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Characterization and Molecular Profi ling  of      remain in the circulation.  There are reports suggesting
            CTCs                                              that CTCs bearing mutations, such as upregulation of
                                                              CD47, help them in escaping attack by natural killer
            We have discussed various CTCs enrichment techniques   cells and macrophages. Similarly, downregulation of
            which are being used for isolation of CTCs from   chaperone protein-calreticulin again helps them to dodge
            metastatic cancer patients. However, none of them has   the immune system. [47,48]  Schölch et al.  in their studies
            achieved much of quantitative success. The results have   have referred this state as an “immune-evasive” to the
            shown a great amount of variation from 10% to 90%   period between EMT and MET in circulation.  Thus,
            of isolated CTCs and hence, it is crucial to analyze the   overall it seems that CTCs have very evolved mechanisms
            collected cells for their quantity as well as their exact   to maintain and express their invasive aggressive nature
            phenotype.  A numerical indication of collected CTCs   by surpassing the body’s natural immune system.
            may not be able to reveal the true picture of the type
            of cells isolated from cancer patients. Similarly, tumor   CTCs in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and
            cells can undergo a variety of changes and be present in   Treatment
            heterogeneous subpopulations. Hence, a mere number of
            CTCs can lead to faulty conclusions. Therefore, there is   Breast cancer is one of the most common types of
            a need for true characterization of these isolated CTCs   cancer detected in women. Last two decades, due to
            cells to come to logical conclusions. Molecular profi ling   early diagnosis and advancement in treatment protocols,
            of these isolated cells will crystallize the picture, as it   breast cancer mortality has been considerably reduced.
            reveals the true nature of the isolated CTCs cells.  However, there is no hope of survival when patient
                                                              condition progresses to the metastatic stage. Recent
            A fundamental process in EMT, down-regulates      studies have shown that CTCs which are shed from
            E-cadherin, which can be attained by many transcriptional   tumor are mediator of metastatic dissemination and form
            factors.  Most of the molecular markers that have been   micrometastasis at distant organs.  Due to advancement
            isolated for characterizing CTCs are EMT indicators.   in technology, several methods have been established
            During EMT process, a metastatic cell goes through a   to isolate CTCs from metastatic breast cancer patients.
            lot of modifi cations at cellular and molecular levels and   CTCs derived from breast cancer patients are among
            many genes undergo transcriptional alterations.  Some   the most extensively studied for diagnosis and treatment
            of these genes play a role in initiating the effect of EMT   of breast cancer.   There is a direct co-relation of
            while others play a role in regulating and maintaining   CTCs with disease prognosis and survival has been
            its transited state.  The other factors like infl ammatory   reported in many cases. It has been shown that if
            cytokines and physical changes in the tumor       there is more number of CTCs, there are less chances
            microenvironment also play a role in EMT promotion.    of survival.   The progression of the disease and its
            TWIST1 and  TWIST2 genes are most strongly expressed   response to treatment can be very well-monitored by
            genes in EMT process which are responsible for inducing   characterizing CTCs which are disseminated from
            transformation alone or in co-operation with other   the primary tumor. It has shown that the presence of
            factors such as TGFβ, Wnt,  Notch,  etc.  E-cadherin is   CTCs, despite of ongoing treatment, is an indicative of
            one of the most important proteins for maintaining the   worse overall survival.  Hence, it is very important to
            epithelial nature of cells. Snail1 and Snail2 suppress the   characterize CTCs for better understanding of this disease
            transcription of E-cadherin as well as  Zeb1 and  Zeb2   progression and cure. [51]
            genes.  This results into downregulation of E-cadherin,   Due to large size and few numbers of CTCs in blood
            which leads to initiation of EMT process. [41,42]  Other   circulation of metastatic breast cancer patients, the
            gate keeper’s genes of epithelial state, such as alpha and   isolation and enumeration of captured CTCs have proven
            gamma catenins are also been down-regulated along with   to be of prognostic value in breast cancer evaluation
            downregulation of E-cadherin in this process. [43,44]
                                                              and treatment. One of technologies presently in use is
            Induction of certain mesenchymal characters during EMT   the CellSearch  system, which works on a principle
            process requires upregulation of two extracellular matrix   of selecting CTCs as per the positive expression for
            proteins, that is, vimentin and  fi bronectin in these cells   EpCAM and cytokeratin (CK) protein on the surface
            which escape the barriers of local tissue and proceeded   of these cells.   Although it has proven greatly useful
            for invasion. Similarly, other genes such as N-cadherin,   and reproductive, it may limit the selection due to EMT
            CD44, intergrin  β6 are also implicated for proper   transition process. CTCs which have undergone EMT
            migration of these cells. [43-46]  Even understanding the   will show downregulation of epithelial markers including
            mutational changes, abnormal size, and characteristics   EpCAM.  In some cases, it has been observed that
            of CTCs, scientists are still pondering over the fact that   HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer shows the
            these cells are able to survive in an environment which   presence of EpCAM negative CTCs.  Hence, EpCAM
            is totally hostile for them. It is postulated that out of the   independent methods could fetch an increase in number
            several hundred CTCs shed by the tumor, only a few   of capture of CTCs. Second, detecting CTCs on the

            48                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ July 15, 2015 ¦
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