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from prostate cancer patient’s blood and confi rmed   this method. Galletti  et  al.  made use of prostate
            for their malignant origin and hormone-regulated   cancer-specifi c antibodies i.e. prostate-specifi c membrane
            expression of ERG1.  Thus, CTCs hold great potential   antigen, PSA, prostate specifi c stem cell antigen and
            to identify and stage the prostate cancer with minimal   EpCAM to evaluate isolation of CTCs in the metastatic
            invasive procedures.  Giesing  et  al.  have identifi ed   stage of disease which might escape EpCAM specifi c
            overexpression of  fi ve genes, namely,  SOD2,  GPX1,   selection.  They have indicated isolation of specifi c
            AR,  cyclin  B, and  bFGF which have predicted the   CTCs including the one which undergoes EMT and
            clinical stage of metastasis and 3 of these genes are   escape EpCAM selection and organ-specifi c CTCs in the
            related to bone metastasis.  CTCs are known for their   metastatic stage of prostate cancer. [81]
            heterogeneity acquired due to frequent transitions from
            epithelial to mesenchymal state. Some of these EMT   CTCs in Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis and
            mutations are more frequent in castration-resistant   Treatment
            prostate cancer than compared to hormone-sensitive   Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most dreaded
            prostate cancer.  They can be used to identify specifi c   diseases and has its poor prognosis.  Although survival
            targets in variants of the same type of cancer.  These   rates have drastically improved over time, timely
            mutations can be used as a checkpoint and also help to   prognosis would aid the treatment to a great extent using
            speed up this testing as well as validation of upcoming   CTCs testing.  The data available for earlier stages are
            therapies. In prostate cancer, CTCs have been proposed   yet bare and lacks good sample size for studies on CRC.
            to act as intermediate or surrogate endpoints for survival   Romiti  et  al.  have analyzed the prognostic role of
            and to shorten timelines for drug approval. [73,74]
                                                              CTCs, highlighting the importance of CTCs count before
            Changes in levels of CTCs can be correlated with the   and after chemotherapy. However, to avoid misleading
            disease status. Patients with lower levels of CTCs have   CTCs counts after surgery, it has been suggested that
            shown slower disease progression in comparison to those   there should be a time gap of at least 24 h prior to
            having a higher amount of CTCs.  CTCs are sure to   post-surgical sampling.  This is because the procedure
            provide a better overall picture of the state of disease   may contribute to a temporary rise in CTCs which are
            as there are molecular variations in different sites of   rapidly cleared within 24 h. CTCs follow-up for patients
            metastasis. Shaffer  et  al.  demonstrate an example of   with the aggressive disease can form an inevitable tool
            variation in EGFR ranging from 0% to 100%. Hence,   and also help in selecting better emphatic treatments. [82,83]
            understanding the heterogeneity in the disease cannot be   Barbazán et al.  have done molecular profi ling of CTCs
            understood from the single site biopsy and profi ling  of   derived from metastatic CRC. They have studied various
            these CTCs becomes a necessity. Leversha et al.  have   molecular markers, such as  VCL, ITGB5, BMP6 for
            shown that molecular characterization of CTCs may be   invasive phenotype, TLN1, APP, CD9, LIMS1, and RSU1
            possible for reporting genomic amplifi cation of AR and   for adhesion and migration for deeper understanding
            chromosomal instability in prostate cancer patients. There   of the behavior of these prostate cancer cells.  These
            is very much high expression of MYC and TMPRSS-ETV   markers can be used to profi le the type of tumor and to
            genes and downregulation of  PTEN.  Such copy     assist in selecting a suitable treatment. In some reports,
            number alterations have been related to aggressive   researchers claim that a higher amount of CTCs is
            tumors.  CTCs exome sequencing has proven its clinical   reported in mesenteric blood rather than peripheral blood.
            signifi cance. Major percentage of cancer mutations are   CTCs can be used to diagnose patients symptomatic for
            detected in CTCs, which matched the primary tumor.   CRC in addition to fecal occult and lower gastrointestinal
            Furthermore, a great percentage of mutations could be   endoscopy.  Like other malignancies, dormancy of
            predicted and matched with the metastatic site of tumor.   CTCs in CRC is another aspect to discuss because even
            The presence of more than 5 CTCs in 7.5 mL of blood   after signifi cant exposure to treatment, some CTCs
            has been related to poor outcome of the disease treatment   continue to be detected in the circulation. Molnar et al.
            in metastasis.  Hence, not only is it benefi cial  in   mention about detection of CTCs as individual cells or as
            providing prognostic information, but it can also act as a   clusters by a CK-based, immunomagnetic cell separation
            gateway to treat those patients in a better manner whose   method.  Although the number of CTCs decreases with
            tumors do not shed CTCs. [79]                     the progressing treatment methods, at least a few of
                                                              these cells or clusters are observed to be circulating in
            Newer technologies continue to emerge with the growing   the blood stream for a long time despite operation. This
            research. Lu et al.  have introduced NanoVelcro CTCs   could be explained by assuming that some CTCs remain
            chip which claims to have better and reproducible   dormant in condition for long durations and that they still
            results as compared to FDA approved CellSearch  kit.   continue to be present in the circulation.
            Olmos  et  al.  have made use of reverse transcription
            polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify telomerase   Mutational analyses of CRC derived CTCs carried out by
            activity in CTCs for which they are very sensitive.   Bork et al.  have pointed out some clinically signifi cant
            However, individual CTCs can be identifi ed  with   characteristics. In particular, KRAS mutant CTCs are
            50                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ July 15, 2015 ¦
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