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Table 5: EFS and OS of 418 DLBCNHL patients
            Group               n                   EFS                                    OS
                                     Median  2-year rate  5-year rate  P  Median  2-year rate  5-year rate  P
            All                418    22.0     47.8       30.4             28.6      53.3       37.9
            First line chemotherapy
             CHOP              351    32.2     55.3       36.0             49.5      61.8       45.0
             CVP                67    3.5       8.1         0      < 0.001  3.7       9.7        0      < 0.001
            Age (years)
             < 60              297    39.4     59.6       39.9             57.4      67.0       49.6
             ≥ 60              121    6.3      18.2        5.7     < 0.001  6.0      19.0       6.3     < 0.001
             Male              212    17.8     43.6       25.0             25.0      50.0       35.6
             Female            206    26.8     52.2       35.9     0.032   43.0      56.7       40.3     0.188
             No                293    35.2     56.0       36.2             53.7      63.3       46.4
             Yes               125    7.2      28.4       16.4     < 0.001  8.0      28.8       16.7    < 0.001
            Bulky disease
             Yes                46    13.9     34.8       24.6             17.0      43.5       31.2
             No                372    23.9     49.5       31.1     0.178   31.1      54.6       38.8     0.407
            B symptoms
             A                 218    28.8     54.7       36.4             46.2      60.0       42.8
             B                 200    16.0     40.2       32.6     0.002   18.0      45.8       32.6     0.003
             0-1               242    41.2     59.7       38.6             55.9      67.0       48.8
             2-4               176    9.7      31.2       18.9     < 0.001  10.6     34.2       22.7    < 0.001
             No                276    22.9     48.8       29.7             31.1      55.2       38.4
             Yes               142    18.0     45.8       31.8     0.738   21.8      49.5       37.1     0.376
             1.0                84    76.7     63.0       52.2              NR       68.1       5.6
             2.0               148    20.6     45.3       29.2             28.0      52.4       36.8
             3.0               142    19.1     44.4       21.3             25.6      50.3       32.8
             4.0                44    6.9      39.5       19.1     < 0.001  8.8      41.9       21.9    < 0.001
             1-2               232    26.0     51.6       37.4             44.2      57.3       43.4
             3-4               186    16.3     43.2       20.7     0.001   21.3      48.3       30.7     0.006
             Low                88    NR       72.0       57.6              NR       79.1       65.4
             Low intermediate  165    28.9     54.1       31.3             45.6      62.3       42.2
             High intermediate  104   14.1     39.3       21.3             16.3      42.5       27.2
             High               61    4.6       9.2         0      < 0.001  4.6      10.7        0      < 0.001
             0-1               107    52.0     62.4       84.2              NR       68.3       54.7
             2-3               311    17.8     42.8       24.1     < 0.001  20.5     46.5       32.1    < 0.001
             No                338    17.2     43.5       26.6             20.0      47.9       32.9
             Yes                80    50.7     66.1       46.0     < 0.001  72.5     77.5       58.8    < 0.001
            EFS: Event-free survival; OS: Overall survival; DLBCNHL: Diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; CHOP: Cyclophosphamide,
            doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone; CVP: Cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone; PS: Performance status; IPI: International
            prognostic index; aaIPI: Age adjusted international prognostic index; NR: Not reached

            combination of cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and   11-fold higher relative risk of death. CHOP-produced
            prednisolone (from 29.9% to 69.9%) in DLBCNHL     CR rates is comparable to those reported by Khaled
            treated solely by chemotherapy.  Achieving CR is   et al.,  Burton et al.,  Hallack Neto et al.  [Table 7].
            crucial for long-term survival and cure.  Our current   However, a large Egyptian study by Abdelhamid et al.
            study clearly shows that patients are failing to achieve   reported a 10% higher CR rate.  This latter study only
            CR only had a median OS of 4.4 months compared to   included younger patients with a maximum age of 60,
            76.8 months in those who achieved CR with almost   better PS, and lower aaIPI scores. In contrast, our current
            80                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ July 15, 2015 ¦
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