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Table 4: First-line treatments administered to DLBCNHL   has been  fi rmly established as the most effective single
            patients according to their age                   agent in the treatment of malignant lymphoma. [15,16]
            Characteristic  Sub-group     n (%)         P     The CHOP regime was invented in the late 1970’s and
                                     CHOP      CVP            after its effi cacy in NHL was established, it became
            No cycles 1st  Median    6 (1-9)  3 (1-8)  < 0.001  the standard of care as it produced high CR rate and
                           (range)                            durable effects. [15,17]  Its known adverse effects mainly
            Toxicity       No       181 (51.6)  51 (76.1)     affect the cardiovascular system. [15,16,18]  Reduction of
                           Yes      170 (48.4)  16 (23.9)  < 0.001  inter-treatment intervals (CHOP-14) and the addition of
            Early death*   No       321 (91.4)  38 (56.7)     rituximab (R-CHOP) were shown to improve treatment
                           Yes       30 (8.6)  29 (43.3)  < 0.001  outcomes.  CHOP-14 does not appear to be superior
            Fatigue        No       230 (65.5)  61 (91)       to CHOP-21 when given with rituximab, but associates
                           Yes      121 (34.5)  6 (9)  < 0.001  with increased toxicities, including an increased risk of
            Alopecia       No       230 (65.5)  62 (92.5)     Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia. Use of R-CHOP-21 is
                           Yes      121 (34.5)  5 (7.5)  < 0.001  recommended rather than R-CHOP-14.  This is primarily
            Anemia         No       333 (94.9) 67 (100.0)     due to decreased need for growth factor support, and a
                           Yes       18 (5.1)  0 (0)  0.092   lack of data showing the superiority of one regimen over
            Neutropenia    No       317 (90.3)  63 (94.0)     another in the rituximab era. More intensive chemotherapy
                           Yes       34 (9.7)  4 (6.0)  0.486  or additional agents have failed to show additional
            Thrombocytopenia No     343 (97.7)  67 (100)      benefi t.  However, elimination of anthracycline from
                           Yes       8 (2.3)   0 (0)  0.365   the treatment regimen reduced the CR rate, duration of
            GIT*           No       319 (90.9) 67 (100.0)     response and disease stabilization, and OS. [12,13]
                           Yes       32 (9.1)  0 (0)  0.005
            Skin           No       346 (98.6) 67 (100.0)     In the current study, 16% of DLBCNHL patients (67/418)
                           Yes       5 (1.4)   0 (0)  1.000   did not receive anthracycline, whereas other studies
            DVT            No       345 (98.3) 67 (100.0)     showed a higher percentage (20-67%) as they only
                           Yes       6 (1.7)   0 (0)  0.595   included patients aged 66 years or older. [12,19,20]  However,
            Liver          No       345 (98.3) 67 (100.0)     Link  et  al.  reported a lower percentage in an older
                           Yes       6 (1.7)   0 (0)  0. 595  population. Different studies in the different period of
            Response group  CR      245 (69.8)  20 (29.9)     time and inclusion criteria may explain this variance. The
                           No CR    106 (30.2)  47 (70.1)  < 0.001  rate of anthracycline use in the treatment of DLBCNHL
            Radiotherapy   No       273 (77.8)  65 (97.0)     did not vary with time, that is, between the pre-rituximab
                           Yes      78 (22.2)  2 (3.0)  0.001  era and the post-rituximab era.  Furthermore, similar
            *Early death after 1-2 courses of chemotherapy (response was   to other studies, [18,19,21]  our current study showed that
            not assessed). DLBCNHL: Diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin’s   older age and comorbidities were strong indictors of
            lymphoma; CHOP: Cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine,   treatment regimen selection without doxorubicin in
            and prednisone; CVP: Cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and   addition to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus
            prednisone; CR: Complete remission; PR: Partial remission;   but the lower relevance of kidney and liver disease.
            SD: Stable disease; GIT: Gastrointestinal toxicity in the form of   Pre-therapy heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and
            either: mucositis, diarrhea or constipation; DVT: Deep venous   older age were reported to be independent predictors
                                                              of cardiotoxicity and subsequent death from the same
                                                              cause. [22-24]  Our results also concur with those of van de
            95% CI: 66.3-75.0 months) [Figure 1].  At the last           [25]            [26]
            follow-up, 263 patients were deceased (199 in the CHOP   Schans et al.  and Peters et al.  regarding the impact
            group and 64 in the CVP group).  The median OS rate   of poor PS and estimated short survival on the likelihood
            was 28.6 (95% CI: 17.0-40.2) for this cohort of patients.   of treatment regimens without anthracycline. We showed
            However, the median OS rate was signifi cantly  longer   that early death, that is, following 1-2 chemotherapy
            in CHOP-treated patients than that of CVP-treated   courses was encountered more in the non-anthracycline
            patients (49.5  vs. 3.7 months; P  < 0.001;  Table 5).  The   group (43.3%  vs. 8.6%). Expected higher toxicities are
            median OS rate was also signifi cantly longer in young   another important reason. While this is diffi cult to assess
            patients without comorbidities, bulky disease or B   quantitatively before therapy is given, it was confi rmed
            symptoms, good   PS, lower stages, and IPI or aaIPI scores   by the higher rates of toxicities in the CHOP compared
            or patients who received consolidation radiotherapy. The   to the CVP group (48.4% vs. 23.9%).
            multivariate analysis showed that age > 60 years, poor   The lower response rate with the CVP regimen without
            aaIPI scores, and not receiving CHOP or radiotherapy   anthracycline  than  anthracycline-containing  CHOP
            were independent predictors of poor OS [Table 6].  regimen confi rms the established fact that anthracycline
                                                              is the most active single agent in the treatment of
                                                              lymphoma. [12,13,15,16]  In the current study, doxorubicin
            Since its development in the late 1960’s, doxorubicin   contributed almost 40% of the CRs exceeding the
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