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kinases, 30% of new efforts by pharmaceutical companies   with cytotoxic, hormonal or targeted agents. BMS-754807
            are dedicated to develop new kinase inhibitors with many   in  combination  with  docetaxel  showed  more  than
            already  approved  or  in  clinical  trials.  Few  examples   additive effi cacy in triple negative breast cancer.  There
            of  TKIs  for  GFRs  are  enlisted  in  Table  4.  Chemo-  or   are  now  several  clinical  trials  (phase  I  and  II)  ongoing
            radio-therapeutic  agents  are  often  combined  with  TKIs   with  BMS-754807-including  combinations.  Co-targeting
            to  increase  therapeutic  effi cacy.  The  IGF1R  inhibitor,   of  IGF1R  and  IR  with  OSI-906  inhibitor  showed
            BMS-754807  showed  higher  effi cacy  when  combined   superior antitumor activity compared to targeting IGF1R

            Table 4: Some TKI for GFRs for treating cancer
            Name of    Target     Targeted stages  Indication      Mechanism of   Resistance   Status (highest
            TKI                                                    action                      level)
            Gefi tinib  ErbB-1, -2   Inhibits    Breast and lung    Binds reversible  Yes       Approved
                       and -3     anti-apoptotic   cancers (effective in   to the ATP   (overexpression
                                  signals, induces   cancers with mutant   binding site   FGF2/FGFR1
                                  anti-angiogenic   and overactive EGFR)  of receptor   signal was found
                                  activity                         and inhibits   to be accountable
            Erlotinib  ErbB1      Induces cell   NSCLC, pancreatic   formation of   for resistance   Approved
                                  cycle arrest and   cancer (more effective   phosphytyrosine  in NSCLC cell
                                  apoptosis, inhibits  in cancers with mutant   residues in   lines)
                                  angiogenesis  and overactive EGFR)  receptor
            BMS-754807  IGF1R     Inhibits growth of  Neoplasms, breast   Reversibly   Yes     Clinical
            (single or   (and insulin   tumors, induces   cancer, advanced   inhibits IGF1R   (overexpression   trials (phase I-II)
            coupled with  receptor)  apoptosis, plays   metastatic solid tumors phosphorylation  of PDGFRα
            cytotoxic/            signifi cant role                               is found to be
            hormonal/             in mitogenesis,                                responsible
            targeted              angiogenesis                                   for acquiring
            agent)                and tumor cell                                 resistance)
                                  survival, enhances
                                  effi cacies of
                                  attached drugs
            Axitinib   VEGFR 1-3   Inhibits cell   Breast cancer, renal   Binds with   Yes (multi-drug   Approved for
            (single or   (thought   growth in   cell carcinoma,    VEGFR and     transporter   metastatic renal
            combined   to act on   xenograft models,  hepatocellular   inhibits receptor  proteins, ABCB1,  cell carcinoma
            with drugs)  PDGFR also) enables to inhibit   carcinoma, advanced   activation   and ABCG2 may  and advanced
                                  angiogenesis,   pancreatic cancer,   through   play role)    pancreatic cancer,
                                  vascular      glioblastomamultiforme phosphorylation         clinical trials (phase
                                  permeability                                                 I-II) are ongoing
                                  and blood                                                    for different
                                  fl ow, decreases                                              malignancies
            Sunitinib/  VEGFR;    Inhibits cell   Renal cell carcinoma,   Selectively   Yes (activation   Approved
            SU11248    PDGFRβ     growth and    gastrointestinal tumor,  inhibits VEGFR2  of sphingosine   for renal cell
            (single or   (also target   angiogenesis,   colorectal neoplasm,   and PDGFRβ   kinase 1 is   carcinoma, clinical
            attached   some other   delays tumor   metastatic breast   phosphorylation  account for   trials (phase I-II)
            with drugs)  RTK)     progression   cancer             (in a time- and   acquired   for other cancer
                                                                   dose-dependent   resistance in renal
                                                                   manner)       cell carcinoma)
            TKI258     VEGFR;     Inhibits cell   Mammary tumors,   Competes     NA            Preclinical
                       PDGFR;     motility and   multiple myeloma,   with ATP for
                       FGFR       growth, delays   colon cancer,   the binding
                                  established tumor  pancreatic cancer  site, inhibits
                                  growth, inhibits                 GFR-mediated
                                  metastasis,                      signals
            Clinical phase studies are checked in site. The action of TKIs on cancer progression stages (targeted stages) and
            mechanism of action are given based on studies of cell line studies and animal models. TKI: Tyrosine kinase inhibitor; NA: Not available data;
            NSCLC: Nonsmall cell lung cancer; EGFR: Epidermal growth factor receptor; VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factor; PDGFR: Platelet-
            derived growth factor receptor; RTK: Receptor tyrosine kinase; ATP: Adenosine tyrosine phosphate; FGFR: Fibroblast growth factor
            receptor; VEGFR: Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor; GFR: Growth factor receptor

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