy  is to help  the host’s immune  system   progression, either  in concurrent  with or after  platinum-
            recognize that cancer cells are foreign in order to stimulate   based chemotherapy. This approval was based on results
            immune response.                                   from the CheckMate 017 and CheckMate 063 trials.

            Historically, non-small cell  lung cancer  (NSCLC was   Pembrolizumab,  an IgG4 monoclonal  antibody also
            considered  to  be  non-immunogenic).  Two approaches   targeting  PD-1, is a breakthrough therapeutic  agent  for
            to  harness the  immune  system are  of particular  interest:   treating advanced NLCLC that received FDA approval in
            immune checkpoint inhibition and vaccination.      late 2014.  The approval was  based on emerging results

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ June 15, 2016 ¦           217
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